
Competition No.102

Starts:April 17th, 2011 12:00
Ends:May 10th, 2011 12:00 (ended)
Variant:DaJAngband 1.3.1
Save file:Download starting save file
The latest version of DaJAngband, with many changes including many monster changes and some of the new dungeon types seen in the latest Vanilla nightlies.

Arthur the Human Tourist. Good luck with that.

Competition winner is the game winner in least time, or if no winner then max experience/time.

DaJAngband 1.3.1 is available as source or for Windows from the home page.

Savefile submitted by will_asher.

Current standings (personal best) [toggle]

 namebyrace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depth updated
1Arthurwilliam.hamaker@verizon.netHuman Tourist507,435,977775,23210017 comments9.5.2011 22:40
2Arthur 14buzzkillHuman Tourist31148,059335,3545313 comments10.5.2011 04:58
3ArthurVwill_asherHuman Tourist2621,244660,864212 comments8.5.2011 07:20
4ArthurRochHuman Tourist239,666715,868285 comments21.4.2011 00:22
9ArthurShinedogHuman Tourist183,381516,781135 comments28.4.2011 22:25 updated
11ArthurFailbheHuman Tourist59323,3032 5.5.2011 22:53 updated
12ArthurHudstoneHuman Tourist2963,8900251 comment24.4.2011 07:55 updated
13ArthursoyakiHuman Tourist504,980,9790657 comments10.5.2011 10:29

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