Sil Builds/Challenges/Concepts/Stupid-Ascension-Tricks
I have some challenges I would like to do, but I will need to learn how to code, I imagine.
#1. After reading Psi's terrible luck with the dice on a recent RIP character, A backwards sil-curse would be interesting. That is, the monsters all make double rolls and take the better one. And then, if that proves a winner, 3 rolls, 4 rolls, etc...
#2. Constant hallucination.
#3. Constant rage.
What, exactly, is the very starting point I would need. Do I need to download a program? What file, or files, do I need to be looking at? I have played roguelikes for 20 years, and I have never looked at the code. NEVER. So, assume nothing. I don't want to learn coding from the ground up, I just want to look at the game, try to understand how it works, and poke around.You are on something strangeComment
HM is learning to code!!
Hint #1: Don't try to code an entire program using a mattock, you will break your computer
A.Ironband -
Antoine! Hey you come back. What is code for Quickband? I don't understand even the most basic concept. Is it the quickband.exe file itself? What do I need to look inside it? Or, is it some other concept?You are on something strangeComment
You can't read the .exe file, you want to look at the code instead.
I don't know whether you have a binary-only version of Quickband or whether you have the source as well. In your quickband directory, do you have a subdirectory called 'src'? If so, the code is in there in .c and .h files (which you can read in a text editor). If not, you have a binary-only version and we will arrange for you to get source.
A.Ironband -
Okay, thanks Antoine. So, code is in a src directory with .c and .h files. I will look! Thanks... I'm not kidding... people say go look in the code... I've never known how and never needed to until now.You are on something strangeComment
Usually the best way to navigate through the code is to use a text editor that allows you to search across multiple files. I use Textpad (which is freely downloadable). For instance, if you want to find bits of the code that relate to hallucination, do a search on the word 'hallucinate' or better just 'hallu'.
A.Ironband -
Ah, thanks again Antoine. This stuff is fascinating! I can see the seduction of it all.
I think I found what I want to make as my first edit... a really ugly, yet easy first edit... but, I will need to download something called 'cygwin'... or something like that, to compile whatever edits I make, and then if that doesn't foul up... run the executable it makes. But later... changing the hallu time of herb of visions from 80d4 turns to 99d99 turns in obj-use seems like an easy first stab at mucking around with code. I'll let you know how it goes.You are on something strangeComment
Ah, thanks again Antoine. This stuff is fascinating! I can see the seduction of it all.
I think I found what I want to make as my first edit... a really ugly, yet easy first edit... but, I will need to download something called 'cygwin'... or something like that, to compile whatever edits I make, and then if that doesn't foul up... run the executable it makes. But later... changing the hallu time of herb of visions from 80d4 turns to 99d99 turns in obj-use seems like an easy first stab at mucking around with code. I'll let you know how it goes.
As a first step, can I suggest that you (a) make the change you want, (b) email the changed file to a person that routinely compiles the Sil code, and (c) get them to compile it for you and return a new executable.
Running a compiler can be a little bit intimidating and perhaps you don't want to contend with that quite yet.
A.Ironband -
If I screw it up I'll give that a shot... but I don't want to bother people. What I really needed was that first shove which you supplied. Now that I have an idea of where and what I feel like I can go on this momentum at least a little while.
Do I have to beat your variant with a shovel now?You are on something strangeComment
If you have trouble with the whole download cygwin / run cygwin thing, sing out. There will be people here who can help you. I don't use cygwin myself.
A.Ironband -
What IDE do the Sil devs use? Visual Studio (insert version here)? Code::Blocks? Other?My Chiptune music, made in Famitracker: