[Announce] Poschengband 3.3.0 Released

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  • Nivim
    • Jan 2014
    • 60

    Originally posted by chris
    [...]NO_ROTATE (rooms are randomly rotated during generation, but sometimes you don't want this)[...]
    Various wilderness vaults do not have this tag yet none of them rotate. :/ Is this a choice based on the map-tile size restriction?

    On symbol selection, I'm using a similar standard to clouded apparently, except I use numbers-ascending/level-descending like the FORMATION system instead of the asc/asc like he did. (Around the same time, noticed edge/connection definition is inconsistent; some earlier vaults use a line of %, his use enough to wall in the room.)

    Anyway, I had a bit of trouble with the numbering, because apparently picking "N:1212" or "N:676" for testing purposes results in it thinking they're actually a buggy part of "Record 675", but shoving it in the open slot under Grass Encounters allows me to reach this:
    "Error 1 at line 3565 of 'v_info.txt'.
    Record 159 contains a 'parse error' error.
    Parsing 'M:.+############'."
    Which is indeed line 3565 in this:
    L:0:MON(p, 22)
    L:1:MON(p, 15)
    L:2:MON(p, 4)
    L:`:OBJ(STATUE, 10)
    L:*:OBJ(GOLD, 3)
    M: #.22+..2+..%#
    M: #2..#..2#2.%#
    M: ##+##########
    M: #...#.&&#`..#
    M: #...#...#*.0$
    M: #.22#...#...#
    M: ##+###+###+##
    M: #2..#1..#...#
    M: #...+...+..~#
    M: #...#..1#.%%#
    M: #############
    Having no idea what makes that line special I tried removing it, and it just complained about the next line. I added some random lines and it still complained about the second M: line, at which point my remaining idea is that the error is about something else but it's accidentally giving me that line, but I don't know how to identify it.

    P.S. Oh, first run through I was also trying MON(po, 4) and MON(p|o, 4) to see what it would do, but that probably wouldn't have ruined anything.


    • chris
      PosChengband Maintainer
      • Jan 2008
      • 698

      Rotation of wilderness encounters is still marked as TODO. Funny, I thought I already did that

      For numbering, don't exceed the max value in misc.txt (currently 750). I'm not sure why 676 gave you a problem. Post a sample so I can try it.

      For the parse error, all of your map lines ( M: ) must have the same width. It used to be the case that you had to tell the parser the size of each room in v_info (which was tedious to compute). But now, it figures it out for you. The width of the room is the width of the first line (and it checks all subsequent lines to make sure they match). The height of the room is simply the number of lines. No more tedium. Just make sure all your lines are the same width and you should be OK. Pad with spaces as needed.

      For the MON() field, you can only specify a single d_char at the moment.


      • Tilurian
        • Nov 2014
        • 20

        I think that this is the PosChengband discuss anything thread and so I hope it is ok to post these question shere
        When I am in searching mode I get level feelings quickly
        Is that because when I am in searching mode my character is moving slowly and thus spending a large number of turns on that level
        Also, I assume that the demigod ability massacre would be too awesome to give to a duelist, and so it is either forbidden or the failure rate is high
        Is that correct


        • Tilurian
          • Nov 2014
          • 20

          Oh, I forgot to mention
          Thanks for the game Chris


          • Tilurian
            • Nov 2014
            • 20

            Am I doing something wrong
            This website keeps logging me out after only a few minutes


            • Tilurian
              • Nov 2014
              • 20

              Sometimes the level feeling I get changes, from indicating the level is boring to indicating that the level has something
              Is this because new monsters have spawned or is this because the original feeling was false


              • Derakon
                • Dec 2009
                • 8820

                When you log in, set the "remember me" option; otherwise you'll log out pretty quickly.

                There's two level feelings -- one for monsters and one for treasure. If I recall correctly, the treasure one only shows up after you've done some exploration.

                EDIT: disregard this post; I didn't realize I was in the PosChengband thread. Whoops.
                Last edited by Derakon; November 15, 2014, 16:31.


                • Tilurian
                  • Nov 2014
                  • 20

                  I'm not sure if this is the right place for a bug report, but in the autosquelching, when I tell it to squelch average daggers it squelches average and good daggers, and when I tell it to squelch good daggers it squelches good daggers and leaves average daggers

                  Also, when playing a berserker, I did squelch rod and squelch staff
                  But this also squelches 3 piece rods and quaterstaffs


                  • chris
                    PosChengband Maintainer
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 698

                    Originally posted by Tilurian
                    Sometimes the level feeling I get changes, from indicating the level is boring to indicating that the level has something
                    Is this because new monsters have spawned or is this because the original feeling was false
                    You need to spend a fixed (random) number of game turns on a level before a feeling is revealed. Since feelings use game turns rather than player moves, faster players take more actions before actually getting the feeling than slow players (sometimes, a really fast player can clear the level before the feeling shows up). If you are "Searching" then each action you take uses twice the number of game turns as normal, so it will appear that the feeling comes quicker (i.e. in fewer player actions).

                    Once you get the initial level feeling, you will get updates periodically should the level rating change. For example, a monster might drop an artifact and the level feeling will get updated to "Special". Or an out of depth monster might spawn causing a more dangerous level feeling. These updates are delayed as well, but not so long as the initial update.


