Hengband 3.0.0Alpha releases in Japanese & English - unofficial English build notes

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  • clouded
    • Jun 2012
    • 266

    Originally posted by Gwarl
    Those are for devs to update by themselves. The hengband devs haven't seemed interested. Most of the changes going on seem to be code refactors, so it shouldn't affect the experience of players much.
    I don't mean binaries obviously, I mean the same "always the latest" selection that other variants get on angband.live that doesn't require you to redo your prefs each new version. There are bug fixes like the slaying one.


    • Gwarl
      • Jan 2017
      • 988

      I could maybe try and set up actual automatic nightly updates. I'll look into it.


      • smbhax
        • Oct 2021
        • 325

        Hengband 3.0.0Alpha57 has been released:

        更新内容詳細については、下記比較でお願いします。 Full Changelog: 3.0.0Alpha56...3.0.0Alpha57

        "It is a regular release after a long time with several hotfixes. Mainly bug fixes and specification adjustments." (Google Translate)

        Announcement tweet with illustration by developer @deskull: https://twitter.com/deskull/status/1508083456433332224 "3.0.0 Alpha 57 is released. Occasionally, even in the dining scene of Balrog seen from the face of the parents."

        Build notes:

        変愚蛮怒のメインリポジトリ. Contribute to hengband/hengband development by creating an account on GitHub.


        - English: fix "cannot pass object of non-trivial type" error with clang
        - [Fix] The behavior of life absorption attacks between monsters is strange.
        - [Fix] Fixed an embug that appeared when changing the rules of breath
        - [Fix] Stop C-style casting to MonsterRaceId and use i2enum
        - [Fix] Set the base type of MonsterRaceId to int16_t
        - [Fix] Despite having dark immunity, he becomes blind due to a dark attribute attack.
        - [Fix] Fixed a bug that the message when recovering by hell absorption is displayed twice.
        - [Fix] In MSVC, monster_key_at () is comparing int and enum class, and a compile error occurs ...
        - [Fix] Fixed compile warning that assignment operator and move assignment operator are undefined
        - [Fix] Monsters don't learn dark immunity
        - [Fix] gcc-wrap supports extensions other than .cpp
        - [Fix] # 2395 Fixed a bug that caused anomalous chameleons to be generated
        - [Fix] Fixed missing default in process_blow_effect ().
        - [Fix] Fixed buffer overrun in ascii_to_text
        - [Feature] Added buffer length to the argument of text_to_ascii
        - [Fix] #include / enum class Fixed the missing part.
        - [Fix] Corrected version number difference of migrate_old_resistance_flags ()
        - [Fix] # 2416 The message when you fail to eat magic is strange.
        - [Fix] Remove the limit on the number of designated escort data
        - [Fix] Fixed a bug that monsters that are the opposite of the conditions specified in the dungeon are generated.
        - [Fix] Remove the limit on the number of data for a specific artifact drop
        - [Fix] Remove the upper limit of the specified number of monster symbol limits in the dungeon
        - [Fix] # 2430 The number of remaining turns of the light source causes a negative overflow
        - [Fix] Forcibly set to 0 if the fuel has an abnormal number of remaining turns when reading the save file.
        - [Fix] Crash when pressing a key during initialization immediately after startup in X11 version
        - Add monster-race-visual-flags.h to file list in src / Makefile.am so "m…
        - [Fix] Fixed a bug where monsters picked up items.
        - [Fix] Pval becomes negative due to filling magic absorption blow
        - [Fix] Makes the unnatural behavior of Super Ray feel natural
        - [Fix] The beam before the reflection of Super Ray also unifies the behavior.


