A thread for dumb questions
Dispel Evil the prayer does a random amount of damage between 1 and clevel * 5. The staffs are more predictable - Dispel Evil does a flat 60 damage, Holiness a flat 120, and Power also 120, but to everything rather than just evil.
You can check this stuff by looking at class.txt and object.txt.
It's a flat reduction of any damage the player takes. So it's not great against big breaths or spells, but excellent against things involving many small attacks (crowds of breeders, poisoning, banishment, etc).One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.Comment
How do you mean banishment? How does armour reduction help in this sense?Comment
How do you mean banishment? How does damage reduction help in this sense?Comment
Also, I've died fighting Morgoth reading mass banishment. I felt so stupid. I had about 15 *healing potions* but thought I'd just clear the area a bit first. I remember being shocked at my own stupidity.Comment