Btw here is the ammunition (and bit other like -det, dsm galore reduced) fixed object.txt if someone wants it to play with.
playtesting new item distribution - r2025
Is the object.txt file the only thing that has changed (in the past month or so) in object distribution? If not, is there a summary of those changes that someone could link me to?Will_Asher
aka LibraryAdventurer
My old variant DaJAngband: (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)Comment
Since no one who knows is posting an answer, I'll chime in that I haven't noticed any related changes on trac other than to object.txt. I've missed things before, but I think that's it.Comment
Just a FYI, I went through the object.txt file based on more games, and info from testers:
Ammo was brought down to normal. It was an oversight: armor/weapons were made more rare, but ammo was not, thus all good/great objects were heavily in favor of ammo (I think). They should be more in line with the other stuff now.
Some tweaking of stuff, like -Detection would be a deeper item but more common, so that warriors can graduate from (bunch-o-rods) to (some-rods). And get monster detection too... We'll see if this is too much...
A lil decrease of healing potions and some staves. Anyways, farming at dlvl>95 should still be insanely better than what it was before, as lots of junk is removed by that level from the tables, so last two fight consumables should come easier at dlvl>95 atleast if you are still missing some when you get there (if you have fought your way there).
Submitting the file to (whoever can put it in). Made from newest nightly. And I learned SVN!It is a .diff file zipped up...
PS. Erm not sure if private messages went through, so Magnate / d_m please take a peek.
I took a brief look and then just committed it. If anyone notices any huge problems we can always patch it again
r2038 contains ewert's changes (both patches) as well as the changed drop formula that fizzix refers to. Those are the only drop changes I know about.
EDIT: Some basic SVN commands for looking at the log, for all of you to use:
Code:svn log --limit 10 # see last 10 commits svn log -r '{2010-08-01}:HEAD' # see all commits since August 1, 2010 svn log FILE # see all commits to file, can be combined with above
Last edited by d_m; August 9, 2010, 05:22.Comment
Also I wouldn't object to a proposal that makes all stat changes a pure +1, -1 effect. Including stat gain, draining, and time effects. I thought at some point that was in the works...Comment
If one is diving through 10-30, one shouldn't find anything, or is my def of diving different?
Anyways I guess we can agree to disagree. I find stat swap potions interesting and prefer to be able to be found. If you have to stop at dlvl20 to find FA(/SI), like I usually do (just FA and basic good weapon), I think one should find some stat swap pots. I mean usually atleast 40% of them are something you don't want to drink anyways. Sometimes (mage comes to mind) only 20% of them are something you really feel okay drinking...Comment
For stat swap potions to even be a mixed blessing, you have to see enough to have a chance to use them well. I never used them before ewert's patch, and really liked that aspect of levels 1-30 in this last game. Having them show up more often in the BM also leads to interesting choices.
I calculated the possibilites of good or bad outcomes from a stat potion in a spreadsheet, linked below. The exact calculations won't help much in a game because of situational effects (1 more dex is an extra blow, or 1 wis gets you more spells, or draining strength makes you slow), but it might help this discussion. It assumes all good stats are equal and each class only cares about its key stats (3 for warriors, mages and priests, 4 for the others). Personally, priests lean towards 4, mages towards 3, but it varies.
If you id by use, and only find one potion of a type, the odds of a good outcome from an unknown statswap potion for a warrior are 36%, neutral is 40%, and negative is 24%. For fighters with a spell casting stat, that is 32%, 52% and 16% respecively. Mixed blessings at best.
Once you have id'd the good (or bad) ones, the odds are nicer; 60% good 40% neutral for warriors, and 40%/60% for everyone else. But a mage with 18/50 int never wants to see that dropped, regardless of how it helps con or str. So he would have to have a reasonable chance of also finding a potion of intellect to risk it. Or with 18/40 getting a bump might be worth dropping any stat.
For me, the risk / reward is worthwhile if you have a good chance of seeing 6/7 or more in a normal to slow playstyle down to level 30. That gives opportunity to learn the types, and then choose the risks on a second appearance. Or to choose to spend money to id them. Otherwise they go in the instasquelch category like certain mixed blessing rings. All of that to say, I think the current distribution is pretty good, and having a good number findable made my recent game more fun and interesting for the first thirty levels.
porn star WebcamLast edited by Taha; August 14, 2011, 14:51.Comment
I disagree (obviously) with Taha. I feel that stat swap potions should allow for some semi-random alterations to your character stats, but they should not be exploitable. I think I would change my opinion about them if they never drained CHR. Even then, there's always at least one stat you don't really care about, so I don't know.Comment
I really like the stat-swap potions as a minor risk to quaffing potions. I like them as an opportunity for the RNG to slightly alter your stats before you hit stat gain. In fact, I'd really like there to be cursed items that have the same effect (only once) on wield. I also would like nexus stat swap to have the same effect (in fact that's what it does in my custom games).
What I really don't like is the ability to pump up 1 or 2 of your stats at the risk of 1 or 2 others that you don't care about. I don't know why it bothers me so much, but it does. Maybe I'd be less bothered if it was never able to target charisma. (I'd really like to get rid of charisma altogether). Or maybe if it preferentially targeted the stats with more points in them.
But maybe the new rarities are fine and I'm just being a conservative stick-in-the-mud. Maybe having these potions be more common will cause a revolution in how we look at stat-gain altogether. I certainly wouldn't be opposed to that.Comment