The Angband Ladder: Explorington IV, High-Elf Mage by konijn_

  [Angband 3.1.2 Character Dump]

 Name   Explorington IV                          Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
 Sex    Male         Age            108   STR:     16  +1  -5  +4     16
 Race   High-Elf     Height         102   INT:     16  +3  +3  +4  18/80
 Class  Mage         Weight         163   WIS:     10  -1  +0  +5     14
 Title  Evoker       Social   Respected   DEX:  18/39  +3  +1  +3 18/109
 HP     187/187      Maximize         Y   CON:     17  +1  -2  +0     16
 SP     88/88                             CHR:     10  +5  +1  +3  18/10

 Level               29   Armor    [15,+70]     Saving Throw         77%
 Cur Exp         131258   Fight    (+12,+2)     Stealth           Heroic
 Max Exp         131258   Melee   (+22,+14)     Fighting       Excellent
 Adv Exp         172500   Shoot    (+12,+0)     Shooting       Excellent
 MaxDepth   2000' (L40)   Blows      2/turn     Disarming            65%
 Game Turns      471837   Shots      0/turn     Magic Device          98
 Player Turns     48383   Infra       40 ft     Perception        1 in 1
 Active Turns     29338   Speed           2     Searching            34%
 Gold             89064   Burden   85.7 lbs

 You are one of several children of a Telerin Warrior.  You have light
 grey eyes, straight black hair, and a fair complexion.

rAcid:......+...... rConf:.........+...
rElec:......+...... Sound:.............
rFire:+.....+...... Shard:.............
rCold:+.....+...... Nexus:.............
rPois:............. Nethr:......+......
rFear:............. Chaos:.............
rLite:............+ Disen:.............
rDark:......+...... S.Dig:+............
rBlnd:............. Feath:..........+..

Light:............. Aggrv:.............
Regen:............. Stea.:......++...+.
  ESP:............. Sear.:..........+..
Invis:............+ Infra:............+
FrAct:..........+.. Tunn.:.............
HLife:............. Speed:+............
ImpHP:............. Blows:.............
ImpSP:............. Shots:.............
 Fear:............. Might:.............

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Pike 'Til-i-arc' (3d5) (+10,+12) [+10] (+2)
     +2 strength, intelligence, speed.
     Slays demons, trolls, giants.
     Branded with flames, frost.
     Provides resistance to fire, cold.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Sustains intelligence.
     Slows your metabolism.  
     Combat info:
     2 blows/round.
     With an additional 0 strength and 5 dex you would get 3 blows
     Average damage/hit: 44.2 vs. demons, 44.2 vs. trolls, 44.2 vs.
     giants, 44.2 vs. creatures not resistant to fire, 44.2 vs.
     creatures not resistant to cold, and 24.8 vs. others.
b) (nothing)
c) a Ring of Intelligence (+2)
     +2 intelligence.
     Sustains intelligence.
d) a Ring of Strength (+2)
     +2 strength.
     Sustains strength.
e) an Amulet of Wisdom (+2)
     +2 wisdom.
     Sustains wisdom.
f) The Phial of Galadriel
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     When activated, it lights up the surrounding area, hurting light-s
     ensitive creatures.
     Takes 13 to 24 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 97.5%
     Radius 3 light.
g) The Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' [4,+20] (+4)
     +4 stealth.
     Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, dark, nether.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
h) a Cloak of Stealth [1,+5] (+3 stealth)
     +3 stealth.
i) (nothing)
j) The Metal Cap of Thengel [3,+12] (+3)
     +3 wisdom, charisma.
     Provides resistance to confusion.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
k) a Set of Leather Gloves of Thievery (+6,+1) [1,+10] (+3)
     +3 dexterity.
     +15% to searching.
     Feather Falling.  Prevents paralysis.  
l) a Pair of Steel Shod Boots of Stealth [6,+7] (+3)
     +3 stealth.