        - [Refactor] # 2299 Changed the word for fear from afraid to fearful, including resources / United the w…
        - [Refactor] # 2299 Defined PlayerFear class
        - [Refactor] # 2299 Removed PlayerType :: fearful and moved all processing to TimedEffects :: Fear side.
        - [Refactor] # 2299 Renamed afraidness to fear
        - [Refactor] Localize temp_x, y assignments
        - [Refactor] Localize ox, oy relationships as much as possible
        - [Refactor] Unique temp_x, y roles
        - [Refactor] Rename temp_x, y to target_x, y and make it const
        - [Refactor] Isolated the scope of dist
        - [Refactor] Removed dist_hack
        - [Refactor] Data structure of bounty information
        - [Refactor] Functionize the process to check if the monster race ID is the bounty
        - [Refactor] Code organization for processing bounty information
        - [Refactor] # 1636 Moved read-execution.cpp/h from object-use / to objec…
        - [Refactor] # 1636 Added files required to branch item read processing with factory pattern.
        - [Refactor] # 1636 Reshaped ObjectReadEntity :: execute ()
        - [Refactor] # 1636 Prepared constructors and field variables for ReadExecutor classes.
        - [Refactor] # 1636 Separated the processing when reading an item into scrolls and other separate classes.
        - [Refactor # 1636 Separated change_virtue_as_read () from execute ()
        - [Refactor] # 1636 Separated gain_exp_from_item_use () from execute ()
        - [Refactor] # 1636 Removed unused headers
        - [Refactor] # 1636 Following Habu's comment, check_can_read () is simplified to can_read (), can…
        - [Refactor] Narrowed the scope of drawn
        - [Refactor] Reduced the scope of jump
        - [Refactor] Remove x, y_saver
        - [Refactor] Isolated visual scope
        - [Refactor] Narrowed the scope of who_name
        - [Refactor] Narrowed the scope of gm_rad and see_s_msg
        - [Refactor] Add a function to read / write bool values ​​to the save file
        - [Refactor] # 2322 Blank line adjustment
        - [Refactor] # 2322 I don't know if the result is the final speed or the correction value, so I replaced it with bonus, which can be understood as the correction value. …
        - [Refactor] # 2322 * _value () defined in player-basic-statistics.h to * _bonus ()…
        - [Refactor] # 2322 According to dis-'s comment, * _value () defined in player-status-base.h ...
        - [Refactor] # 2322 According to Mr. dis-'s comment, the header include positions in the temporary code were aggregated at the top of the file.
        - [Refactor / WIP] Enum class monster race ID
        - [Refactor] Introduced MonsterRace class
        - [Refactor] Summarize the process of randomly selecting monsters into a function
        - [Refactor] # 2352 Changed enum process_result to enum class ProcessResult
        - [Refactor] # 2352 Corrected the code casting ProcessResult to bool to compare ProcessResult with each other.
        - [Refactor] Make calc_monrace_power () a member function of MonsterRace
        - [Refactor] Arrangement of bounty-related codes
        - [Refactor] Code cleanup of do_cmd_knowledge_monsters ()
        - [Refactor] # 2353 Removed the confirmation function when entering uppercase letters with a command that has only lowercase letters, and the automatic conversion function from uppercase letters to lowercase letters.
        - [Refactor] Avoid casting MonsterRaceId more than necessary and using MonsterRaceId :: PLAYER
        - [Refactor] Further refactor alloc_horde ()
        - [Refactor] # 2355 spells-mirror-master.cpp / h created
        - [Refactor] # 2355 Moved remove_mirror () remove_all_mirros () from mind-…
        - [Refactor] # 2355 Moved mirror_tunnel () from mind-mirror-master.cpp / h…
        - [Refactor] # 2355 Moved place_mirror () from mind-mirror-master.cpp/ht…
        - [Refactor] # 2355 Moved mirror_concentration () from mind-mirror-master…
        - [Refactor] # 2355 Moved seal_of_mirror () from mind-mirror-master.cpp / h…
        - [Refactor] # 2355 Added Doxygen comments
        - [Refactor] # 2355 Following Mr. Hiryu's comment, the bit operation was replaced with set_bits () and reset_bits (). to this…
        - [Refactor] Replace save_type with enum class SaveType.
        - [Refactor] Be_type is converted to enum class BlowEffectType.
        - [Refactor] Quest initialization no longer depends on max_q_idx
        - [Refactor] Removed random quest numbers 50-88
