If you're at or near the weight limit when you leave town, then you're carrying too much stuff with you.
Nooooo, I always carry 4x books! The thought of having to abort a level because of book loss makes me a little tearful.
My base 'departure' speed is -1, which might have something to do with the 187 bolts I have about my person. Perhaps I could lose a few of these
In mitigation, m'lud, I'd say I would usually be RoSed and BoSed to at least +15 by now, so losing a speed point or two to weight would be insignificant.
Additionally I'd like to not have to use a bleedin' crossbow and associated chunky missiles, and I'd half-expect to have fire immunity.
MBC = Destroy Doors and Traps
MCA = Satisfy Hunger
MCG = Reveal Monsters
Food is almost always something you can just scrounge from the ground; my warriors usually just eat up to full in town, carry some readily-dropped food, and if/when they run out, eat food as it's available in the dungeon. In any case, losing the ability to cast Satisfy Hunger is not a crisis situation, so it's not justification for carrying four books.
I don't think I've ever cast Destroy Doors and Traps except for the initial casting experience. Traps, once detected, simply aren't that dangerous and most classes are too good at disarming to really worry about them. If that's all you carry book 2 for, get a Rod of Disarming, which can't be destroyed, weighs less, and clears out more traps at a time (albeit, with a recharge time between uses).
Reveal Monsters is nice, but Detect Monsters in the first spellbook makes a good fallback especially if you have ESP, and you'll want to be carrying multiple copies of the first spellbook anyway since it's your source of trap detection, Light Area, and non-crisis Phase Door.
scud: 187 bolts? Yeah, that's excessive. 80 (two slots worth) ought to be plenty. Though as Oramin notes, if you used a bow you'd be getting multiple shots/round by now.
Also, why is a bloody Ranger using a bleeding Crossbow?
It's quite a tasty weapon (although still single shot) which I originally wore for its pFear/pConf/pStun. Now I have multiple sources of the first two I'm on the lookout for a longbow but haven't found a heavy hitter yet.
Originally posted by Derakon
187 bolts? Yeah, that's excessive. 80 (two slots worth) ought to be plenty
Have trashed half of them. I'm still in 3.3.2 so I've got the 99 slot quivers.
Neither Telepathy nor Detect Monsters let you detect 'Q' which tend to be nuisances and are worth killing if you can spot them. Also, if I use Telepathy to detect intelligent invisible monsters then I'm within following range for them.
I typically use Destroy Doors/Traps to disarm chests but you're right that Rods/Wands of Disarming could do the same thing.
You can always get by with 2 books and recall in the unlikely event that you run out of a critical one. If you find yourself running out, you are probably meleeing too many fire-damage monsters.
Certainly disarming chests is not enough of a reason to carry extra gear. Much better off using disarm command and hoping for the best. The only place where this doesn't work is in some greater vaults.
The only time I find myself using the destroy trap spell is in large vaults. 1 too many times I have fallen through a trap door while failing to disarm after clearing all the baddies out of a large, potentially lucrative vault. Pretty disheartening when it happens.
I just had it happen recently where a single fire breath weapon which did only a couple of points of damage to me took out 2 of the same book. Unlikely, but it happens so that's why I carry 3.
Of course, when I'm carrying 3, I'm not running around at -2; more like dropping from 21 to 20.
Have just killed Al-P, Baphomet, and Mr Bluecloak on a single level.
My reward was my first randart lightsource of the game. And it's a poxy room lighter rather than a mapper.
Still running at +3 speed.
Don't worry about it; for the longest time with this char, my only Speed bonus was from Wormtongue. It wasn't until DLVL 46 or so that I got a RoS +8 (and, of course, being a Mage, I'm running with Haste Self up most of the time).
Don't worry about it; for the longest time with this char, my only Speed bonus was from Wormtongue. It wasn't until DLVL 46 or so that I got a RoS +8 (and, of course, being a Mage, I'm running with Haste Self up most of the time).
But you probably didn't kill Baphomet and Fundin Bluecloak at +3 speed. I never have enough CON to take them until much later than DL 46.
Oh, heck no, besides they would be OoD for DLVL 46.
Almost forgot:
MCC = Turn Stone to Mud
Sure, you can tunnel or use wands, but it is very handy to build a tunnel towards a monster, retreat, and then break it open from the far end. Or to build an anti-Summoning tunnel in a hurry.
Right, but once again it's not a disaster if that spell is missing; you can continue to adventure even without it. That makes the spellbook it's in a "nice to have, buy it if you run out" type of equipment, not an "immediately retreat to the town if you don't have it" type, like books 1 and 4 would be.