Bugs and complaints on current master

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  • Sky
    • Oct 2016
    • 2309

    another couple of minor observations.

    some prices in town seem a bit messed up; i sold a wicker shield 2 +38 (granted, thats some massive AC bonus right there) with +1 light, +2 infravision, basic resists and regen for a whopping 25.000 gold.
    helm of vision +5 for 9000 gold.

    also, you must have changed something in the drop rate. i was on my 3rd amulet of trickery by DL32, and i am finding dwarven shields, armors of speed +5, and gauntlets of combat like it's nobody's business.
    "i can take this dracolich"


    • Pete Mack
      • Apr 2007
      • 6697

      I don't know what you think is wrong with the valuation on that shield. 25K seems about right--it's surely worth the price of yet another copy of Raal's.


      • PowerWyrm
        • Apr 2008
        • 2941

        Originally posted by Sky
        also, you must have changed something in the drop rate. i was on my 3rd amulet of trickery by DL32, and i am finding dwarven shields, armors of speed +5, and gauntlets of combat like it's nobody's business.
        That's strange, I'm currently playing the angband-4.0.3-696-ge906c66 nightly and with my bookless egoless char, I'm clearing mid dungeon levels a lot and I didn't come with many OoD finds...
        PWMAngband variant maintainer - check https://github.com/draconisPW/PWMAngband (or http://www.mangband.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=9) to learn more about this new variant!


        • Nomad
          • Sep 2010
          • 951

          Okay, here's an old and massively obscure bug. If, when typing an inscription, you press any of the Home/End/Page Up/Page Down buttons, it will add what appears to be a space to the inscription. If you then drop the inscribed item with the offending space, the game will crash:

          Assertion failed!
          File: z-textblock.c
          Line: 115
          Expression: new_length >= 0
          Out of curiosity I tested it out in some older versions, and this bug occurs all the way back to 3.5.0, but not in 3.4.1.

          (Edit: Oops, sorry, wrong bug thread. Having this one hanging around is confusing me.)

