Actually that is not quite true. Obviously you need to know what monsters can do, but that is not necessary for survival if you know how you can get killed. When JLE-patch monsters were introduced I build up my monster memory for those missing parts without any problem of being risk of getting killed. I did this with variants too, it's quite easy barring some new ways to die, which case you learn from dying. If you don't then you die again.
Ridiculous death due, in my opinion, to flawed design.
Actually in my current savefile which is pretty close to perfect it seems that I have been killed exactly once: by Grip. Too bad that monster memory breaks when savefile compatibility breaks.
Going thru older installations it looks like major killer has been surprisingly vibration hound (4) followed closely by gravity hounds (3)....ah, finally I found one savefile with huge number of deaths. Seems to be that top killers are Battle Scarred Vet, Jackals and Cave Spiders by huge margin, and then again biggest killer was Vibration Hound. One oddity in that savefile. Killed by silver jelly!?!??? How an earth can person die to silver jelly. How an earth don't I remember that one? Too embarrassing? (old versions where pack "ambush" AI didn't exist early char was easily overwhelmed by attacking pack of cave spiders or jackals).
I like that suggestion of making ancient dragons stronger. In fact ancient dragons are pretty much pushovers where they appear, so they don't need to get deeper unless you make them quite a lot stronger.Comment
Congratulations on the Silver Jelly death. I don't think I've succumbed to that foe yet
One of the most annoying early killers in the old days was the floating eye, back when it did 0 damage. If it caught you in its grasp, you had no recourse but to hold down the space key until you starved, which often took over 10 minutes!Comment
We really need a common monster that does a moderate amount of poison damage, 3-400, right now the only monster that fits that role is the greater basilisk. Ancient greens are the obvious candidate.
I know that we disagree on where monsters should be placed. You like monsters at a certain level to have widely varying difficulty, to bring difficult, or non-boring monsters, to the level. I think that the monster level should reflect difficulty as accurately as possible, with a greater chance of finding OoD monsters. In fact, part of my reason for making medium vaults is to give the game an easy way of producing 40 lvl OoD monsters. A careful player should be able to look at the monster file, see it's OoD, and avoid it based on that information alone.Comment
Actually that is not quite true. Obviously you need to know what monsters can do, but that is not necessary for survival if you know how you can get killed. When JLE-patch monsters were introduced I build up my monster memory for those missing parts without any problem of being risk of getting killed. I did this with variants too, it's quite easy barring some new ways to die, which case you learn from dying. If you don't then you die again.
I had two newbie deaths that took me by surprise; one when my CL43 character failed a _Teleport, and one when my CL47 character got knocked out by a Master Mystic. The first was lack of common sense and the second one wasn't. I had no reason to think that being stunned more and more would make me unconscious (and thus dead) at 500+ HP with no heavy damagers in sight.
Perhaps you never suffered such newbie-surprise deaths, but in that case I'm almost positive that you're the exception, not the rule.
A veteran player in an unfamiliar variant is MUCH more likely to survive than a newbie playing Vanilla. The game just isn't designed to be fair to someone who doesn't know what's going on (drolems are the perfect example) --- it's designed to be fair to someone who DOES know what's going on. I think you might have forgotten what it's like to really not have a clue --- sure, a hypothetical newbie could win by just doing what experts do, but how is a newbie going to know what that is?
Basically, how is a newbie going to know which monsters can do 800 damage in one shot? You can't literally avoid *all* unknown monsters --- at some point you have to explore and go deeper for the game to be fun. This kind of death is practically inevitable as you learn the game.Comment
One simple solution is to make the rod of probing easier to get or even a newbie item of some kind. (drop value to 1 gp and generate it at birth)
If You get a shot at probing the monster with out coming in los of monster You are safe. (if it isn't way faster ;-))
Regulars with complete monstermemory don't need it, but newbie would like it.Comment
You have way more information and experience stored in your head than a newbie. Every newbie, I believe, suffers one or two "what the hell?" deaths before they start getting the basic ideas of avoiding the unknown and treating the safe and dangerous and the dangerous as lethal.
Like that fizzix suggestion to double Ancient Dragon HP to make them more dangerous, which works as early warning about that poison has a lot more damage potential than just get you poisoned. That would also lead unaware newbie getting killed earlier, but that doesn't matter because early lesson by dying is better than late lesson.
I would also like to increase probing possibilities, so that newbies could get the possibility to get the knowledge of monsters without getting killed. Stealth to have more effect and spawned monsters not automatically awake and aware of where you are. It would be nice to be able to "disappear" from monsters radar if you have high enough stealth. Currently that is not possible. That one would help both veterans and newbies and make nice addition to gameplay (things to consider).Comment
Even free 100% probing costs the newbie a turn he might not be able to afford, and he doesn't know that before probing.
