Current master post-4.1.3

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  • Pete Mack
    • Apr 2007
    • 6883

    And recharge is anither thing. It is essentially the old recharge I spell, which doesn't work on devices like staff of speed. Make it do something like 25 + (DL-25)*2 + ADJ_MAGIC. That makes it good all through the game.


    • Nick
      Vanilla maintainer
      • Apr 2007
      • 9630

      Originally posted by Pete Mack
      The new rogue is kinda boring. The *only* major non-utility spells are detect monster and detect objects--nearly everything else is just a convenient substitute for magic devices, or otherwise not all that useful. Hit-and-run would be a nice melee escape except it leaves the monster aggravated. Create doors and stairs were more useful.
      Aggravation happens on any badly failed stealing attempt, regardless of whether Hit and Run has been cast.

      The way stealing works is that player stealing skill and monster reaction are calculated as follows:
      		int guard = (mon->race->level * (unique ? 4 : 3)) / 2 +
      			mon->mspeed - player->state.speed;
      		int steal_skill = player->state.skills[SKILL_STEALTH] +
      		if (player->timed[TMD_BLIND] || player->timed[TMD_CONFUSED] ||
      			player->timed[TMD_IMAGE]) {
      			steal_skill /= 4;
      		if (mon->m_timed[MON_TMD_SLEEP]) {
      			guard /= 2;
      		monster_reaction = guard / 2 + randint1(MAX(guard / 2, 1));
      		monster_reaction += obj->weight / 10;
      and then
      • If monster reaction is less than steal skill, theft is successful and monster gets a small reduction in sleep (less if the player is stealthy);
      • If monster reaction is less than twice steal skill, theft fails and monster wakes;
      • If monster reaction is greater than twice steal skill, theft fails, monster wakes and is aggravated.
      As Voovus said, stealing has been considerably nerfed from its original status; maybe it needs a bit of restoration. I like the idea of a sneak strike too.

      Recharge still definitely needs work. In fact, my assessment of the current status of the master branch is that all the major components are in place, but there is considerable balancing required.
      One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
      In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


      • Chud
        • Jun 2010
        • 309

        Necromancer information leak bug (unless maybe dungeon walls are mostly mica, anyway) - sorry if this has been posted before; I didn't see it.

        When it's dark and necromancer-friendly, monsters that illuminate their surroundings also illuminate the other side of the wall they're near. In this case, there's an apprentice on the other side of this wall. You can see the light moves as he does; I merely pressed '5' between these two snaps:


        • Chud
          • Jun 2010
          • 309

          Actually it looks like this also applies to lighted rooms on the other side of a wall. I'm guessing this is already known, huh... :-)


          • Voovus
            • Feb 2018
            • 158

            More comments on monsters (old and new), after a few playthroughs with different characters. With apologies for the ridiculous length.

            * Gothmog & Lungie - I like their new ability to bash through walls, which has made them much more respectable.
            * Greater balrogs - I don't like their new ability to bash through walls coupled with their tendency to be wide awake. The main annoyance comes from levels with demon pits.
            * Balrog of Moria - maybe give this chap the bash through walls ability too? In Moria, the Balrog could move through walls. Also, the name sticks out. (How about Durin's Bane the Balrog or something?)
            * Lesser balrogs - could these be renamed and Greater balrogs renamed to Balrogs? As things stand, I find they spoil the atmosphere by reducing the dread we should have of the other balrogs.
            * Wild dogs - was there a problem with jackals? (The old name had a bit more flavour for me.)
            * Creeping coins - the higher level coins usually give very little $ compared to their inanimate counterparts.
            * Tan bats - I like the new flocks or terror inducing bats.
            * Trees - should they resist poison?
            * Trees - feel a bit off balance; these guys (huorns and up) are very tough for their native depth, seem to be rather numerous and wake up fairly easily. Maybe slow them down or make them ignore @ more?
            * Winged horror - make it evil?
            * Orc trackers - currently can't open doors.
            * Hydras - why do 8+ headed hydras drain exp? Feels thematically off.
            * Druadan druid - I had this guy shapechange to a brown mold. Amusing, but perhaps unintended?
            * Deathwatch beetle - this chap got stuck in web. I'm happy with insects getting stuck, which is quite amusing, but wanted to flag it in case it's a bug (no pun intended...)
            * Brodda - should he be evil? My history is a bit rusty.

            Monster related:
            * Nexus Q, Mage and others - any chance to make nexus resistance block their teleport away spell? The spell is mostly just annoying, and it would increase the value of the resistance.
            * Cold immunity blocks the damage from the ice spear spell (Cantoras et al), but does not block the stun effect.
            * Can a dying monster drop loot through a wall? My impression is that if there's a long wall of thickness 1, then a monster dying on one side of the wall can sometimes drop loot on the other side of the wall. Possibly this doesn't happen with permanent walls.
            * There are lots of monsters past 2500 or so that "aren't worth fighting" and just get TO'd away. (Not offering a solution here.)
            * Hitting a greater basilisk with a weapon that is both cold and fire imbued (fire slightly stronger) triggered the fire attack, even though GB is hurt by cold.


            • Derakon
              • Dec 2009
              • 9022

              I don't have much of an opinion about your other notes, but
              Originally posted by Voovus
              * Cold immunity blocks the damage from the ice spear spell (Cantoras et al), but does not block the stun effect.
              You just got hit by a sharp rock made of ice. Cold resistance will only help so much in that situation.