        - [Refactor] Saved data and misc.txt are no longer dependent on max_q_idx except for related items.
        - [Refactor] Match save data to max_q_idx obsolescence
        - [Refactor] Remove max_q_idx variable
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Moved quaff-execution. * from object-use / to object-u…
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Reshaped ObjectQuaffEntity
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Renamed q_ptr to o_ptr
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Renamed check_can_quaff () to can_quaff ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Defined QuaffEffects class
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated copy_object () from execute ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Moved booze () and detonation () from QuaffExecution t…
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated influence () from QuaffExecution :: execute ()…
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated moisten () from execute ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated change_virtue_as_quaff () from execute ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated can_influence () from execute ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated salt_water () from influence ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated sleep () from influence ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated polymorph () from influence ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated augmentation () from influence ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated lose_memories () from influence ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated enlightenment () from influence ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated star_enlightenment () from influence ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated experience () from influence ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated ruination () from influence ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated tsuyoshi () and neo_tsuyoshi () from influen…
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated resistance () from influence ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated death () from influence ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Removed variable ident
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated poison () from influence ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated blindness () from influence ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated speed () from influence ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Separated new_life () from influence ()
        - [Refactor] # 1642 Removed unnecessary headers from quaff-execution.cpp
        - [Refactor] Match token definition
        - [Refactor] Summarized the condition variables of display_monster_drop_golds ()
        - Ported Seeker Ray and next_mirror () from [Refactor] project () to class
        - [Refactor] Port Super Ray from project () to SpellsMirrorMaster class
        - [Refactor] Redefine monster flag (drop)
        - [Refactor] Mechanically replace constants and conditional expressions
        - [Refactor] The flag check when randomly selecting the target monster of the corpse is changed to the unordered_map expression.
        - [Refactor] Added drop flag to memory flag
        - [Refactor] Save data version to 18
        - [Refactor] # 2407 Replaced the part that returns shared_ptr in the factory class with unique_ptr.
        - [Refactor] # 2405 Removed unnecessary header from apply-magic-*. H
        - [Refactor] # 2405 Separated DragonArmorEnchanter from ArmorEnchanter
        - [Refactor] # 2405 Separated HardArmorEnchanter from ArmorEnchanter
        - [Refactor] # 2405 Separated SoftArmorEnchanter from ArmorEnchanter
        - [Refactor] # 2405 Separated sval_enchant () from apply_magic () in SoftA…
        - [Refactor] # 2405 Moved give_high_ego_index () from ArmorEnchanter to S…
        - [Refactor] # 2405 Doxygen Comments have been changed to match the status quo
        - [Refactor] # 2403 Defined SwordEnchanter class
        - [Refactor] # 2403 WeaponEnchanter :: apply_magic ()'s processing for swords, blunt instruments, and battle axes is Sword ...
        - [Refactor] # 2403 Separated give_ego_index () from apply_magic ()
        - [Refactor] # 2403 Separated give_cursed () from apply_magic ()
