Hengband 3.0.0Alpha releases in Japanese & English - unofficial English build notes

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  • smbhax
    • Oct 2021
    • 325

    Hengband 3.0.0Alpha releases in Japanese & English - unofficial English build notes

    Hengband is releasing official Alpha builds for version 3.0.0 about every two weeks. They come in separate Japanese and English versions. Build notes are mostly left in Github submit titles and mostly in Japanese. This thread is an attempt to compile and translate them...roughly, just with Google Translate.

    Previous separate threads:

    Alpha52: http://angband.oook.cz/forum/showthread.php?t=11088
    Alpha53: http://angband.oook.cz/forum/showthread.php?t=11112

    Hengband home page, with latest releases:

    Github releases page:

    変愚蛮怒のメインリポジトリ. Contribute to hengband/hengband development by creating an account on GitHub.

    Many of the changes in these 3.0.0Alpha releases are related to the "Refactor," ie a full reorganization and clean-up of the game code.
    Last edited by smbhax; February 28, 2022, 19:16.
    My Angband videos
  • smbhax
    • Oct 2021
    • 325

    3.0.0Alpha54 comes early:

    Translate: "It's been a week since the latest release, but a CRITICAL bug has been discovered, so we will release it urgently."

    本リリースはHotFixです。リファクタリングのエンバグにより発生した、特に致命的な以下の問題を解決しました。 自分のキャラ表示が @ ではなく別の文字に変わってしまう #2331 スレイが効くべき相手に効かず、効かないはずの相手に効く #2323 忍者が重い装備を付けると加速が+99になる #2322 ペットを押し退けて移動することができない #2308 店売りに並の矢と並のクロスボウの...

    https://github-com.translate.goog/he..._x_tr_pto=wapp :

    "This release is a HotFix. Resolves the following particularly fatal issues caused by refactoring embug:

    - My character display changes to another character instead of @ # 2331
    - # 2323 that does not work for the opponent who should work, but works for the opponent who should not work ["slay" weapon damage multiplier applied incorrectly]
    - Acceleration becomes +99 when Ninja wears heavy equipment # 2322
    - Pets can't be pushed away and moved # 2308
    - Normal arrows and normal crossbow arrows cannot be sold in stores # 2482"


    Full change list - https://github.com/hengband/hengband...ne/53?closed=1 :


    High priority:
    - Weapon ego ID enum class

    - Weakened Mancubus
    - Corrected the out from the store information area in the load-time remainder calculation for the error that occurred after organizing the store data.
    - Create a GitHub Actinos workflow that will generate a cache for ccache when pull requests are merged
    - PR status check workflow reconfiguration
    - Maintains a state formatted by clang-format
    - Check if the source code is properly formatted during build test
    - Improvements to gcc-wrap


    - My character display changes to another character instead of @
    - Solved the problem that my character display changed to another character instead of @
    - Fixed a compile error on Windows
    - Fixed a bug where the target of the sley was reversed

    High priority:
    - When you enter the store, it will be forcibly terminated by AddressSanitizer.
    - Acceleration becomes +99 when a ninja attaches heavy equipment
    - Fixed a bug that speed correction is not working properly
    - Fixed an issue where an attack action would occur when trying to push a pet away.
    - Fixed a bug that speed correction is not working properly

    - Can't move pets away
    - Explicitly remove the default constructor
    - There is a bias in shuffling of unconfirmed item names
    - The wrong arrow is selected when deciding which arrow to sell in the store
    - Normal arrows and normal crossbow arrows cannot be sold in stores
    - Gravity attribute effects are not handled properly
    - Fixed a bug that the memory flag could not respond to changes in monster information
    - Some flags do not support monster information change when loading save data


    High priority:
    - The ID range of wiz_restore_monster_max_num () is strange & becomes get_value ()

    - Set PlayerType :: died_from to std :: string
    - Refactored to the same specifications as the n / N command while modifying the range specification of wiz_restore_monster_max_num ().


    High priority:
    - Ego ID enum class (EgoType)
    - Classify player paralysis parameters
    - Classified parameters related to player paralysis
    - Classify player hallucination parameters
    - Hallucination entities grouped into the PlayerHallucination class
    - Solved the problem that MSVC could not compile as a result of header formatting.
    - Classify parameters related to player confusion
    - Confusion-related entities have been grouped into the PlayerConfusion class
    - Convert structure monster_blow to class MonsterBlow
    - Remove the SYMBOL_CODE type alias
    - Classified apply-magic-others.cpp / h
    - Formatting and classifying input-key-requester.cpp
    - Fixed design of decisions that depend on class or wilderness
    - Review the contents of special_menu_content
    - Renamed namae1 to fixed_artifact_idx and name2 to ego_idx
    - Change ObjectType :: name1 & name2 to descriptive names

    - MSVC issues a warning due to insufficient constructor definition of self-made exception
    - Completely removed the quest "Undersea City" and related codes
    - Use inherited constructors for proprietary exceptions
    - Use an inherited constructor for the SaveDataNotSupportedException constructor
    - Change monster-attack-types.cpp / h to monster-attack-table.cpp / h
    - Renamed monster-attack-types.cpp / h to monster-attack-table.cpp / h
    - Changed the array of quest information from std :: vector to std :: map
    - Apply clang-format to all source files once
    - Refactor the monster_blow structure into the MonsterBlow class.
    - Changed SYMBOL_CODE to char type
    - Redefined mimic_kind_type as enum class
    - Pval strengthening processing of black costume and dangerous swimsuit is summarized in one place
    - Combine strengthening / weakening processing for light armor in one place
    - Weapon Enchanter improvements
    - We decided to let the constructor of AbstractWeaponEnchanter determine the strengthening / weakening of weapons.
    - Set e_info to std :: map to store ego item information
    - Partially localized y and x in the project () function â‘* + changed global y and x to temp_ *
    - Classified input-key-requestor.cpp / h
    - Aligned the tolerance flag parse table with the current flag definition
    - Combine the definition of MonsterResistanceType and the definition of r_info_flagsr
    - The function argument TARGET_TYPE violates the naming convention, so I changed it to target_type (mechanical replacement).
    Last edited by smbhax; February 28, 2022, 21:04.
    My Angband videos


