Just chatting about a game

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  • Pete Mack
    • Apr 2007
    • 6697

    Originally posted by Petoften
    I'm playing a warrior troll.
    0. Get an escape. For you that means staff of teleportation (as well as any scroll escapes* from black market.) Noisy warriors with no detection *WILL* get ambushed by something they cant kill. (Ibsects that confuse, blind, or shriek are most likely.)

    0.5. Start collecting CCW. Soon this will replace all CSW and neutralize poison better to have too much than too little.

    1. Sell mysterious useless stuff for identification.

    2. Use amulet of res elec

    3. Only useful wands for troll warrior are Teleport Other(!), disable/disarm traps, and stone to mud (until you find a better digger.)

    4. Go deeper. DL 30 should always be your initial goal. That's where stat potions are native; loot is better, too.

    5. Carry sources of Illumination. Staff of light or Rod of Illumination. Rods of light for hallways. This cuts chance of ambush by a lot, until you get ESP and detection. Also allows better archery
    6. Look for source of res fire, even as swap. Most Important resists are fire cold elec poison acid, in that order. Disenchantment is important for warrior, too, but it isn't usually fatal.


    • Pete Mack
      • Apr 2007
      • 6697

      Two more points:
      You have a lot of junk in inventory. E.g. You'll never use the ring of slow digestion again. Drop it.
      Carry hero or berserk instead of boldness, which is essentially worthless.


      • Petoften
        • Jun 2018
        • 566

        Originally posted by Pete Mack
        0. Get an escape. For you that means staff of teleportation (as well as any scroll escapes* from black market.) Noisy warriors with no detection *WILL* get ambushed by something they cant kill. (Ibsects that confuse, blind, or shriek are most likely.)

        0.5. Start collecting CCW. Soon this will replace all CSW and neutralize poison better to have too much than too little.

        1. Sell mysterious useless stuff for identification.

        2. Use amulet of res elec

        3. Only useful wands for troll warrior are Teleport Other(!), disable/disarm traps, and stone to mud (until you find a better digger.)

        4. Go deeper. DL 30 should always be your initial goal. That's where stat potions are native; loot is better, too.

        5. Carry sources of Illumination. Staff of light or Rod of Illumination. Rods of light for hallways. This cuts chance of ambush by a lot, until you get ESP and detection. Also allows better archery
        6. Look for source of res fire, even as swap. Most Important resists are fire cold elec poison acid, in that order. Disenchantment is important for warrior, too, but it isn't usually fatal.
        Are staff or teleportation and amulet of resist electricity sold or found?

        Aren't the staffs of illumination used up fast if I use them each room/hall?

        What would a warrior get for disenchantment?

        Is there anything for preventing confusion before finding an item that has protection?


        • Petoften
          • Jun 2018
          • 566

          Originally posted by Pete Mack
          Two more points:
          You have a lot of junk in inventory. E.g. You'll never use the ring of slow digestion again. Drop it.
          Carry hero or berserk instead of boldness, which is essentially worthless.
          I had boldness because sometimes a monster caused fear. Not needed?

          So you'd drop potion of neut poison, wands of light, confuse monster and light, and staff of detect invisible?

          Sometimes I get attacked by invisible things...


          • Petoften
            • Jun 2018
            • 566

            How about potion of heroism?

            Hm, found a ring of damage +8... have that or the reckless attacks (3,3) but did I see the latter has +10% damage? One or the other since I'm wearing free action.
            Last edited by Petoften; July 1, 2018, 01:05.


            • Pete Mack
              • Apr 2007
              • 6697

              Heroism and staff of teleportation are found in stores. Heroism is far better than boldness because it prevents fear for about 20 turns, and gives you better accuracy.
              Amulet of res elec should be all over the floor around DL 20. Keep an eye out.

              Staff of light has a ton of charges, and you only need to use it in big rooms where there's lots of exploring.
              CCW and CSW cure confusion. Mushroom of clear mind prevents it temporarily , but is really rare. You are better off just avoiding monsters that hit to confuse (or shooting them) The staff will eventually get you away, but Troll warrior has a really high fail rate when confused.

              For disenchantment resistance: various artifacts and ego shields grant it, along with a very deep amulet. Again: this is what archery is for.


              • Petoften
                • Jun 2018
                • 566

                Drop the armor of resist acid [12,+5] for the mail I just found with [38, +4]?


                • Pete Mack
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 6697

                  Leave it at home in case you are desperate for res acid later. But you certainly don't need it much before DL 35 or so. Bottom line: before DL 40, your equipment just doesn't matter, so long as you have FA, SI, and plenty of damage.


                  • luneya
                    • Aug 2015
                    • 279

                    Either heroism or berserk strength will do a better job vs fear than boldness. They not only cure fear, but prevent it from being reinflicted, and also boost your attack. Boldness potions have a purchase price of 8 gp for a reason--they're among the most worthless objects in the game.