  [Character Quiver]

n) (nothing)
o) (nothing)
p) (nothing)
q) (nothing)
r) (nothing)
s) (nothing)
t) (nothing)
u) (nothing)
v) (nothing)
w) (nothing)

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Book of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners] {@m1 @b1 @G1}
b) a Book of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks] {@m2 @b2 @G2}
c) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Incantations and Illusions] {@m3 @b3 @G3}
d) a Book of Magic Spells [Sorcery and Evocations] {@m4 @b4 @G4}
e) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Resistances of Scarabtarices] {@m5 @b5 @G5}
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
f) 8 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
g) a Potion of Healing
h) 6 Potions of Speed
i) 8 Scrolls of Phase Door
j) a Scroll of Teleportation {!*}
k) 3 Scrolls of Teleport Level {!*}
l) a Rod of Detection {@z9 !!}
     Cannot be harmed by electricity.
m) 3 Rods of Fire Bolts {!!}
n) 2 Rods of Light
o) a Rod of Recall
     Cannot be harmed by electricity.
p) 2 Wands of Acid Bolts (9 charges)
q) 2 Wands of Teleport Other (15 charges)
r) a Wand of Drain Life (3 charges)

  [Home Inventory]

a) 7 Books of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners] {@m1 @b1 @G1}
b) 10 Books of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks] {@m2 @b2 @G2}
c) 7 Books of Magic Spells [Incantations and Illusions] {@m3 @b3 @G3}
d) 29 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
e) a Potion of *Healing* {!*}
     It can be thrown at creatures with damaging effect.
f) 3 Potions of Restore Mana {!*}
g) a Potion of Restore Life Levels
h) 2 Potions of Enlightenment
i) a Scroll of Deep Descent
j) a Scroll of Protection from Evil
k) a Scroll of *Destruction* {!*}
l) a Rod of Frost Bolts {!!}
m) a Rod of Lightning Bolts
n) a Wand of Stone to Mud (7 charges)
o) a Wand of Clone Monster (4 charges)
p) The Large Metal Shield of Anarion [5,+20]
     Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Sustains strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution, 

         1      0'    1   Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
      6047    150'    2   Reached level 2
      7551    150'    3   Reached level 3
     14637    400'    4   Reached level 4
     15468    400'    5   Reached level 5
     19752    450'    6   Reached level 6
     21784    450'    7   Reached level 7
     29505    500'    8   Reached level 8
     39098    650'    9   Reached level 9
     48763    750'   10   Reached level 10
     50991    800'   11   Reached level 11
     51366    800'   12   Reached level 12
     52507    800'   13   Reached level 13
     58574    800'   14   Reached level 14
     62270      0'   15   Reached level 15
     71264    950'   16   Reached level 16
     81282   1000'   16   Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog
     82426   1000'   17   Reached level 17
     91082      0'   18   Reached level 18
     95942   1200'   18   Found The Phial of Galadriel
     98448   1200'   18   Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog
    106277   1300'   19   Reached level 19
    119051   1550'   19   Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman
    123398      0'   19   Killed Farmer Maggot
    125700   1700'   20   Reached level 20
    133294      0'   21   Reached level 21
    160650      0'   22   Reached level 22
    174250   1950'   23   Reached level 23
    176360   1950'   23   Found The Large Metal Shield of Anarion
    187933   1950'   24   Reached level 24
    217255   2000'   25   Reached level 25
    236996   1950'   26   Reached level 26
    246517   1900'   26   Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit
    265171   1950'   26   Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol
    271513   1950'   26   Found The Metal Cap of Thengel
    317031   1950'   27   Reached level 27
    350030   1950'   27   Found The Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir'
    375830   1950'   28   Reached level 28
    392410   1950'   28   Killed Khim, Son of Mim
    448880   2000'   29   Reached level 29
    454155   2000'   29   Killed Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang
    466215   2000'   29   Found The Pike 'Til-i-arc'
    469509   2000'   29   Found The Dagger 'Narthanc'


Maximize effect of race/class bonuses        : yes (adult_maximize)
Randomize some of the artifacts (beta)       : no  (adult_randarts)
Restrict the use of stairs/recall            : no  (adult_ironman)
Restrict the use of stores/home              : no  (adult_no_stores)
Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Don't stack objects on the floor             : no  (adult_no_stacking)
Lose artifacts when leaving level            : no  (adult_no_preserve)
Don't generate connected stairs              : yes (adult_no_stairs)
Adult: Monsters chase current location       : yes (adult_ai_sound)
Adult: Monsters chase recent locations       : yes (adult_ai_smell)
Adult: Monsters act smarter in groups        : yes (adult_ai_packs)
Adult: Monsters learn from their mistakes    : no  (adult_ai_learn)
Adult: Monsters exploit players weaknesses   : no  (adult_ai_cheat)
Adult: Monsters behave more intelligently (broken): no  (adult_ai_smart)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)

Posted on 13.2.2010 17:31

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7. on the Competition No.83 Ladder (of 8)


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On 13.2.2010 17:31 konijn_ wrote:
One floor, 2 arts, death ahead.


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