If the game is even remotely balanced for veterans with monster knowledge, then newbies will still find the game tough even if you tell them all the rules beforehand.Comment
Even free 100% probing costs the newbie a turn he might not be able to afford, and he doesn't know that before probing.
If the game is even remotely balanced for veterans with monster knowledge, then newbies will still find the game tough even if you tell them all the rules beforehand.
Old games (which were a lot harder) probing was actually useful even with full monster memory: you didn't have monster health bar. In order to find out exact numbers if monster is dying or not you needed to use probing. That's one of the "fog of war"-things current generation vanilla lacks. OTOH in those days probing didn't reveal the attacks monster had.
IMO the "right" way of providing info about what monster can or cannot do is in monster description. It should give you enough hints that you "know" that this has attacks you might not be ready to handle.
Lernaean Hydra description is this:
D:A massive legendary hydra. It has twelve powerful heads. Its many eyes stare
D: at you as clouds of smoke and poisonous vapour rise from its seething form.
D: And it grows new heads as fast as you chop them off.
There are hints there: "smoke and poisonous vapour", but not too clear one. Main problem maybe is that this one is a lot bigger than 11-headed hydra. Not just a single step up from 11 headed but big leap up in danger.
Maybe help file should tell that at monster description can give you hints what it is. Help-files seem to be really badly outdated, but even in old versions don't say anything about monster description giving info about monster attacks.
Work to do: update help-files and make sure monster descriptions give enough hints about nature of the monster that player encountering it the first time gets a vague idea what it can or cannot do.Comment
Timo is essentially a senior frat boy who had a bad hazing and, now that it's over and done with, wants everyone to go through the same thing regardless of how bad it was. And let's not forget all of those lost braincells due to binging.
The argument has been soundly made by at least three of us, with SaSa's interpretation probably being the most succinct. Timo is either unwilling or incapable of addressing it.Comment
My apologies in advance to the forum...
Vogrim. You're a stoke (and that's me being generous). You know it and I know it. Everybody knows it. IRL people know it too, or are you only a jack-ass on the Internet. No, I find that hard to believe. Quite frankly, we're better off without you and I hope you just pack your bags and leave, but we both know that won't happen.
Fanboy and troll (context considered) are terms I don't believe I've noticed on this forum before, but obviously ones you're quite familiar with. The religious slurs we're a nice touch as well. I can tell you've done this before, but knowledge of horrors of Angband and a little self-restraint aren't the only things you're lacking. We've tried to help you understand why the game is the way it is. We've given you options and advice that would help you avoid similar situations if you should decide to play again. What do you want from us?
Did you expect to win the first time you played? The slightest bit of research would have told you that that's not how Angband works. Winning without cheating is hard and is a genuine accomplishment. I've got news for you. You haven't learned a damn thing. You're not going to win your next game, nor any of the next 50 games after that, so you might as well quit now. You think that hydra was a bad ass? You ain't seen nothing yet.
Here's your stupid mistake. You must have encountered both uniques and hydras before. Therefore you should have known that uniques are much tougher than their typical counterparts, and that some of the bigger hydras can put out big damage numbers. You also should have known that it could have a poison breath because other hydras breath all kinds of crazy stuff. You should have know better.
This isn't your typical forum and your crap won't be tolerated here. That's not to say that we're going to browbeat you with insults, it's much more likely (this post excluded) that we'll kill you with kindness. Even Timo, was offering up good advice. I didn't see anything offensive or insulting in what he wrote, and even so, it certainly didn't shine a light to your level of immaturity and rudeness.
I don't like you. Angband isn't going to change, certainly not for for you, so why don't you just go away. Go make love to your X-Box of PS3, or whatever it is that you do when you're alone in your room. Anxiously awaiting your reply. Maybe you could throw in a few racial slurs, I know you've been holding back.
BTW, despite my excessive post count, my views and opinions in no way officially reflect those of or the community in - Get your 32x32 tiles here. UT32 now compatible Ironband and Quickband 9/6/2012.
My banding life on Buzzkill's ladder.Comment
Angband is not going to change for you. Indeed, the insta-death aspect of Angband is not going to change for anyone, ever. Now, answer the question that I posed earlier or shut up and go away. What do you want from us, really?
You must be related to Timo considering your utter inability to comprehend the argument being put forth.). - Get your 32x32 tiles here. UT32 now compatible Ironband and Quickband 9/6/2012.
My banding life on Buzzkill's ladder.Comment
This thread is like a wound in your mouth that you just can't resist picking at all day long.You are on something strangeComment