I was going to make a remark about Sir Isaac Newton re the "good Chrstian" thing, but I'm starting to think that a Cluebat of Slay Troll may be more effective.
Ridiculous death due, in my opinion, to flawed design.
Finally, since Vogrim's behavior strikes me as pretty immature (IMO, judging from the fact that I was like that when I was 15)... I'm going to make a suggestion to the administrators here. Maybe it would be a good idea to have an age limit on joining this board? The age of majority where it's hosted perhaps?
And yes, he's being rude. He was also provoked by Timo and a few others. I won't say he's blameless, but he's not the only person to blame here. This entire conversation is getting out of hand, for no good reason.
Remember, guys, "someone is wrong on the Internet" is not a good reason to get into a flamewar.Comment
Here's a little advice for you, Therem: Playing the "holier than thou" card never works because the very act of playing it is a form of trolling, in that the whole point of your post is to highlight how you're above my behavior. If this was the case, you'd simply not respond.
Now, make a predictable, sarcastic response about how I'm right and that you won't be posting anymore.Comment
Vogrim, when you're new to the game, one or two unpredictable high-level deaths are to be expected. You'll die many, many times --- but soon you'll be familiar with all the ways to die and you won't be caught by surprise anymore.
I personally feel that the whole monster memory should be available from the start. But that's not how the game is, and most old-time players don't care too much, because they already know what can kill them. For that matter, I don't care too much either.
You can campaign to change the game, but in that case I'd try being more polite.
Or you can just learn the game, if you like it. In that case too I'd try being more polite, because you will probably need to ask questions here often.
Or if you don't like the game, you can stop playing it.
In any case, you can stop the name-calling and caps lock. It's not attracting any sympathy.
BTW: I died laughing when I read "Cluebat of Slay Troll"Comment
Don't sweat losing your guy in only 20 ...
And while I disagree with where this thread is heading, there is a valid point that players can die very quickly, often in a turn or two. It makes the game challenging, and fun, in my opinion, but it also makes one susceptible to lapses in concentration. Sometimes, your are grunting about, becoming bored, sending key press commands from your brain to your fingers too fast, and whammo! But honestly, if you remove monster deadliness, the game becomes too easy. I think part of the reason monsters *need* to be so deadly is that players have too much healing, teleport, whatever. So if they can't kill you quickly, you can just escape and live to fight another day.
Just my 2 cents. And I love this game. After 16 years of play, it is *still* fun. Give it a chance ... it might grow on youComment
They say that you can't trust rumors.
You will encounter a dark, tall stranger...
You can get the Longsword 'Ringil' by doing the following:
You feel the Windows (2000) on your hard disk is broken...
But this might be a place to actually give constructive advice like:
You better find a source of Free Action ASAP!
Basic Resistances (Fire, Cold, Acid, Lightning, Poison) are essential to a long, healthy and vibrant life.
If you see the Tarrasque, Run!Comment
Well, I crossed over to Angband recently after 15 years of NetHack and other roguelikes, and had much the same experience - first character to reach ca. 2000 feet ran into a drolem and then I was looking at a gravestone.
I do agree with a lot of what the original poster is saying. While the game should be challenging by design, the issue of poison resistance at 1900-2000 feet isn't really properly presented as a challenge. Nothing up to that point even begins to approach the lethality that drolems and AMHD:s represent, when you take that one more stairway down. And nothing suggests to the player that poison resistance (out of the plethora of resistances in Angband) is critical - indeed some resistances remain inconsequential through much of the game. So you basically need to a) read the spoilers, b) be warned by a more experienced player or c) learn it the hard way. In an ideally-designed game there'd be d) you extrapolate from the game experience thus far that you could really need some more resistances now. But there's little to extrapolate from, as it happens in such a drastic transition at ca. 1900 feet - and this is something to avoid in game design, IMO.
(Of course, Roguelikes in general have a rich tradition in instadeath opportunities. Combined with permadeath it makes the whole thing a somewhat perverse excercise - IMO longtime Roguelike players may have some masochist tendencies, and they learn to savor all those grossly unfair deaths.)Comment
Rumors were first added in ZAngband, if I recall correctly. Vanilla doesn't have a rumors system. That said, it's not too hard to give a rundown of major damage sources and how to avert them. It's just more documentation. The question is, will newbies read that documentation?Comment
Rumors were first added in ZAngband, if I recall correctly. Vanilla doesn't have a rumors system. That said, it's not too hard to give a rundown of major damage sources and how to avert them. It's just more documentation. The question is, will newbies read that documentation?Comment
Drolems are particularly deadly because they also can't be detected with devil or telepathy. Even if you know about their deadliness, often you will be instakilled by them with a priest or warrior character who doesn't know they're around until too late.
Drolems are rare monsters, yet they've accounted for more character deaths for me than any other monster. Honestly, I think they should be moved much deeper.
AMHDs are also another problem. Their problem is that they have so many more hitpoints than ancient dragons. A player might be running through ancient dragons with ease, and think AMHD, piece of cake! and then get destroyed. This is problematic for a different reason than drolems. Here the game is making a natural extrapolation be false. Why do AMHDs have 3 times the HP of ancient dragons? This should really be something more like 1.5
The solution to drolems is to drop them deeper and/or make them evil. The solution to AMHDs is actually to strengthen Ancient dragons so that they're closer in HP to AMHDs. And then drop everything a bit deeper. The reason that these won't be changed is there's a lot of history of 'it breathes gas, you die' in Angband, and people are loath to remove it.Comment
Finally, since Vogrim's behavior strikes me as pretty immature (IMO, judging from the fact that I was like that when I was 15)... I'm going to make a suggestion to the administrators here. Maybe it would be a good idea to have an age limit on joining this board? The age of majority where it's hosted perhaps?Originally posted by DerakonSadly, every character ever created in Angband was given a magnifying glass by their eccentric uncle for their fifth birthday...Comment