most hated monster
dealt with very carefully.
Dangerous monsters can only be seen on early levels. Deep endgame is pushover anyway, just use destruction more.Comment
Or maybe it is just a monster that is annoying or whatever it is that makes you hate a little letter on a screen.
If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then why are beholders so freaking ugly?Comment
Yes, they are the most annoying thing I can think of. If there are a few of them in the same room, one can hardly do anything for all their blinking and gesturing in darkness. I really hate them.
What I fear the most is anything that have "Nexus" in their name, if I don't have resistance. One hit of their nexus and the character stats may be permanently jungled around and the character build is ruined. At least that was how it was when I played long ago. That felt like worse than dying.
The big, dangerous things that kill me, those I don't hate. I just think they are cool.Comment
I wonder if there are any statistics about which monster kills the most players. That would be an interesting read. Like a reversed kill count from the monster's point of view.
Maybe the experience points from the monsters could be determined from this. Though this is only a thought, I don't think it could be easily implemented.Comment
My second most hated monsters are the zephyr hounds, all of them. When they are not deadly, like the chaos hounds and such, they are boring. To me it feels like they have no personality and that they don't really belong in the dungeon. To hack through groups of hounds is the most boring and meaningless thing in the game for me. Hacking through the orc hordes is at least some fun, because they are orcs, and orcs are fun.Comment
ToME 4 does this and I doubt that Angband's results would be very different. It would probably be something that appears very early and is relatively fast or has a (death inducing) special attack. I'd vote for one of Maggot's dogs, or something like a floating - Get your 32x32 tiles here. UT32 now compatible Ironband and Quickband 9/6/2012.
My banding life on Buzzkill's ladder.Comment