What's the most annoying thing in Angband (without dying)?

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  • DavidMedley
    • Oct 2019
    • 995

    Originally posted by invisibletroll
    Identifying runes. Takes a lot of effort and keypresses. There's simply too many runes and many of them won't add much to the gameplay.
    You know you can "know all runes" in the birth options, right? I've done that for testing my changes to BG and, even though I like the ID mini-game, I have to admit it is quite freeing.
    Please like my indie game company on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/RatherFunGames


    • whartung
      • May 2020
      • 101

      Originally posted by DavidMedley
      You know you can "know all runes" in the birth options, right? I've done that for testing my changes to BG and, even though I like the ID mini-game, I have to admit it is quite freeing.
      I run this. I found when I was IDing myself that not knowing what the gear was wasn't really a hinderance, it was simply annoying.

      It was very rare that I was stuck in the conundrum of simply not WoR back to have the thing identified. I simply wholesaled everything in to the shops.

      If scrolls were available, then I'd use them, but I really didn't hesitate to dump things in the shops to identify them.

      Simply because in the early game, the gear is "OK" but not game making, and long term, having the runes identified is greater than any one piece of gear. So it was pretty much a no-brainer for me to potentially "sacrifice" a piece of gear to the vendor (i.e. it turned out to be something I'd like, but is too expensive to buy back) in order to get it ID'd.

      Because with the combination of the scrolls and the shops, ID is not necessarily free, but it's pretty cheap.

      Dungeon levels are cheap, WoR is cheap, IDing is cheap, so why not throw an entire level away to pop back up and get some stuff ID'd.

      Thus, I turned the option on and skip the ID mini-game completely.


      • Estie
        • Apr 2008
        • 2281

        Originally posted by whartung
        I run this. I found when I was IDing myself that not knowing what the gear was wasn't really a hinderance, it was simply annoying.

        It was very rare that I was stuck in the conundrum of simply not WoR back to have the thing identified. I simply wholesaled everything in to the shops.

        If scrolls were available, then I'd use them, but I really didn't hesitate to dump things in the shops to identify them.

        Simply because in the early game, the gear is "OK" but not game making, and long term, having the runes identified is greater than any one piece of gear. So it was pretty much a no-brainer for me to potentially "sacrifice" a piece of gear to the vendor (i.e. it turned out to be something I'd like, but is too expensive to buy back) in order to get it ID'd.

        Because with the combination of the scrolls and the shops, ID is not necessarily free, but it's pretty cheap.

        Dungeon levels are cheap, WoR is cheap, IDing is cheap, so why not throw an entire level away to pop back up and get some stuff ID'd.

        Thus, I turned the option on and skip the ID mini-game completely.
        Isnt everyone (who plays with ID enabled) doing this ?

        If a weapon of bad base type doesnt have ESP, it gets sold to learn the runes. One exception would be an early armor of elvenkind; it gets used regardless of what its high resist is. If it is poison, youll learn soon enough, if not, its not really important which one it is but you dont want to sacrifice a resist all armor with stealth to find out.

        One way to look at it:

        There is value in learning the rune now rather than later; there is value in preserving a potentially good item for later (i.e. you wont learn the rune now). Somewhere inbetween is the best strategy. If you play Angband for long enough and never end up in a situation where you want to buy back the sold item but cant afford it, your strategy is flawed.


        • tg122
          • Dec 2007
          • 92

          One more thing that annoys me a lot. The fact that the stores in town don't always stock consumables that restore experience or staffs of teleport or whatever you desperately need at that time. This causes me to have to go down to dlvl 1 and sleep and go back to town to scum for certain consumables. I find it to just be annoying that shopkeepers don't always stock key items, but doesn't actually make the game more difficult or interesting.


          • Selkie
            • Aug 2020
            • 434

            Originally posted by tg122
            One more thing that annoys me a lot. The fact that the stores in town don't always stock consumables that restore experience or staffs of teleport or whatever you desperately need at that time. This causes me to have to go down to dlvl 1 and sleep and go back to town to scum for certain consumables. I find it to just be annoying that shopkeepers don't always stock key items, but doesn't actually make the game more difficult or interesting.

            I think not having unlimited potions of CSW, and CCW is fine. I think not having at least one potion of restore life levels in stock at any one time is sloppy shopkeeping.