        - [Refactor] # 2403 Reshaped SwordEnchanter
        - [Refactor] # 2403 Separated strengthen () from apply_magic ()
        - [Refactor] # 2403 Separated apply-magic-digging.cpp/h from apply-magic…
        - [Refactor] # 2403 Separated apply-magic-arrow.cpp/h from apply-magic.cpp
        - [Refactor] # 2403 Renamed WeaponEnchanter to BowEnchanter
        - [Refactor] Set the argument type of the message display related function to std :: string_view
        - [Refactor] Remove redundant member function calls for arguments passed to msg_print
        - [Refactor] Dungeon Appearance Reduced copy and paste of monster filtering
        - [Refactor] Reduced copy and paste of memory completion processing
        - Define [Refactor] class
        - [Refactor] Move projection_path to class
        - [Refactor] Added member function
        - [Refactor] Change path_g to projection_path class
        - [Refactor] Added PROJECT_MIRROR to simplify code for Seeker Ray and Super Ray
        - [Refactor] Set path_g of Seeker Ray and Super Ray to projection_path
        - [Refactor] Removed corpse-eating effect token definition
        - [Refactor] Removed the effect flag when eating a corpse from the monster flag filter.
        - [Refactor] Removed the flag of the effect when eating the corpse of a monster by definition.
        - [Refactor] Remove EAT _ *** flag from r_info.txt with mechanical replacement
        - [Refactor] Functionize the drawing of the bolt trajectory
        - [Refactor] Redefined wilderness-related appearance flags
        - [Refactor] Matches redefinition of wilderness related spawn flags
        - [Refactor] Match token definition
        - [Refactor] Applies to the dungeon monster appearance filter
        - [Refactor] Renamed the variable is_special_object that stores whether it can be picked up by the picking process.
        - [Refactor] Make the type definition in the modification range appropriate
        - [Refactor] Delete the global variable cur_store_num
        - [Feature] Function to shuffle the elements of the iterator range
        - [Refactor] Shuffle item flavors with rand_shuffule
        - [Refactor] Shuffle your poker deck with rand_shuffle
        - [Refactor] enum class mind_berserker_type
        - [Refactor] Make mind_berserker_type into a Pascal case
        - [Refactor] enum class mind_force_trainer_type
        - [Refactor] Make mind_force_trainer into a Pascal case
        - [Refactor] enum class mind_mindcrafter_type
        - [Refactor] Make mind_mindcrafter_type into a Pascal case
        - [Refactor] enum class mind_mirror_master_type
        - [Refactor] Make mind_mirror_master a Pascal case
        - [Refactor] enum class mind_ninja_type
        - [Refactor] Make mind_ninja_type into a Pascal case
        - [Refactor] # 2425 Deifined AbstractMeleeWeaponEnchanter
        - [Refactor] # 2425 Moved common processing of swords, blunt instruments, long handles / axes to Melee Weapon Enchanter.
        - [Refactor] # 2425 Defined HaftedEnchanter and separated necessary processing from SwordEnchanter
        - [Refactor] # 2425 Defined PolearmEnchanter and separated necessary processing from SwordEnchanter
        - [Refactor] # 2425 Removed unnecessary conditional branching left in SwordEnchanter
        - [Refactor] # 2425 decide_skip () was separated for each weapon type
        - [Refactor] # 2444 Renamed apply-magic. * to item-magic-applier. *
        - [Refactor] # 2444 EnchanterFactory class was created and the Enchanter class generation process was moved to it.
        - [Refactor] # 2444 Reshaped apply_magic_to_object ()
        - [Refactor] # 2444 item-magic-applier.cpp / h is classified
        - [Refactor] # 2444 Separated calculate_chances () from execute () in Item…
        - [Refactor] # 2444 Separated calculate_power () from execute () in Item Ma…
        - [Refactor] # 2444 Separated calculate_rolls () from execute () in Item Ma…
        - [Refactor] # 2444 Separated try_make_artifact () from execute () in Item…
        - [Refactor] # 2444 Separated apply_cursed () from execute () in Item Magic…
        - [Refactor] # 2444 Removed unnecessary inclusions and removed todo's Doxygen comment as work was completed
        - [Refactor] # 2444 Separated set_fixed_artifact_generation_info () from…
        - [Refactor] # 2444 Removed destructors that don't need to be declared
        - [Refactor] # 2444 The case statements are sorted in the order of ItemKindType.
        My Angband videos


