The Angband Ladder: Adwabaen, RohanKnight Swordmaster by <>
[ToME 2.0.0 Character Dump] Name : Adwabaen Age 76 STR: 18/80 Sex : Male Height 61 INT: 13 Race : Vampire RohanKnight Weight 80 WIS: 11 Class : Swordmaster Social Class 4 DEX: 17 Body : Player CON: 18/60 CHR: 18 + To Melee Hit 25 Level 29 Max Hit Points 432 + To Melee Damage 36 Experience 180208 Cur Hit Points -509 + To Ranged Hit 7 Max Exp 180208 Max SP (Mana) 20 + To Ranged Damage 27 Exp to Adv. 240000 Cur SP (Mana) 20 AC 39+51 Gold 52261 Loan 0 Loan time 0 (Miscellaneous Abilities) Fighting : Legendary[22]Perception : Bad Blows/Round: 3 Bows/Throw : Superb Searching : Fair Shots/Round: 1 Saving Throw: Good Disarming : Excellent Wpn.dmg/Rnd: 6d4+108 Stealth : Bad Magic Device: Superb Infra-Vision: 70 feet Tactic: normal Explor: normal (Character Background) You are one of several children of a Devoted Mercenary. You have brown eyes, wavy black hair, and a very fair complexion. [Miscellaneous information] Cth monsters: ON Zlike monsters: OFF Joke monsters: OFF Maximize mode: ON Preserve Mode: ON Autoscum: ON Small Levels: ON Arena Levels: ON Persistent Dungeons: OFF Recall Depth: Barrow-Downs: Level 6 (300') Maze: Level 26 (1300') Orc Cave: Level 22 (1100') The Old Forest: Level 25 (1250') Moria: Level 34 (1700') The Sandworm lair: Level 22 (1100') Your opponents are behaving stupidly. Your body was a Player. You started your adventure the 43rd Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age. You ended your adventure the 52nd Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age. Your adventured lasted 9 days. Your Attributes: You are dead. You can drain life from a foe. You can use rohir powers. You can mystify pets. You can wake up a pet. You are stunned. Your eyes are sensitive to infrared light. You can see invisible creatures. You have free action. Your appetite is small. You can sense presence of undead. You are unlucky. You have a firm hold on your life force. You are carrying a permanent light. You are resistant to fire. You are resistant to cold. You are resistant to poison. You are resistant to bright light. You are resistant to darkness. You are resistant to disenchantment. You are resistant to blasts of shards. You are resistant to nexus attacks. You are resistant to nether forces. Your intelligence is sustained. Your constitution is sustained. Your dexterity is sustained. Your wisdom is affected by your equipment. Your charisma is affected by your equipment. Your infravision is affected by your equipment. Your digging ability is affected by your equipment. Your ability to score critical hits is affected by your equipment. Your weapon drains life from your foes. Your weapon is a great bane of undeads. Skills (points left: 0) - Combat 38.144 [0.900] - Weaponmastery 39.515 [1.150] - Sword-mastery 20.000 [0.500] . Axe-mastery 00.000 [0.100] . Hafted-mastery 00.000 [0.100] . Polearm-mastery 00.000 [0.100] - Archery 06.400 [0.600] - Sneakiness 02.440 [0.900] . Disarming 15.400 [0.900] - Magic 01.294 [0.300] . Magic-Device 17.100 [1.150] - Spirituality 08.200 [0.400] . Prayer 00.000 [0.500] - Monster-lore 00.000 [0.500] - Misc 00.000 [0.000] . Antimagic 00.000 [0.550] You saved 3 princesses. You have defeated 2977 enemies. [Character Equipment] a) a Vampiric Tulwar of *Slay Undead* (2d4) (+6,+8)(0%) (+0) It affects your wisdom. It drains life from your foes. It is a great bane of undead. It affects your hit points. It provides resistance to life draining. It provides resistance to nether. It allows you to see invisible monsters. It allows you to sense presence of undead. d) a Light Crossbow of Power (x3) (+8,+9) e) a Ring of Damage (+11) f) The Ring of Elevalmar (+4% of critical hits) It affects your charisma. It affects your infravision. It affects your ability to score critical hits. It sustains your intelligence. It sustains your dexterity. It sustains your constitution. It provides resistance to fire. It provides resistance to nexus. It provides resistance to disenchantment. It slows your metabolism. It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire. k) an Amulet of Slow Digestion {cursed} m) (nothing) n) Mithril Chain Mail (-1) [28,+5] o) a Cloak of Mimicry [Wolf] of Protection [1,+22] It provides resistance to shards. It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire. p) a Small Metal Shield [3,+3] s) a Metal Cap [3,+3] u) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10] These gloves glow so brightly as to light the way for their owner and cast magical bolts with great frequency. It can be activated for... magic missile (2d6) every 2 turns ...if it is being worn. It sustains your constitution. It provides immunity to paralysis. It provides resistance to light. It provides light. It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire. x) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Free Action [3,+7] It provides immunity to paralysis. z) (nothing) {) 44 Bolts (1d5) (+0,+0) |) a Shovel of Digging (1d2) (+1,+4) (+5) It affects your ability to tunnel. It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire. [Character Inventory] a) a Potion of Cure Serious Wounds b) a Potion of Restore Constitution c) 5 Scrolls of Darkness d) 4 Scrolls of Phase Door e) 7 Scrolls of Teleportation f) 6 Scrolls of Word of Recall g) 16 Scrolls of Identify h) 2 Scrolls of Reset Recall i) 3 Scrolls of Light j) 9 Scrolls of Trap Detection k) a Fireproof Scroll of Door/Stair Location It cannot be harmed by fire. l) 22 Scrolls of Satisfy Hunger m) a Ring of Slaying (+6,+4) n) 12 Bolts of Flame (1d5) (+3,+7) It does extra damage from fire. It cannot be harmed by fire. o) 21 Bolts (exploding) (1d5) (+5,+3) p) (nothing) q) (nothing) r) (nothing) s) (nothing) t) (nothing) u) (nothing) v) (nothing) w) (nothing) [Home Inventory - Bree ] a) a Rune [Self] b) a Rune [Cold] c) a Rune [Fire] d) 2 Runes [Holding] e) a Rune [Knowledge] f) a Flask of oil g) a Wand of Magic Missile of Plenty (11 charges) h) a Wand of Magic Missile (9 charges) i) a Ring of Weakness (-1) {cursed} j) a Ring of Weakness (-1) {cursed} k) a Ring of Weakness (-1) {cursed} l) a Ring of Invisibility m) 2 Amulets of Adornment n) an Amulet of the Serpents [+1] (-2) o) The Rusty Chain Mail of Mothluin (-5) [14,-7] It sustains your dexterity. It sustains your constitution. It sustains your charisma. It provides resistance to sound. It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire. p) Chain Mail (-2) [14,+0] q) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots [2,+0] r) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots [3,+0] s) 26 Rounded Pebbles (1d2) (+0,+0) t) a Flute u) a Blue Firelizard Egg v) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 3 w) a Parchment - Numenorean for beginners (II) x) a Mage Staff (1d4) (+0,+0) |
Posted on 9.11.2002 13:15
12443. on the Ladder (of 19159)
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