            • DavidMedley
              • Oct 2019
              • 995

              Originally posted by Estie
              Isnt everyone (who plays with ID enabled) doing this ?
              I don't. I try to identify what I can with experimentation. I sell or donate some items for the ID, but not stuff that expect to regret. I generally pay more attention to minutiae than most people would or would enjoy.
              Please like my indie game company on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/RatherFunGames


              • Pete Mack
                • Apr 2007
                • 6697

                Invisible troll:
                Hoo boy. RuneID has got nothing on the old-fashioned way, with ?ID and ?*ID*

                It is dead easy, especially if you remember to pick up cursed stuff, useless ego items and jewelry early in the game. Sell the stuff for zero gold and get free I'd. If you want the non-obvious jewelry after all, buy it back for a few hundred gold. Actually useful objects are almost always obvious, with possibly a hidden power to ID at your leisure.


                • Whelk
                  • Jun 2007
                  • 192

                  I love rune ID, though a part of me will always be nostalgic for the old ID system for some reason.

                  To answer the thread title question: Playing any class other than rogue after having just played a rogue. The trouble you have to go to just to discover what's around you in the dungeon!


                  • archolewa
                    • Feb 2019
                    • 399

                    I've recently started playing with Word of Recall turned off (though still with upstairs, not quite ready yet for the Iron Man plunge), and I find the Rune ID game *much* more interesting when you don't have easy access to the town. It's super exciting when you identify something. Curses are pretty scary (though not so scary that you just wait for an Identify Rune scroll). And you often have to decide which unidentified items to keep when your inventory filled up, and which you figure you already know, or are probably cursed that you can throw away.

                    In fact, in general I find the early game especially much more tense and engaging without easy access to the town. Especially when playing a Blackguard *man* do they rely on Maim Foe for early game survivability.


                    • Selkie
                      • Aug 2020
                      • 434

                      Originally posted by Whelk
                      To answer the thread title question: Playing any class other than rogue after having just played a rogue. The trouble you have to go to just to discover what's around you in the dungeon!
                      I mostly play rogues so I know exactly what you mean. Rangers have magic mapping in their first spell book which is also really useful, rods of treasure detection are very common so the combination is quite strong. Rods of magic mapping are less common. That said, I get so many randart light sources that map the entire level and detect all objects that both spells are often surpassed


                      • Angdrim
                        • Aug 2020
                        • 21

                        Originally posted by tg122
                        One more thing that annoys me a lot. The fact that the stores in town don't always stock consumables that restore experience or staffs of teleport or whatever you desperately need at that time. This causes me to have to go down to dlvl 1 and sleep and go back to town to scum for certain consumables. I find it to just be annoying that shopkeepers don't always stock key items, but doesn't actually make the game more difficult or interesting.
                        You can always just not town scum. Make it a personal rule. Then you have to dive again without the stuff that you desperately need, which can be more interesting than having a well-stocked kit every time.


                        • Sky
                          • Oct 2016
                          • 2309

                          to be honest, the one thing i find so annoying, sooo annoying, to the point that it makes me close down the game and go do something else ..

                          .. is when i'm near the endgame, and i need to make my build, but i got too much stuff on me and in my home, and cannot make yet a decision as to what to keep and what to throw out.

                          this sword has pConf and *Fire.
                          This does a lot of damage
                          this one has CON stat boosts. this one has my main class stat boost.
                          this amulet has a rare resist. this other has ESP.

                          etc, etc.

                          Honestly, i just want to recall and dump stuff in my house, and when im CL50 i can spend 5 minutes doing the "what goes where" minigame. But i really don't like when i need to throw out a weapon to store a dragon armor artifact, and can't tell which of the things i got will or won't be useful for my final build.

                          Not that i need it. I know, nobody needs to squeeze every last bit of power from their gear, when they got 30 *Heal and 10 MBan, but in a game where one of the main appeals is the randomized loot, i like to use my randomized loot.

                          I like to find loot, i like to use it, i like to build a character that's arguably stronger than needed to beat the game. Because, to me that's an integral part of the fun.
                          "i can take this dracolich"


                          • Thraalbee
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 692

                            Agreed. That is a pain. Probably that's why I stick to Ironman settings


                            • tangar
                              • Mar 2015
                              • 971

                              in my variant... I've increased storage space in house A LOT. it's multiplayer concept, but still, maybe this idea won't hurt in V too.. like to made a birth option which won't restrict storage. I've made an explanation about it: https://tangar.info/en/tangaria-blog...oguelike-games ... I prefer to meet difficulty in actual DUNGEONS, while item managment in town should be much less hassle.
                              https://tangaria.com - Angband multiplayer variant
                              tangaria.com/variants - Angband variants table
                              tangar.info - my website ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽
                              youtube.com/GameGlaz — streams in English ⍽ youtube.com/StreamGuild — streams in Russian


                              • Pete Mack
                                • Apr 2007
                                • 6697

                                If you play with permanent levels, you can keep *everything*
                                Or you can play a Hengband(?) variant. (I think that's where unlimited home space came from.) Or you can increase store size--it's just a constant value in a .h file somewhere.