        • Sauken
          • Jul 2020
          • 9

          Currently playing a Dunedan Monk of Life and getting 8 blows at CL50 for about 700 damage with slaying bonuses. Very fun! I just wish there wand/staff passive recharge and shop restocking.


          • Cryomaniac
            • Jan 2022
            • 285

            Originally posted by Sauken
            Currently playing a Dunedan Monk of Life and getting 8 blows at CL50 for about 700 damage with slaying bonuses. Very fun! I just wish there wand/staff passive recharge and shop restocking.
            Passive wand/staff recharge is for Magic-Eaters; IIRC, there should be a safe recharging facility available in a town, and a stack of fully charged wands/staves can get you through a dungeon dive session.

            Is the inn available only at night in base Heng? That should restock the stores.


            • smbhax
              • Oct 2021
              • 325

              Hengband 3.0.0Alpha58 has been released:

              更新内容詳細については、下記比較でお願いします。 主にリファクタリングのエンバグが中心となっています。 Full Changelog: 3.0.0Alpha57...3.0.0Alpha58

              Quoted text and build notes via Google Translate:

              "It is a regular release. The main focus is on bug fixes and specification adjustments."

              Developer @deskull tweeted about it with a glowy illustration https://twitter.com/deskull/status/1513138081117130760

              "3.0.0 Alpha 58 is released. There was a possibility that the product of Embug would produce the ultimate poison needle ☆ ."

              Build notes ( https://github.com/hengband/hengband.....3.0.0Alpha58 ):

              - English: align labels to columns in racial and elementalist power menus.
              - English: reword merfolk character background to avoid subject-verb di…
              - English: change failure message for an elementalist using a power
              - English: use "power" rather than "magic" for elementalist power menu

              - [Fix] Fixed to re-lottery if next_mirror is at the same coordinates as the mirror square
              - [Fix] Fixed narrow casting warning in monster-eating.cpp
              - [Fix] Lanterns cannot be refueled from the oil pot
              - clang: include <unordered_map> in mspell / mspell-data.h to avoid compi…
              - [Fix] # 2470 Fixed the problem that equipment that neither strengthens nor weakens (poison needle, diamond edge, death scythe) slips through the judgment and strengthens / weakens.
              - [Fix] # 2470 Only the diamond edge has been re-fixed to have a killing fix.

              - [Refactor] Added base class to get attributes from enemy magic
              - [Refactor] Create an abstract class of enemy attack magic
              - [Refactor] Move mspell-ball.cpp / h into mspell-attack
              - [Refactor] Reduced ball-type magic copy and paste
              - [Refactor] Move mspell-bolt.cpp / h to mspell-attack
              - [Refactor] Reduced bolt magic copy and paste
              - [Refactor] Move mspell-breath.cpp / h into mspell-attack
              - [Refactor] Reduced breath copy and paste
              - [Refactor] Move mspell-curse.cpp / h into mspell-attack
              - [Refactor] Reduced curse copy and paste
              - [Refactor] Move mspell-particularity.cpp / h into mspell-attack
              - [Refactor] Partial common processing of special attack magic
              - [Refactor] Define a singleton of quest data
              - [Refactor] Added the entity of the member function
              - [Refactor] Quest_map Access to arrays is now done through a singleton
              - [Refactor] Renamed the variable hoge in check_quest_placeable to something appropriate
              - [Refactor] Received a copy-and-paste reference as a variable
              - [Refactor] Bit judgment / operation formula is changed to ***_bits ()
              - [Refactor] Redefine terrain related flags
              - [Refactor] Align with redefinition of terrain related flags
              - [Refactor] Match token definition to terrain related flags
              - [Refactor] Apply terrain related flags to dungeon monster appearance filters
              - [Refactor] Added terrain related flags to the definition of monster flag updates
              - [Refactor] Isolate terrain related flags from memory processing
              - [Refactor] Save data version to 19
              - [Refactor] Changed load_quest_info () from "two pointer argument no return value" to "no argument tuple return value"
              My Angband videos


              • smbhax
                • Oct 2021
                • 325

                Hengband version 3.0.0Alpha59 has been released--just a few more fixes to breath weapons, which appear to have been a tricky problem as attempted fixes to them also featured in Alpha55 and Alpha57.

                The release is here: https://github.com/hengband/hengband...g/3.0.0Alpha59

                With a description saying (translations by Google) "For details on the updated contents, please compare below. This time too, there are a few refactoring embug at a slow speed."

                Developer @deskull tweeted a similar message in his announcement https://twitter.com/deskull/status/1518232222356340738 , which translates as "3.0.0 Alpha 59 release with a stone statue of Mimic (Mimic (box) statue). The bug has been fixed at a low speed." He did indeed include an illustration of a Mimic statue:

                The message accompanying the news on the Hengband site https://hengband.github.io/ translates as "It is a regular release. The main focus is on bug fixes and specification adjustments."

