New nightly
Must I deal with Trac?Comment
Don't worry about it for now; I don't think there's going to be any more useful information beyond what was in the GIF you attached. You should be able to put your char dump in the ladder, or paste it into a post. If you do the latter, surround it with the [code] [/code] tags.Comment
Exp drain from items now reversible?
I just put on the Palantir, and now see that it drains only current exp., not max, so that it can be restored with RLL. Is this intended?If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then why are beholders so freaking ugly?Comment
Another pluralization issue:
I believe the plural of Mumak is "Mumakil", not "Mumaks". I decided to OoD a group of them just to find out if the program did it right :-)
This kind of attention to the detail of Tolkien's language I think makes the game totally better.
p.s. Can you still uncurse Calris by getting the to-hit to 0? I've been carrying it around hoping to uncurse it so I can use it as a disenchanter swap, but my first to-hit scroll failed (which never used to happen when the thing was -20).Last edited by SSK; May 3, 2011, 01:42.Comment
Be on the lookout for a similar thread over the next few days. I will be soliciting more opinions soon.Comment
The old rule was that each successful increase past 0 had a chance to uncurse. The current rule is that any attempt, even unsuccessful, has a chance to uncurse. If you have spare ?+dam lying around, you could try them.Comment
Soulkeeping ring sustains
c) a Ring of Soulkeeping
Dropped by a Cutpurse at 500 feet (level 10).
Sustains strength, intelligence, wisdom.
Shouldn't that strength be charisma instead? Not that I am complaining, strength is actually more useful, but I think this is an error.If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then why are beholders so freaking ugly?Comment
A couple of comments on the currently nightly, the first I've played that's newer than 3.2.0... overall, I like it!
I definitely like the changes to dungeon generation. I haven't found any new level styles yet, but I like that they are generally more spare. It feels a little more dungeon-like, and less cluttered. Thumbs up.
Possible bug: I used - successfully, I think - a staff of detect invisible, but it did not show me the invisible creature that I know was nearby, unless I just missed it. I'll try to recreate this to be sure the next time something touches me.
Known bug with duplicate tickets on Trac.Comment
Some are still too plain for me – it's probably just change resistance after years of 'fully populated' floors. That said, if a level contains only 5-6 rooms then you're onto the next one within a couple of minutes so it's no hardship. I've just found a couple of great new levels in the 23 April nightly, though: sort of 'rooms superimposed on caverns' style. Top work, room person!
Still not liking the Pac-Man levels. They disturb my suspension of disbelief...Comment
Some are still too plain for me – it's probably just change resistance after years of 'fully populated' floors. That said, if a level contains only 5-6 rooms then you're onto the next one within a couple of minutes so it's no hardship. I've just found a couple of great new levels in the 23 April nightly, though: sort of 'rooms superimposed on caverns' style. Top work, room person!
Still not liking the Pac-Man levels. They disturb my suspension of disbelief...
It seems that I always get level feelings now, regardless of how long I have stayed at the current level before Recalling or climbing stairs. Is this a conscious decision because of the smaller levels?Comment