FrogComposband 7.0.peppermint

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  • TauzentBlitz
    • May 2018
    • 38

    So trees and mountains look almost exactly the same for someone colorblind. Trying to navigate to the lonely mountains is an absolute nightmare. (Until I changed the mountain color anyway.)

    ...Also the entrance is completely surrounded by mountain. Can any monster a Ring can ride on pass through those?
    Last edited by TauzentBlitz; May 14, 2018, 20:35.


    • wobbly
      • May 2012
      • 2577

      Yep. Though not sure what's easiest to get. Angels seem to be one of the better forms because they eventually level up into nice forms.


      • Sideways
        • Nov 2008
        • 886

        Originally posted by Mocht
        Sometimes when digging through rubble it says "You have found something!", even though nothing had been found
        Thanks, I think what's happening there is that it displays that message as long as item generation is called; but item generation can fail. I'll make it check that the item is actually created.
        The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


        • CyclopsSlayer
          • Feb 2009
          • 388

          Originally posted by Sideways
          Thanks, I think what's happening there is that it displays that message as long as item generation is called; but item generation can fail. I'll make it check that the item is actually created.
          That has been around a very long time. I had always just ignored it.


          • Bostock
            • Aug 2007
            • 333

            Originally posted by Mocht
            Amber skill levels used to be called legendary, I don't understand the reason for the change
            You do realize that the "Amber" name dates back to at least PCB6 (but quite possibly back to Hengband), and that the game is, moreover, set in Roger Zelazny's Amber universe, right?
            So you ride yourselves over the fields and you make all your animal deals and your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick.


            • Sideways
              • Nov 2008
              • 886

              The code has a note that says "Legendary is too long for tables". The "Legendary" terminology predates both the current format of said tables (in the help files) and the use of additional numbers to give further detail (e.g. "Amber[27]"). I believe the switch to "Amber[X]" was made all the way back in ZAngband (which, of course, is short for Zelazny Angband).

              Although looking at the power level of characters in Composband, there are times when I wonder if "Gwarl[X]" wouldn't be more appropriate...
              The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


              • Sideways
                • Nov 2008
                • 886

                Originally posted by Mocht
                I am absolutely certain that older versions of Poschengband or Chengband had Legendary[32] instead of Amber[32], easy to check by looking at character dumps
                Chris probably adopted the old ZAngband terminology when he changed the format of the help file tables.
                The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                • CyclopsSlayer
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 388

                  A quick and dirty survey, it looks like "Amber" came in with PCB 6.0.0, Prior to that dumps have Legendary.


                  • Gwarl
                    • Jan 2017
                    • 988

                    Originally posted by Mocht
                    If Legendary[32] is too long, then could instead give just a numerical value for each skill proficiency
                    So instead of Superb could display 40, and instead of Legendary[32] could display 75
                    we have visible numbers in the working alpha of cpb 7.1


                    • Pete Mack
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 6697

                      @Mocht-unlimited stats are impossible to balance.


                      • Gwarl
                        • Jan 2017
                        • 988

                        the nonlinearity of stats and the way they accrue means 18/10 isn't really 19..


                        • Sideways
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 886

                          Originally posted by Mocht
                          Artifacts which are not guaranteed to drop, such as the dog collar of Grip, with my very small sample size, it seems to me that they are much more likely to drop for Lucky characters, is that correct
                          They are not any more likely to drop for characters with the Lucky personality or Lucky aura; you've just been... lucky?

                          They are less likely to drop for unlucky characters, though.
                          The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                          • CyclopsSlayer
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 388

                            Originally posted by Mocht
                            For characters which do not have mana, would it be better if SP was not displayed, rather than displaying 0/0
                            Mana seems to be a 'catch-all' stat. On spellcasters it is mana, on Samurai and Rune Knights, it is closer to 'TP' technique points.
                            But, for a class without any special power, ie Warrior, you are right it serves no purpose except clutter.

                            So, it would depend on how complex the coding would be to remove the clutter. Is it worth the effort? No idea.


                            • Sideways
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 886

                              Removing "SP 0/0" would not be difficult at all. I'm not sure what it would do to the aesthetics, though; currently you have four lines on the left side (level/cur exp/max exp/adv exp) matched by four on the right side (hp/sp/ac/speed), which is kind of nice. (The overall length of the columns would not be a problem; it could easily be kept the same by removing one of the empty lines from the left column if max sp equaled 0.)
                              The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                              • CyclopsSlayer
                                • Feb 2009
                                • 388


                                Just started a Shadow Fairy, she eats normal food just fine. BUT, she is also picking up and keeping corpses like a Demon eats.

