FrogComposband 7.0.peppermint

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  • Sideways
    • Nov 2008
    • 886

    Originally posted by Mocht
    I think I have discovered a bug

    In the Thalos Arena, my character received gold as well as the item for defeating the Iron Lich and the Greater Titan

    No-selling is on, not sure if that is causing the problem
    Thanks. It had nothing to do with no-selling, the culprit was a bonus gold drop code from 2016 that didn't check whether the dying monster was an Arena foe.
    The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


    • Sideways
      • Nov 2008
      • 886

      Originally posted by Mocht
      Reading a scroll of genocide in a quest just destroys the scroll, I consider that to be a bug
      Bug is the wrong word, but it would probably be fair to give the player a warning that he's about to read a scroll that does nothing.

      The GWoP fight is meant to be brutal! But it's winnable on a melee-er; my ComPosband weaponsmith won that fight.
      The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


      • Sideways
        • Nov 2008
        • 886

        Well, that was a really really strong character with >1200 HP and ~2000 damage/round vs. dragons; and I think I also swapped in some items for that fight for extra speed and the like. (He didn't have |V either, though.) The problem with fighting the GWoP in melee is that you take a lot of damage just from its auras, so even if it never breathes at all you need to kill it fast.

        Even so, though, the GWoP fight is nowhere near as unfair as the metal babble fight that comes after it... (I suppose you could try to needle the GWoP, too; at least you wouldn't take so much damage from its auras that way.)
        The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


        • CyclopsSlayer
          • Feb 2009
          • 388

          Originally posted by Mocht
          I'm not sure if it counts as a bug, but I just did the thieves quest and there wasn't a single trap
          I have seen zero, also more than ten in there. (inside the door of all four rooms, three in the hallway, four in the entrance.)
          I think it is entirely random.


          • GenericPseudonym
            • Jan 2016
            • 91

            Originally posted by Mocht
            It looks like the OP was right, the monk and samurai stances don't seem worthwhile, except for the monk stance which gives an extra blow
            Musou stance is still pretty strong because on top of the big bonus to AC and resistances it also halves all incoming damage, and the retaliation is a full round of melee attacks rather than the normal only-one-blow stuff that you can get from items. It's just that you can only really use the stance against enemies that melee frequently.


            • wobbly
              • May 2012
              • 2577

              Originally posted by Mocht
              How did you win
              It was breathing for big damage and I couldn't heal and I couldn't kill it fast enough
              Big vampiric weapons like stormbringer & bloodrip are options. Also elemental immunities help with the auras


              • Sideways
                • Nov 2008
                • 886

                Originally posted by Mocht
                I am on dungeon level 63 and a Shadower is causing me problems
                I am used to seeing Shadowers at shallow depths and they are not really dangerous
                Are Shadowers deadly at deeper depths
                Any monster in the game can appear as a Shadower, except for uniques, Nazguls and very shallow monsters; so there's no telling how deadly a given Shadower will be apart from 1) fighting it and seeing which monster it feels like [you can usually tell pretty fast if a Shadower is e.g. a great ice wyrm] or 2) probing it. A high-level Shadower can potentially be very deadly.
                Last edited by Sideways; May 1, 2018, 14:16.
                The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                • Derakon
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 8820

                  Being able to light up a corridor can provide valuable tactical information.


                  • murphy
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 98

                    Originally posted by Mocht
                    My character sheet reads "Your weapon requires two hands to wield properly"
                    This is an error, the weapon is being wielded by both hands, the problem is that dex and/or strength is too low

                    if you are riding, then one hand is needed to control your mount, even if the dump shows a weapon held in both hands


                    • Sideways
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 886

                      Originally posted by Mocht
                      My character's armour was damaged by an acid attack despite having 3 levels of acid resistance, is this intended
                      See the FAQ:

                      Q: I have found lots of cool items, but the monsters I meet keep destroying them! Am I doing something wrong?

                      A: Elemental resists help protect your inventory. With one level of resistance, the chances of an item being destroyed by that element are significantly reduced; with two levels of resistance, the item will only be destroyed if you're really unlucky; with three levels of resistance the item will be safe. Watch out for fire, acid, cold and electricity in the early game, and also chaos in the late game. Sound and shards can destroy potions.

                      If you don't have the appropriate resist and don't want to risk losing the item, avoid monsters that might destroy it; or, if they only destroy items in melee, avoid melee and kill them with ranged attacks.

                      Note that the armor you wear will always be susceptible to damage from acid attacks - regardless of your acid resistance level - unless you have immunity to acid.
                      The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                      • wobbly
                        • May 2012
                        • 2577

                        Originally posted by murphy
                        if you are riding, then one hand is needed to control your mount, even if the dump shows a weapon held in both hands
                        I've never quite liked this mechanic partly because using a shield mounted is a thing, party because if you're strong enough to use a lance unmounted you're not necessarily strong enough to use a lance mounted and if you're riding a dragon I'd expect steering by command to work better then a set of reigns.


                        • Sideways
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 886

                          Originally posted by Mocht
                          Can scrolls of enchant weapon and enchant armour do anything that the enchanter at the Fighter's Hall can't
                          Yes, they can; the Fighters' Hall (and equivalent bow/ammo enchanters) have a clvl-dependent upper limit to enchanting (between +2 and +12), while scrolls have an upper limit of +15. In practice you're very unlikely to get an item all the way to +15 with scrolls (scroll enchantments become less and less likely to work as +15 is approached), but they can make a (small) difference earlier in the game when you're trying to get items up to +8 or +9.
                          The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                          • Bostock
                            • Aug 2007
                            • 333

                            Originally posted by Mocht
                            The character in was carrying a Beam of Light rod when he defeated the Serpent
                            How are those rods helpful, I thought they were useless
                            Heh, I thought that would be me.

                            Beam of light doubles as a minor damage rod. Also, a surprising number of enemies are light-vulnerable.

                            It also helps with the occasional drolem or quddlywug.

                            Lastly, this particular character's preferred final setup had no telepathy, for some reason not even via a rod. (Maybe it was early skepticism towards the new telepathy, maybe inexperience, as this was only my second or third win, maybe I dropped the staff to pick up loot after felling J.) So having squares be lighted was vital, and since I was shooting disintegration a lot, beams of light to fill in the beams of disintegration were important.
                            So you ride yourselves over the fields and you make all your animal deals and your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick.


                            • wobbly
                              • May 2012
                              • 2577

                              It's worth checking beam of light as you can find higher damage versions & it's handy against rbase critters


                              • Gwarl
                                • Jan 2017
                                • 988

                                Not entirely. Some things which don't show up on telepathy can still be sensed

