The question is, should I fight Gothmog?
Moments of "whoa"
Gothmog is a pussy as long as you have double resist fire and fight in an antisummon corridor. However, I would wait to get him on-depth to maximize the chances of getting good drops from him.PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!Comment
I once found a Ring of the Mouse (0, -3) <+4> in about depth 450 with a hobbit ranger. It stayed with him till he died from a gaze of a basilisk without free action.
Looking at the data files, mouse is (0 -3d4)<d4, d4>. So it was the best possible with a chance of 1/1024.Comment
Dave XIV (high elf paladin) found Balance Dragon Scale Mail – I won't abbreviate it – and a RoS+8 before he'd hit CL20. And was then killed in mysterious circumstances by a bleedin' Ogre Mage.
Whoa followed by woe.
Hopefully Dave XV will be the first Dave to make it beyond CL30. I'm on a very bad run here!Comment
Dave XIV (high elf paladin) found Balance Dragon Scale Mail – I won't abbreviate it – and a RoS+8 before he'd hit CL20. And was then killed in mysterious circumstances by a bleedin' Ogre Mage.
Whoa followed by woe.
Hopefully Dave XV will be the first Dave to make it beyond CL30. I'm on a very bad run here!Comment
Quite shallow... CL25, DL21. CL25 is normally the point at which I start getting ahead of myself, DL-wise. It was a couple of pesky Bats of Gorgoroth wot did the real damage.
Dave X *did* get to CL30 and got drolemed on DL41. He had his own moment of woah with BoS+7 at DL<20.
The absence of poison resistance has been the bane of many a Dave.Comment