Narvius' Thread

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  • Narvius
    • Dec 2007
    • 539

    Narvius' Thread

    It's my thread, so I don't have to make a new one everytime I want to ask something...

    Uhm, yesterday I decided to try a warrior (I always played a mage, always dying around maxdepth 400'). But I never played a melee character. Any hints, tips?

    My first warrior character (who died at 200') had incredible luck: He ran into a group of spiders, got surrounded, his HP fell to 2. Then he read an unid'ed scroll... which turned out to be a ?Teleport. Yay. To bad he got killed by Bullroarer a handful turns later.

    Just a though; what about reading un-id'ied scrolls when surrounded by 4 doors to prevent ?Summon Monster to kill you?


    Something like that.
    If you can convincingly pretend you're crazy, you probably are.
  • new.ideas
    • Feb 2008
    • 19

    tips: I don't know your stats, but you should try a light weighted weapon like a dagger (main gauche, whip, ...) and look how much blows per turn you get. And then enchant that weapon to (+5,+5) (or higher, but the enchantment-scrolls will fail more often the higher you enchant the item).
    3blows/turn with +5 => 15 damage
    1blow with an unenchanted broad sword damges lot less.

    - also use magic devices for detection, teleport.
    - phase door/bow combo is also nice, if you have a unique alone in a big room.

    mh, okay, that were only tips, that can be found in the newbie guide.

    but to the summon monster thing. never tried that situation, but if you are in a dead-end there is only one position from which an enemy could melee you.


    • Nick
      Vanilla maintainer
      • Apr 2007
      • 9352

      Originally posted by Narvius
      Just a though; what about reading un-id'ied scrolls when surrounded by 4 doors to prevent ?Summon Monster to kill you?


      Something like that.
      Usually (unless you summon a monster that can pass through walls) nothing will be summoned, so the scroll will not be identified. My method is to summon where there is just one direction free (so like yours with one door open), and at least one direction is a closed door so I can open it and run if necessary.
      One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
      In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


      • Djabanete
        • Apr 2007
        • 553

        Originally posted by Nick
        Usually (unless you summon a monster that can pass through walls) nothing will be summoned, so the scroll will not be identified. My method is to summon where there is just one direction free (so like yours with one door open), and at least one direction is a closed door so I can open it and run if necessary.
        And obviously, another option is to test un-ID'd scrolls while standing on a staircase, because then you'll have a foolproof escape in case things go badly.


        • Narvius
          • Dec 2007
          • 539

          I tried it; 4 blows with a dagger. Yay.

          Okay, so I'll take a few ?Phase Doors with me.
          I played a little further and it saved me already (careless fighting against spiders, got surrounded). I still have no money for ?Enchants, though.

          The last time I tried so I had to few speed and they killed me nonetheless.
          If you can convincingly pretend you're crazy, you probably are.


          • Pete Mack
            • Apr 2007
            • 6697

            Originally posted by Narvius
            I tried it; 4 blows with a dagger. Yay.

            Okay, so I'll take a few ?Phase Doors with me.
            I played a little further and it saved me already (careless fighting against spiders, got surrounded). I still have no money for ?Enchants, though.

            The last time I tried so I had to few speed and they killed me nonetheless.
            You will get cash in very little time once you get down to ~dl 10, just from selling magic devices and enchanted weapons.

            When I start a warrior character, I buy the dagger, 1-2 ?Phase, 1 ?Recall, 1 !Hero, and 1 or 2 potions of Cure Serious Wounds (!CSW) for confusion and possibly Bullroarer. (NOT for orcs.) I try to get close to dl 10 before recalling, and I try to get there as fast as possible. There is no payoff to spending time at extremely shallow depths. And it really only takes a handful of kills to advance to CL 10.


            • Narvius
              • Dec 2007
              • 539

              I got farther. I defeated Bullroarer, Smeagol... and Wormtongue! Without the traps killing me after that (a few tough monster-summon-traps, but I got them)! Sadly, no good dagger, I enchanted mine up to +5 damage. I encountered my first orc group and slaughtered it (I had a few mushrooms of CCW). And, because an acid trap destroyed my ?WoR recently, I decided to always have ~3.
              If you can convincingly pretend you're crazy, you probably are.


              • Narvius
                • Dec 2007
                • 539

                An invisible Green Glutton Ghost ate away my mushrooms and I died in a battle a few turns later.
                Note to myself: Use potions next time.


                I reached clvl 9 and dlvl 11, my dagger's [+4, +9]. I have no See Invisible, but I found another way to defeat Smeagol: Close all doors. He opens doors, so I see where he is anyway.
                I got money quickly because I found a few nice staves & rods that yielded a lot of shinies.
                If you can convincingly pretend you're crazy, you probably are.


                • Narvius
                  • Dec 2007
                  • 539

                  I found Nimthanc. Yay. YAY. *YAY*. The first time in my life.
                  And my first dump;
                  If you can convincingly pretend you're crazy, you probably are.


                  • Berserker
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 23

                    Congratulations on finding Nimthanc! Keep us informed.


                    • Narvius
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 539

                      Thanks =D

                      Found and defeated Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief and Nar, the Dwarf. That are six down, from ten known. Nar was quite hard, he resisted the frost missiles from Nimthanc, so I had to melee him. The battle costed me two ?Phase Doors and three !CCWs.

                      And I've got two questions;

                      1. How deep is "stat gain depth"? I already found a potion of charisma, but I think that was from a small vault.
                      2. When do ?*Identify* start to appear?
                      If you can convincingly pretend you're crazy, you probably are.


                      • Seany C
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 261

                        1. From around 1500' onwards for most of the stat-gain potions, with CHR potions starting around 1200', if I remembr correctly.

                        2. Hmm, can't remember in V, I'm afraid - from about 1750' in some other variants I've played...


                        • Narvius
                          • Dec 2007
                          • 539


                          I hit 1000'.
                          I'm really afraid. I have an excellent feeling.
                          I found a torch of brightness. Yay. And two !Healing. They are *way* better than !CCW...
                          I survived several onslaughts, most of them including orcs and dark or clear hounds. I hate them. The hounds. Again, ?Phase Door saved my hide.
                          I did slay two other uniques (both newcomers on my uniques list).
                          I think I'm now in the "mid-game". =D
                          This is my best char EVER. I gonna die soon.
                          If you can convincingly pretend you're crazy, you probably are.


                          • Narvius
                            • Dec 2007
                            • 539

                            ...I AM dead. I was distracted for only ONE damn second.
                            If you can convincingly pretend you're crazy, you probably are.


                            • Berserker
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 23

                              The worst part was you had 7 Dark Red Potions of Cure Critical Wounds.

                              It happens though, don't sweat it. I just lost my best character last night as well to a summoner.

