What's the most annoying thing in Angband (without dying)?

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  • wobbly
    • May 2012
    • 2577

    Originally posted by Pete Mack
    If you play with permanent levels, you can keep *everything*
    Or you can play a Hengband(?) variant. (I think that's where unlimited home space came from.) Or you can increase store size--it's just a constant value in a .h file somewhere.
    constants.txt these days, but there's some sort of limit before the UI behaves a little screwy and does odd things.


    • DavidMedley
      • Oct 2019
      • 995

      Originally posted by archolewa
      In fact, in general I find the early game especially much more tense and engaging without easy access to the town. Especially when playing a Blackguard *man* do they rely on Maim Foe for early game survivability.
      Can you elaborate on this? And what version are you playing? (Bonus points if you elaborate in a Blackguard thread instead of here.)
      Last edited by DavidMedley; December 12, 2020, 21:19.
      Please like my indie game company on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/RatherFunGames


      • sffp
        • Apr 2020
        • 434

        Originally posted by Sky
        to be honest, the one thing i find so annoying, sooo annoying, to the point that it makes me close down the game and go do something else ..

        .. is when i'm near the endgame, and i need to make my build, but i got too much stuff on me and in my home, and cannot make yet a decision as to what to keep and what to throw out.

        this sword has pConf and *Fire.
        This does a lot of damage
        this one has CON stat boosts. this one has my main class stat boost.
        this amulet has a rare resist. this other has ESP.

        etc, etc.

        Honestly, i just want to recall and dump stuff in my house, and when im CL50 i can spend 5 minutes doing the "what goes where" minigame. But i really don't like when i need to throw out a weapon to store a dragon armor artifact, and can't tell which of the things i got will or won't be useful for my final build.

        Not that i need it. I know, nobody needs to squeeze every last bit of power from their gear, when they got 30 *Heal and 10 MBan, but in a game where one of the main appeals is the randomized loot, i like to use my randomized loot.

        I like to find loot, i like to use it, i like to build a character that's arguably stronger than needed to beat the game. Because, to me that's an integral part of the fun.


        Part of it is the packrat in me. But I've gotten better at early levels of throwing stuff out, because I know better stuff will come. But every time I surface, I go through a rigamarole of judging all of my things and decide carry/house/sell.

        I've always hoped that at some point, stuff I sell would show up in shops for later characters of mine. But that's never happened. Same with finding corpses of previous characters. I've never found any remnant of previous characters in games that I've played.


        • archolewa
          • Feb 2019
          • 399

          Now that I think about, the fact that you can't drop things directly from home is really annoying. I don't mind the limited space,I just wish it was easier to drop things when both your home and inventory are full.


          • bughunter
            • Nov 2019
            • 140

            Originally posted by archolewa
            Now that I think about, the fact that you can't drop things directly from home is really annoying. I don't mind the limited space,I just wish it was easier to drop things when both your home and inventory are full.
            Yea, I was probably playing that mini-game when you wrote that...

            If your inventory is full and you 'w'eild something on the floor into an occupied slot, or 's'teal an item successfully, then your pack "overflows" onto the ground.

            Can this existing mechanic be used to make dealing with a full home a little less annoying?

            I'm OK with the inventory and home sizes, but dealing with them when they're both full is indeed annoying.


            • bughunter
              • Nov 2019
              • 140

              Having 26k gold, and NOTHING to spend it on.

              Especially after seeing things in the window at the Black Market, and going "Oooh, I'm gonna save up for that."

              Once I got the gold, there's nothing but crap.


              • Selkie
                • Aug 2020
                • 434

                Originally posted by bughunter
                Having 26k gold, and NOTHING to spend it on.

                Especially after seeing things in the window at the Black Market, and going "Oooh, I'm gonna save up for that."

                Once I got the gold, there's nothing but crap.
                I find gold annoying full stop. When you need it there's never enough, when you've got it you don't need it. But because (apparently) I've got some sort of psychological thing, I can't leave gold sitting lying on the dungeon so I have to pick it up.