              • Diego Gonzalez
                • May 2007
                • 170

                Originally posted by Nick
                In fact, my assessment of the current status of the master branch is that all the major components are in place, but there is considerable balancing required.
                I think someone posted that the druid lightning strike spell has a strange behavior.

                I can confirm that the spell works fine when you target a monster. But when you use the arrow keys without (no specific monster) the ball effect explodes over the player.

                About NPP traps... They are useful in early-mid game. At clvl 26 you get an extra trap. Later, most intelligent monsters are aware of them (Ancient Dragons, etc.).

                There is an advanced dispel trap that does a nice amount of damage but you have to lure a nearby low level monster into it to be able to hurt a high level monster (indirect way).

                In the late game, rogues use more melee and the bonus to slings than traps. I think that rogue is the most fun class to play in NPP (melee, sling, traps, utility spells, stealth)


                • Chud
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 309

                  I did once see someone - enchantress, I think - shape change into a unique. Although I don't feel too strongly about that overall, it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.


                  • Pete Mack
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 6883

                    I agree NPP rogues are a lot of fun. It is worth noting that they also get all the red book buffing spells: resistwnces, haste, ammo brand, etc. Those are all hugely powerful.


                    • schatz
                      • Jun 2014
                      • 37

                      Pile integrity failure

                      Compiled from master @ 4dab013169b4746e41b16d9cc08c59d4fafad6f2 on macbook.

                      Pile integrity failure at obj-pile.c:144

                      Guilty object
                      Name: & Arrow~

                      Guilty pile
                      Name: [Lesser Charms]
                      Name: Heroism
                      Name: Word of Recall
                      Name: Cure Serious Wounds
                      Name: [Gifts of Nature]
                      Name: Light
                      Name: Treasure Location
                      Name: & Short Bow~
                      Name: Cure Critical Wounds
                      Name: Curing
                      Name: Speed
                      Name: & Pair~ of Leather Sandals
                      Name: Clear Mind
                      Name: Studded Leather Armour~
                      Name: Light
                      Name: & Metal Cap~
                      Name: & Elfstone~
                      Name: Teleportation
                      Name: Protection
                      Name: Light
                      Name: & Arrow~
                      Name: Frost Bolts
                      Name: Fire Bolts
                      Name: Teleport Other
                      Name: & Set~ of Leather Gloves
                      Name: & Lantern~
                      Name: & Large Metal Shield~
                      Name: & Fur Cloak~
                      Name: Restore Mana
                      Name: & Morning Star~
                      Name: Lightning
                      Name: Slow Monster
                      Name: & Rapier~
                      Name: & Amulet~
                      Name: & Arrow~
                      Name: & Arrow~


                      • Chud
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 309

                        I'm afraid I have to say that I'm finding my current necromancer pretty frustrating to play; at CL21, DL16, I have to run away from the vast majority of fights.

                        Mana pool is too small (INT 17) and nether bolt damage is too low to go the distance against anything other than weak solo monsters. I know disenchant, but with only enough mana to cast it twice at 43% fail, that's no use. I end up playing as a weak melee character now, and bad at that.

                        Almost everything "resists somewhat" against nether bolt; what does that mean exactly?

                        Necromancer may get powerful later, but lemures and middle-management orcs are laughing now...


                        • wobbly
                          • May 2012
                          • 2627

                          Originally posted by Chud
                          Almost everything "resists somewhat" against nether bolt; what does that mean exactly?
                          Anything that is evil resists nether:

                          undead - 0 damage
                          IM_NETHER - takes 1/2 to 1/4 damage
                          Evil - takes 1/2 damage

                          Note this system was made for a game where the player never used nether, where monsters only took Nether damage from friendly fire. It has been changed in CPB (good change in my opinion). I'm not sure that the lowly kobold tanking nether bolts actually makes sense.


                          • fph
                            • Apr 2009
                            • 1030

                            What do necromancers wear in the light source slot? Maybe there could be a non-artifact item such as a "lantern of unlight" that they can use with some advantage?

                            EDIT: also, I guess it would be thematic if necromancers resisted darkness.
                            Last edited by fph; April 22, 2019, 11:51.
                            Dive fast, die young, leave a high-CHA corpse.


                            • Diego Gonzalez
                              • May 2007
                              • 170

                              Originally posted by Chud
                              I'm afraid I have to say that I'm finding my current necromancer pretty frustrating to play; at CL21, DL16, I have to run away from the vast majority of fights.
                              I used a good bow in the early levels until disenchant became more useful (quite fast actually). Elemental rings help a lot too. The bat shapeshift is quite handy for escape and stealth.

                              In that stage the necro has to use plenty of extra-resources to level up. I dont think that it's a bad thing, but anyway, I suggest that noxious fumes should get a power boost. The druid has a poison ball spell that is nicer and cheap, 2 sp.

                              I lost my necro savefile, but it was a killing machine. Just be careful with mobs.


                              • Chud
                                • Jun 2010
                                • 309

                                Originally posted by Diego Gonzalez
                                I lost my necro savefile, but it was a killing machine. Just be careful with mobs.
                                I haven't played a necro yet that was anywhere near a killing machine... but maybe using a half-troll doesn't work as well, since that effectively caps INT at 17 until I get deep enough to start getting boosts through gear and potions.

                                My most recent one died to a huorn (which had been summoned by a Q) which kept teleporting me back to it as I tried to escape. Possibly it was just a bad RNG game too.