                    • chris
                      PosChengband Maintainer
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 698

                      Originally posted by Tilurian
                      Also, I assume that the demigod ability massacre would be too awesome to give to a duelist, and so it is either forbidden or the failure rate is high
                      Demigod Duelists can indeed pick Fantastic Frenzy if they like, but it is a poor choice IMO. One aspect of this power is only using fractional energy if they kill a monster with less that their full number of melee attacks. But duelists only get a single attack, so this is meaningless for them. The other aspect of this power is the Massacre activation, but duelists only fight effectively against their current "Challenge Monster". So you will indeed attack everything surrounding you, but with only a single very weak attack excepting your single challenge monster if applicable.


                      • Tilurian
                        • Nov 2014
                        • 20

                        I think I have discovered a bug for the duelist
                        Suppose that you have challenged a monster and your next action is to charge it
                        And suppose that you mistakenly press m then a instead of m then b, so you have challenged instead of charged
                        If you press escape to cancel then it cancels your existing correct challenege


                        • HugoVirtuoso
                          • Jan 2012
                          • 1132

                          Another minor bug:
                          Equipment with <worn> inscription sold to stores still shows with <worn> inscription.

                          Any headgear of Sunlight sells or buys for 1 gold at the store...Light resistance isn't that useless!

                          Chaos Patron *start equippy rewards* disappear at start!!

                          Double attack still works even when player gets scared in the middle of series of hits.
                          Last edited by HugoVirtuoso; November 17, 2014, 01:55.
                          My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

                          If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

                          As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


                          • Nivim
                            • Jan 2014
                            • 60

                            I'm discovering that I, too, would like some form of min-level; it's really annoying how often the "15 levels OoD" creatures just end up being 4 levels total and racking up the OoDness just widens the range.
                            Other discoveries include: NO_UNIQUE, KIN, and HURT_FIRE (for f_info.txt) at least don't do what they sound like they do (1st with uniques still spawning, 2nd resulting in 0 creatures [with tonberry and human], and 3rd not being destroyed by fire).
                            So, for two of those, I'm not entirely satisfied with this vault, but I think it can go in.
                            L:0:FLOOR(ROOM):MON(p | NO_GROUP, 25)
                            L:1:FLOOR(ROOM):MON(p | NO_UNIQUE, 17)
                            L:2:FLOOR(ROOM):MON(p | NO_UNIQUE)
                            L:`:FLOOR(ROOM):OBJ(STATUE, 10)
                            L:*:FLOOR(ROOM):OBJ(GOLD, 15)
                            M: #.22+..2x..%#
                            M: #2..#..2#2.%#
                            M: ##+##########
                            M: #...#.&&#`..#
                            M: #...#...#*.0$
                            M: #.22#...#...#
                            M: ##x###+###x##
                            M: #2..#1..#...#
                            M: #...x...x...#
                            M: #...#..1#.%%#
                            M: #############
                            This one, however...
                            N:676:Keep of Four Pillars
                            #To-do; a cold analogue to lava, probably G:#:B
                            #The following is actually supposed to be more like a
                            #line selecting mages with a high summon chance or
                            #1/5 chance of silent watchers, and a line selecting
                            #warriors (p or not).
                            L:*:FLOOR(GLOW):MON(NO_GROUP | DEMON_SUMMONER, 25):OBJ(LITE, 10):EGO(*)
                            L:`:FLOOR(GLOW):MON(NO_GROUP | 397):OBJ(LITE, 10):EGO(*)
                            L:p:FLOOR(ROOM):MON(p | NO_UNIQUE, 15)
                            M: vvvv      mmmm 
                            M: _#+#p....p###_ 
                            M: _##..#x##..##_ 
                            M: __#p.#*`x..#__ 
                            M: __#..x**#.p#__ 
                            M: _##..##x#..##_ 
                            M: _###p....p#+#_ 
                            M: bbbb      nnnn
                            ...made me wonder why MON() has tags like CLUBBER_DEMON which only selects one monster anyway, but lacks a whole lot of other categories. You can use the vault if you feel like it, but I don't really consider it done-- I think the lack of a freezing cloud/tundra feature bothers me more than blocky creature selection, though.

                            Originally posted by chris
                            For numbering, don't exceed the max value in misc.txt (currently 750). I'm not sure why 676 gave you a problem. Post a sample so I can try it.
                            Apparently I had a mistype somewhere; retyping the vault for that number resulted in it working.

                            Edit: And reforging still doesn't actually take time, so maybe...
                            sed -i 's/After several hours, you are presented/After strange, timeless hours, you are presented/' bldg.c
                            Last edited by Nivim; November 17, 2014, 05:51.


                            • chris
                              PosChengband Maintainer
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 698

                              Thanks. I'll certainly snag the first encounter and promise that at some point, I really, really will get back to working on these. As with everything in the pref files, you really need to have the source code up to add/modify functionality every time you want to do something useful. It's still a work in progress ...


                              • Nivim
                                • Jan 2014
                                • 60

                                Oh, also, should we stick the guide-like material you wrote in the info file? Seemed kinda like that was part of the reason you'd responded to me, but then you made it sound like documentation was a lost cause.

