Bring up a SIP keyboard and use the @ command. Then create keymap or macro. When it asks for a trigger, just press the hardware key you want to use - I set this up for my device so there is a chance that your device uses different key mappings for its hardware buttons though.
[FA] FAangband development
But now i found that pointing with the stylus also works. I have to figure out where the limits are though, because i'm still walking the wrong way
Am i correct in assuming you can press around the character and it'll walk in that direction? For left-right/up-down this works great, but for diagonal moves it's a little tricky.
There is a bug in 0.2.2 which means that movement with the stylus is not very accurate; still, one grid at a time should work OK. Tapping further away should send you in approximately the right direction, but the bug makes you start out in the wrong direction before heading toward the tap point.One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.Comment
Wacky idea of the day
Bookless spellcasting. Here's how it would work:
- Once you've learnt a spell, you don't need the book to cast it
- Casting bookless will come at a penalty of more mana and/or increased fail rate
- You would have a small chance of getting it wrong, and getting some other effect
- You would be able to cast blind, probably with a greater penalty than just bookless
- You would be able to cast confused, but with a big chance of the wrong spell
- Amnesia attacks would eliminate your bookless casting ability - you would have to relearn the spells
I don't know if I like it, but it's fun to think about.One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.Comment
Bookless spellcasting. Here's how it would work:
- Once you've learnt a spell, you don't need the book to cast it
- Casting bookless will come at a penalty of more mana and/or increased fail rate
- You would have a small chance of getting it wrong, and getting some other effect
- You would be able to cast blind, probably with a greater penalty than just bookless
- You would be able to cast confused, but with a big chance of the wrong spell
- Amnesia attacks would eliminate your bookless casting ability - you would have to relearn the spells
I don't know if I like it, but it's fun to think about.Comment
The question is, would all the penalties really motivate people to play without the books? Dungeon books are hard to get, so the player would still have to keep one in the home - no gain of an inventory slot. Town books usually contains important spells that you don't want to cast with penalty.
You still need to carry the book, but if you can't read, its dark, you're confused, etc. you cast from memory instead. You can cast any spell from memory once, and there is a chance of 'forgetting' a spell equal to the failure percentage, after its cast.
When you recover from the status effect, you can cast it normally directly from the book, which also refreshes your memory of all spells in that book. Browsing or studying from the book does the same
The reason I suggest 'from memory' as opposed to 'bookless' is that the book selection UI will differ from other 'object selection' UIs.
This would help with all the 'unlight magic'/Shadowstalker discussion here and here as well...
[Editted to add link to Sangband manifesto].Last edited by andrewdoull; June 7, 2007, 14:58.The Roflwtfzomgbbq Quylthulg summons L33t Paladins -more-
In UnAngband, the level dives you.
ASCII Dreams:
Bookless spellcasting. Here's how it would work:
- Once you've learnt a spell, you don't need the book to cast it
- Casting bookless will come at a penalty of more mana and/or increased fail rate
- You would have a small chance of getting it wrong, and getting some other effect
- You would be able to cast blind, probably with a greater penalty than just bookless
- You would be able to cast confused, but with a big chance of the wrong spell
- Amnesia attacks would eliminate your bookless casting ability - you would have to relearn the spells
I don't know if I like it, but it's fun to think about.
That's how I'd do it, anyway. I'd also remove amnesia (grr to micromanagement).takkaria whispers something about options. -more-Comment
I don't think mana should increase, just fail rate. Casting blind should have the same penalty as bookless casting generally. It should be possible to bring the fail rates for bookless casting for the early spells down to as low as they are with books.
That's how I'd do it, anyway. I'd also remove amnesia (grr to micromanagement).
AndrewThe Roflwtfzomgbbq Quylthulg summons L33t Paladins -more-
In UnAngband, the level dives you.
ASCII Dreams:
[QUOTE=Nick;918]Bookless spellcasting. Here's how it would work:
- Once you've learnt a spell, you don't need the book to cast it
- Casting bookless will come at a penalty of more mana and/or increased fail rate.
- You would be able to cast confused, but with a big chance of the wrong spell.
(although that's really going to put people off carrying !ofDetontations)
- Amnesia attacks would eliminate your bookless casting ability - you would have to relearn the spells
It might be a bit nasty as it stands, though.takkaria whispers something about options. -more-Comment
Bookless spellcasting. Here's how it would work:
- Once you've learnt a spell, you don't need the book to cast it
- Casting bookless will come at a penalty of more mana and/or increased fail rate
- You would have a small chance of getting it wrong, and getting some other effect
- You would be able to cast blind, probably with a greater penalty than just bookless
- You would be able to cast confused, but with a big chance of the wrong spell
- Amnesia attacks would eliminate your bookless casting ability - you would have to relearn the spells
I don't know if I like it, but it's fun to think about.
Is it:
A) The ability to sometimes cast spells even if afflicted by negative effects?
B) The ability to free up inventory slots at the cost of spell reliability?
I also have to warn against micro-management, having to choose if to cast from memory or from book every time when casting is a very bad idea.Comment
I did a rough version of this already:
It might be a bit nasty as it stands, though.
a) I think amnesia should cause 100% reliable failure of casting spells.
b) I was suggesting that amnesia prevent you activating e.g. dragon armour, rings, artifacts, on the basis that you need to have identified (remembered) these items before being able to use them, as opposed to rods, staffs, wands, which are already affected by confusion.
Other than that, looks great. Like how you've compacted amnesia and confusion together. Maybe make them separate for big screen users?
AndrewThe Roflwtfzomgbbq Quylthulg summons L33t Paladins -more-
In UnAngband, the level dives you.
ASCII Dreams:
Pondering the issue some more and reading replies, I think that there needs to be made clear what's more wanted for future discussion.
Is it:
A) The ability to sometimes cast spells even if afflicted by negative effects?
B) The ability to free up inventory slots at the cost of spell reliability?
I also have to warn against micro-management, having to choose if to cast from memory or from book every time when casting is a very bad idea.
I'll have a working implementation of my suggestion in Unangband wip6 for the curious...The Roflwtfzomgbbq Quylthulg summons L33t Paladins -more-
In UnAngband, the level dives you.
ASCII Dreams:
Pondering the issue some more and reading replies, I think that there needs to be made clear what's more wanted for future discussion.
Is it:
A) The ability to sometimes cast spells even if afflicted by negative effects?
B) The ability to free up inventory slots at the cost of spell reliability?
See my comments above - the having-to-re-identify-everything would become a trivial side-effect of amnesia
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.Comment
Well, it's both, I guess. It started with the idea that needing to have the book to cast the spell just seems a little odd (although there are plenty of other odd things I might have picked on, too). So I started thinking about the gameplay implications of making books unnecessary. Being able to cast when blind was a natural outcome, and I've been thinking for a while about allowing some kind of casting when confused.
So, if you want both, you have to think long and har about how to avoid making amnesia too troublesome.
BTW, how about some new specialty tied to bookless casting?Comment