Thanks for all your excellent feedback. I'll rework new mages again, along the following lines:
For your other issues, Spear of Light and Stone to Mud I expected players would miss, but they can be replaced with wand/rod use. Haste is an interesting one which I haven't solved yet.
And badly designed - yes, but we're not finished yet
- Book 5 will probably start dropping at DL70 (I'm not sure what I intended, but it wasn't 4 and 5 at 50);
- I want to keep Banishment and Mass Banishment, but they need to be late;
- At least one of the book 5 spells needs to be earlier, probably Mana Bolt.
For your other issues, Spear of Light and Stone to Mud I expected players would miss, but they can be replaced with wand/rod use. Haste is an interesting one which I haven't solved yet.
And badly designed - yes, but we're not finished yet