                Translation of the brief build notes https://github.com/hengband/hengband.....3.0.0Alpha59 :

                [Fix] Fixed a bug where breath penetrates a wall
                [Fix] Fixed a bug that the attribute of gravity and disassembly breath becomes "unknown".
                My Angband videos


                • smbhax
                  • Oct 2021
                  • 325

                  Hengband 3.0.0Alpha60 has been released. The release page https://github.com/hengband/hengband...g/3.0.0Alpha60 says "This is an embug fix that has been postponed for a week."

                  Change list https://github.com/hengband/hengband.....3.0.0Alpha60 :

                  - Fixed a bug that the judgment of whether it was on the ground or not was reversed for the effect of * destruction * due to the invitation of emptiness near the wall.
                  - English: add comma and remove duplicated letter in birth screen reroll prompt.
                  - Fixed a bug that the restore number variable of the monster was not initialized.
                  - Fixed an issue where installation of libcurl4 failed and GitHub Actions did not work properly.
                  - Temporarily fixed the phenomenon that the killing correction was not given to the long handle / ax and blunt instrument (finally, the design needs to be reviewed: see # 2490).
                  - Debug mode o The command display was corrupted, so the line specification variable was corrected correctly.
                  My Angband videos


                  • smbhax
                    • Oct 2021
                    • 325

                    I'm going to be sticking to Vanilla for the time being, so I'll be out of the loop on Hengband and not trying to keep this thread up to date; if anyone else wants to update it, please feel free. : )
                    My Angband videos


                    • Cryomaniac
                      • Jan 2022
                      • 285

                      I should be able to provide updates for newer versions.


                      • Cryomaniac
                        • Jan 2022
                        • 285

                        Hengband 3.0.0alpha61 has been released: https://github.com/hengband/hengband...g/3.0.0Alpha61. Minor bugfix version.

                        Change list:

                        -Fixed typo in message about the version of the savefile being loaded
                        -Fixed a bug with player being positioned on a permanent wall upon exiting 'Assault on Montsalvat' quest
                        -Made it so 'resist darkness' check also checks for immunity to darkness; vampires no longer get blinded when using scrolls/staves of darkness


                        • Cryomaniac
                          • Jan 2022
                          • 285

                          Hengband 3.0.0alpha 62 released: https://github.com/hengband/hengband...g/3.0.0Alpha62

                          Another bugfix release:

                          -Fixed typos/mislabelings in English smithing menu
                          -Fixed out-of-bounds error with chest traps
                          -Fixed smart_learn option not working


                          • Sauken
                            • Jul 2020
                            • 9


                            I'll post the github changelog, easier to go there and use a translate browser extension if you can't read Japanese. Hopefully it's still helpful for people.

                            &#22793;&#24858;&#34542;&#24594;&#12398;&#12513;&#12452;&#12531;&#12522;&#12509;&#12472;&#12488;&#12522;. Contribute to hengband/hengband development by creating an account on GitHub.

                            I also made a subreddit for the game:



                            • Cryomaniac
                              • Jan 2022
                              • 285

                              3.0.0alpha63 released: https://github.com/hengband/hengband...g/3.0.0Alpha63

                              Looks to be mostly code-related changes.


                              • smbhax
                                • Oct 2021
                                • 325

                                Hengband is up to alpha 72. I haven't been keeping up but I'm tracking back to Alpha 63, as it happens, because it was in that version that they added added over 90 MB of optional dark fantasy music and sound effects. The music plays appropriate tracks at appropriate times (character creation, dungeons, death, etc), looping smoothly while you're exploring a dungeon floor or whatever.

                                The tracks are open source mp3s from opengameart.org, according to the readme. I initially started recording them just to upload to YouTube so I could check to make sure they don't trigger any copyright notices. They didn't! = D This recording of them was a bit thrown together so it's somewhat rough, but hopefully it may be useful to someone else too.

                                I'm thinking that I might use them as looping background music when playing Angband. : )

                                (I like the added sound effects too, they fit better and are less distracting than Angband's optional SFX. Could use a sound for digging though. : D)
                                My Angband videos