                • whartung
                  • May 2020
                  • 101

                  Originally posted by bughunter
                  Having 26k gold, and NOTHING to spend it on.

                  Especially after seeing things in the window at the Black Market, and going "Oooh, I'm gonna save up for that."
                  I'll just plop one word here and see what folks think:



                  • Pete Mack
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 6697

                    FAAngband does have layaway.


                    • Jay
                      • Dec 2011
                      • 104

                      Originally posted by Sky
                      to be honest, the one thing i find so annoying, sooo annoying, to the point that it makes me close down the game and go do something else ..

                      .. is when i'm near the endgame, and i need to make my build, but i got too much stuff on me and in my home, and cannot make yet a decision as to what to keep and what to throw out.

                      this sword has pConf and *Fire.
                      This does a lot of damage
                      this one has CON stat boosts. this one has my main class stat boost.
                      this amulet has a rare resist. this other has ESP.

                      etc, etc.
                      I actually create spreadsheets to keep track of this stuff. It's the easiest way I've come up with to be able to compare items and setups. It's especially useful for me when using randarts.

                      If houses had greater storage capacity, or if you could buy a second house, or if you were awarded more storage space when you hit a certain CL, the game would be more fun for me. I understand there's a challenge in knowing what to keep and what to chuck, so maybe some find this an enjoyable part of the game, but I'm not one of them.
                      Oh you icky things, don't you know you're driving your mamas and papas insane…


                      • Adam
                        • Feb 2016
                        • 194

                        Originally posted by Jay
                        If houses had greater storage capacity, or if you could buy a second house, or if you were awarded more storage space when you hit a certain CL, the game would be more fun for me. I understand there's a challenge in knowing what to keep and what to chuck, so maybe some find this an enjoyable part of the game, but I'm not one of them.
                        Something similar would not be bad. Buying house inventory slots for exponentially increasing money amount for example. Probably more interesting than having a second house for a fix amount of gold.


                        • AceRimmer
                          • Dec 2007
                          • 45

                          Originally posted by Jay
                          I actually create spreadsheets to keep track of this stuff. It's the easiest way I've come up with to be able to compare items and setups. It's especially useful for me when using randarts.

                          Originally posted by Adam
                          If houses had greater storage capacity, or if you could buy a second house, or if you were awarded more storage space when you hit a certain CL, the game would be more fun for me. I understand there's a challenge in knowing what to keep and what to chuck, so maybe some find this an enjoyable part of the game, but I'm not one of them.
                          There is a striking contrast between Jay's and Adam's approaches. Myself, I like Jay's strategy. In fact, I do the same thing myself. I mean, I understand where Adam is coming from -- juggling and choosing among endgame options IS one of the more tedious things about Angband -- but I am wary, wary, wary of solutions that are variants of "we need more inventory slots" (even if it is at home versus in-dungeon inventory). At some level, Angband is about having to make choices about your inventory. We can debate about whether 45 or 40 or 50 slots + equipment is the right number. Sure. Personally, I think we have more than enough slots. Heck, I recently won my first no-artifacts game, and even without crazy artifacts, the inventory slots were more than adequate (I'm sure ironman players will point out you can win on 23 slots + equipment).

                          But to turn my thoughts in a more positive direction... how difficult would it be to code what Jay is talking about? (Seriously, I don't know). I am thinking of some sort of in-game interface that allows you to list your equipable gear in a matrix with resists, modifiers, and bonuses in a matrix format. This seems in the spirit of helping players to manage the game without actually changing the game's difficulty.


                          • invisibletroll
                            • Jul 2020
                            • 47

                            Let me rephrase what I meant.

                            Angband sucks and Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup rules.
                            CAN YOU DIG THAT SUCKAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!


                            • Nick
                              Vanilla maintainer
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 9353

                              Originally posted by invisibletroll
                              Let me rephrase what I meant.

                              Angband sucks and Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup rules.
                              CAN YOU DIG THAT SUCKAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
                              I think you just became visible
                              One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                              In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                              • fph
                                • Apr 2009
                                • 956

                                You have learned the rune of See Invisible
                                Dive fast, die young, leave a high-CHA corpse.