    • Cryomaniac
      • Jan 2022
      • 285

      Originally posted by smbhax
      - # 2323 that does not work for the opponent who should work, but works for the opponent who should not work ["slay" weapon damage multiplier applied to damage inflicted on the wielder, it sounds like?]
      From what I understand, it fixes a bug where 'slay X' weapon abilities doesn't properly apply against correct kind of enemies.


      • smbhax
        • Oct 2021
        • 325

        Originally posted by Cryomaniac
        From what I understand, it fixes a bug where 'slay X' weapon abilities doesn't properly apply against correct kind of enemies.
        Ah, thanks! Yeah, on second squint at the translation of the bug entry https://github-com.translate.goog/he..._x_tr_pto=wapp it doesn't look like the player was taking triple damage, but...there was a "good" dragon there and it sounds like the good dragon was doing triple damage on the demon, instead of the player who had the slay sword being the one getting the damage multiplier on the demon. Orrr something like that?
        Last edited by smbhax; February 28, 2022, 21:05.
        My Angband videos


        • Cryomaniac
          • Jan 2022
          • 285

          From what I see, player was using a weapon that slays undead, evil and demons. It dealt no extra damage to an evil undead demon monster, but it did increased damage to a good undead dragon monster.


          • smbhax
            • Oct 2021
            • 325

            Originally posted by Cryomaniac
            From what I see, player was using a weapon that slays undead, evil and demons. It dealt no extra damage to an evil undead demon monster, but it did increased damage to a good undead dragon monster.
            Ahhh that's helpful, yeah I see that now. WIZ-MONS is the player and they're the one hitting first the demon, then the dragon.
            Last edited by smbhax; March 1, 2022, 00:19.
            My Angband videos


            • clouded
              • Jun 2012
              • 266

              The heng source tree is crazy now.


              • Nick
                Vanilla maintainer
                • Apr 2007
                • 9353

                Originally posted by clouded
                The heng source tree is crazy now.
                More like tanglethorn.
                One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                • smbhax
                  • Oct 2021
                  • 325

                  Originally posted by Nick
                  More like tanglethorn.
                  Ain't no 'thorn in Heng! ; )
                  My Angband videos


                  • smbhax
                    • Oct 2021
                    • 325

                    3.0.0Alpha55 is another hotfix!

                    本リリースはHotFixです。リファクタリングのエンバグにより発生した致命的な以下の問題を解決しました。 プレイヤーのブレスが発動しないバグを修正 #2359 Full Changelog: 3.0.0Alpha54...3.0.0Alpha55

                    Google translate:

                    "This release is a HotFix. Resolves the following fatal issues caused by refactoring embug:

                    Fixed a bug where player breath wouldn't activate"

                    On Twitter, dev @deskull said https://twitter.com/deskull/status/1499985227904536579 (auto-translate) "3.0.0 Alpha55 is released. It seems to be confusing again for the time being, but please forgive me."
                    My Angband videos


                    • smbhax
                      • Oct 2021
                      • 325

                      ^ Looking at the changed code https://github.com/hengband/hengband...b9f19b9519b146 it looks like this had to do with a player breath weapon fire ball, maybe, so, something to do with whatever player species breathes fire?
                      My Angband videos


                      • clouded
                        • Jun 2012
                        • 266

                        Yo Gwarl can we get a 'nightly' version for Heng on angband.live


                        • smbhax
                          • Oct 2021
                          • 325

                          Originally posted by clouded
                          Yo Gwarl can we get a 'nightly' version for Heng on angband.live
                          First you'd have to have the Hengband team set their GitHub to generate "nightly" builds. They currently aren't doing those, just--usually bi-weekly--manually triggered Alpha milestone builds.
                          My Angband videos


                          • smbhax
                            • Oct 2021
                            • 325

                            3.0.0Alpha56 -- yes, another hotfix!

                            本リリースはHotFixです。リファクタリングのエンバグにより発生した致命的な以下の問題を解決しました。 ランダムクエストの50Fが存在しないバグを修正 #2391 Full Changelog: 3.0.0Alpha55...3.0.0Alpha56

                            Google translations:

                            This release is a HotFix. Resolves the following fatal issues caused by refactoring embug:

                            Fixed a bug that 50F of Random Quest does not exist # 2391
                            Issue #2391 says

                            Fixed 50FRQ (40th quest) not loaded
                            Developer @deskull tweeted https://twitter.com/deskull/status/1501934574414475266 :

                            Sorry I made you wait. It is 3.0.0 Alpha56 release that fixed the embug around Ranke.
                            My Angband videos


                            • Gwarl
                              • Jan 2017
                              • 988

                              Originally posted by clouded
                              Yo Gwarl can we get a 'nightly' version for Heng on angband.live
                              Those are for devs to update by themselves. The hengband devs haven't seemed interested. Most of the changes going on seem to be code refactors, so it shouldn't affect the experience of players much.

