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One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.Comment
BTW, I'm always adding new changes and fixes, but I can try to wrap things up on a moment's notice. When would the next comp start?Comment
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.Comment
No, I'd rather take an entire month off from coding!!
I was hoping to finish some cosmetic changes to helpfiles, but that is such dry tedious work that its hard to stay motivated. Anyway, I pushed one last release (1.0.37) here:
* 1.0.36 fixed a bug with Quylthulgs entering the town Arena. Normally, the town Arena blocks character and monster summoning rendering our poor Q hero defenseless. But now, I enabled both player and monster summoning whenever the player is a Quylthulg.
* 1.0.36 fixed a bug with new virtue effects causing any monster to become friendly. The monster selection is supposed to be themed to the virtue in question (e.g. Unlife influences undead, Faith influences angels, etc).
* 1.0.37 fixes a stupid coder error for the reforging service. Reforging is supposed to limit the maximum object creation depth to 100, and did so by applying the MAX function. Of course, when you want to set a max, you need to use MIN.
* 1.0.37 also adjusts the reforge power down a bit. Fame is more important and you should probably try for at least 100 fame before doing anything big. The town service now tells you your numeric fame value.
* 1.0.37 improves the in game helpfiles, adding more information on some new monster races (Quylthulg, Elemental, Golem, new Giant evolutions).
You can pretend I uploaded this last release last night before the new competition started if you likeComment
Jeff and I have been conspiring for ages to have a comp for NPPMoria, and it seems the planets have finally aligned, so that will be next. But is certainly a possibility after that. I'll have a look at the code at some point and see what works and what doesn't.One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.Comment
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