Personally i think it should be called like training wheels mode or something, and should have a separate 'score' file. It's fun to read the score file even when you know it doesn't represent skill. It's just a record of games you've played.
V 3.5 now in feature freeze
takkaria whispers something about options. -more-Comment
I added some more special rooms to the template file, taking the total up to 60. There's a few more non-rectangular shapes in there now, and I added some ammo dumps (little stashes of three piles of shots/arrows/bolts, which I hope isn't enough to unbalance anything).
These layouts are quite fun to design, so there's always a chance I'll end up creating even more before 3.5 is ready to go...Do you have any more?
takkaria whispers something about options. -more-Comment
Attached FilesComment
Yep! Here's the final set of 100 room designs, which hopefully ought to be enough to keep things varied and make sure you don't see the whole set in one game. (I also reordered the file to make things a bit more organised and tweaked a few of the existing room designs so it should be easier for corridors to connect up to them.) So this will be the last update to room_template.txt unless I spot any problems during further playtesting.takkaria whispers something about options. -more-Comment
Just for a heads up, I broke the feature freeze rule a bit today and yesterday because there some easy to code stuff that I thought should go in to 3.5.
- Nicking Sil's highlight targets feature
- Numbers instead of labels wil be used when using a command on an object, if that object has an inscribed tag - e.g. if you inscribe something @q0, it'll show up as '0' on the menu instead of its letter
- Inscriptions now use the roguelike keyset if that's the keyset you're using
Enjoy.takkaria whispers something about options. -more-Comment
You might want to add a check for multiple items that have the same tag and then revert to the labels. That way, if someone doesn't play with a separate inventory term, they don't have to go back and forth to figure out which slot it's in.Comment
And further to the above, if you've got a melee weapon and a digger inscribed with '@w1', but you wield an un-ID'd weapon to find out what it is, when you want to go back to your main weapon, or digger, you can't choose between them because they're both labelled '1'.Comment