In version 4.0.5 sometimes when I quaff stat potions nothing happens, as in it has no effect. Just now my DEX was 18/80 and I quaffed a DEX potion and it stayed at 18/80 and I am still 2 DEX away from my next blows increase.
EDIT I'm at DEX! not DEX: Didn't realize I maxed out at 18/80. Oh well.
Also, sometimes when uniques (or maybe it's not just uniques) summon monsters the monsters don't seem to be awake. This ends up helping me and hindering the unique. Seems a bit buggy.Like, maybe the summons are awake, but until they see me they won't do pursue me and stay put blocking the summoner.
Amazing. Drop a bunch of stuff to go take on Itagast. Confront a nexus vortex; okay, what are the odds; I haven't seen one of these in ages. Should I put on my boots of stabilty? Nah, this thing has low hitpoints, I'll just zap it with a mithril arrow. Arrow doesn't kill it (thought for sure it had low hitpoints?) v breathes nexus, You rise up through the ceiling. This is the 3rd nexus I've faced. The first one I killed and the second one rose me up through the ceiling. And now the third rose me up through the ceiling. Grrrr.
EDIT I'm at DEX! not DEX: Didn't realize I maxed out at 18/80. Oh well.

Also, sometimes when uniques (or maybe it's not just uniques) summon monsters the monsters don't seem to be awake. This ends up helping me and hindering the unique. Seems a bit buggy.Like, maybe the summons are awake, but until they see me they won't do pursue me and stay put blocking the summoner.
Amazing. Drop a bunch of stuff to go take on Itagast. Confront a nexus vortex; okay, what are the odds; I haven't seen one of these in ages. Should I put on my boots of stabilty? Nah, this thing has low hitpoints, I'll just zap it with a mithril arrow. Arrow doesn't kill it (thought for sure it had low hitpoints?) v breathes nexus, You rise up through the ceiling. This is the 3rd nexus I've faced. The first one I killed and the second one rose me up through the ceiling. And now the third rose me up through the ceiling. Grrrr.