                    IIRC, warrior gets intrinsic resist fear at CL 30, after which it's probably not worth carrying potions of heroism or berserk either. At least not under normal circumstances; some people like to bring those sorts of buffing potions along for the Morgoth battle, and then quaff them en masse while waiting for Morgy to arrive at the chosen battlefield.

                    Rings of accuracy are important for anyone who depends on archery as the main attack (i.e., rangers), as damage rings only work on melee. As a HT warrior, you should be using melee as the main attack, so damage ring is strictly better. However, according to your dump, you don't have a damage ring yet, but only +3/+3 reckless attacks. Accuracy is probably more useful than that one, but keep in mind that it's just a temporary slot-filler. What you really want is either ring of damage or ring of dexterity. Also try to replace that ring of free action with either boots or gloves of free action (check the armor shop), and then use the second ring slot for something more useful--having both a damage ring and a dex ring would be ideal at this point in the game, though two damage rings is nothing to sneeze at either.

                    For illumination: eventually you'll find the Phial of Galadriel, and for a warrior this will be your light source for most of the game. Eventually, you will also find rods of illumination, which will allow you to switch your light to the Star of Elendil or to a Lantern of True Sight if you want. Scrolls and staves of light are just a stopgap until you find those things, and as such are highly recommended. I usually use them an any room that is significantly wider than my light radius.

                    Wands of light are the best way to light up corridors, which makes fighting in said corridors much easier. They're worth keeping around, but not saving for a rainy day. Either use them regularly for a combat advantage, or leave them on the floor. Don't worry about running out of charges; you can get recharge scrolls in town, and they pretty much always succeed on low-level wands like that.

                    CSW and CCW should cure confusion. Mushroom of clear mind both cures and prevents it. Some artifacts prevent confusion, and it is possible for pConf to be generated on one of the ego items that provides a random ability. As for rDisenchant, the only options are artifacts or randomly generated egos. Don't worry about it too much. Yes, you'll have to melee some disenchanting monsters, and yes, they'll chew up your gear without the resistance. Just replace the gear as needed; there's always more stuff lying around the dungeon.

                    You do want to keep around some external means of identifying invisible monsters until you have proper see invisible. Scrolls and staves of detect invisible are, however, the last resort. Potions of true sight are strictly better. Staves of detect evil are good enough, since all the troublesome invisibles in the early-to-midgame are evil.


                    • Petoften
                      • Jun 2018
                      • 566

                      Man, I found some hummerhorns that confuse every hit, and have killed several dozen and they're still coming.


                      • Petoften
                        • Jun 2018
                        • 566

                        Originally posted by luneya
                        However, according to your dump, you don't have a damage ring yet, but only +3/+3 reckless attacks... What you really want is either ring of damage or ring of dexterity.
                        Ya, I just found damage +8 after that so I'll use it.

                        CSW and CCW should cure confusion.
                        What I'm finding is it's pointless because they re-confuse each hit.


                        • Pete Mack
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 6697

                          Hummerhorns are largely why you need staff of teleportation. Quaff speed, try to fight to a door, get on the other side, and keep trying to close the door. But you are probably dead without the staff. I strongly recommend trying to get through the first 20 levels (then first 40 levels) faster so you can learn to handle these threats.
                          Note that a staff of light could have saved you to, so you could reach a door and close it behind you before the Hummerhorns got you
                          One other possibility:
                          Quaff speed
                          Zap wand of stinking cloud on your own location
                          Quaff CCW
                          Read scroll of recall.
                          Last edited by Pete Mack; July 1, 2018, 01:49.


                          • Petoften
                            • Jun 2018
                            • 566

                            Oh, great. I found myself teleported in the middle of a room filled with monsters.

                            I used phase door and the next turn it teleported me back into the room, 'something commands you to come hither'.

                            We'll see how this goes... deciding whether to use recall or try to kill them all.


                            • Petoften
                              • Jun 2018
                              • 566

                              Originally posted by Pete Mack
                              Hummerhorns are largely why you need staff of teleportation. Quaff speed, try to fight to a door, get on the other side, and keep trying to close the door. But you are probably dead without the staff. I strongly recommend trying to get through the first 20 levels (then first 40 levels) faster so you can learn to handle these threats.
                              Note that a staff of light could have saved you to, so you could reach a door and close it behind you before the Hummerhorns got you
                              One other possibility:
                              Quaff speed
                              Zap wand of stinking cloud on your own location
                              Quaff CCW
                              Read scroll of recall.
                              Ya, they weren't any danger - I could kill dozens and dozens - it finally got tedious so I used stairs. They just kept coming.

                              I considered killing more and more for experience but it was like 3 exp per kill.


                              • Petoften
                                • Jun 2018
                                • 566

                                Killed them all - then just killed Nar, and he dropped Blue Dragon scale mail [12, +12] {??}

                                So it seems worse than my current on the armor, but has an unknown bonus with the {??}. I tried it on but saw no stat change.

                                Man, everything seems to cause confuse.

                                I was fighting Nar and there was confuse.

