The Angband Ladder: One-Eyed Bob, High-Elf Ranger by Psi

  [FAangband 0.2.2 Character Dump]

 Name    : One-Eyed Bob    Age                 459   STR!    18/***          
 Sex     : Male            Height               94   INT!    18/160          
 Race    : High-Elf        Weight              193   WIS!    18/170          
 Class   : Ranger          Social Class         98   DEX!    18/200          
                                                     CON!    18/200          
                                                     Chr     18/170    18/180

 Max Hit Points      796   Level                46   Max SP (Mana)       126
 Cur Hit Points      -15   Experience      3173134   Cur SP (Mana)        94
                           Max Exp         3173134
        (Fighting)         Exp to Adv.     3500000          (Shooting)    
 Blows/Round           6   Gold             893286   Shots/Round         4.0
 + to Skill           40                             + to Skill           38
 Deadliness (%)      149   Base AC/+ To AC  36/112   Deadliness (%)      144

                            (Character Abilities)
 Fighting    : Superb      Stealth     : Excellent   Disarming   : Superb   
 Bows/Throw  : Heroic      Perception  : Fair        Magic Device: Superb   
 Saving Throw: Superb      Searching   : Fair        Infra-Vision: 50 feet

                            (Character Background)
          You are the only child of a Lord.  You have light grey
          eyes, straight black hair, and a fair complexion.

  [Recent locations]

Current Location : Tol-In-Gaurhoth Level 65
Recall Point 1   : Ephel Brandir Level 0
Recall Point 2   : Taur-Im-Duinath Level 0
Recall Point 3   : Nargothrond Level 55
Recall Point 4   : Tol-In-Gaurhoth Level 65

  [Resistances and Powers]

      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
 Acid:....+.+.+.... Blind:.........+...
 Elec:.+..+.+.+.... Confu:......+......
 Fire:*+....+.+.... Sound:......+......
 Cold:.+..+.+.+.... Shard:.............
 Pois:............. Nexus:......+......
 Fear:............. Nethr:...+.........
 Lite:........+...+ Chaos:.......+.....
 Dark:........+.... Disen:.............

      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
S.Dig:.+........... M-Mas:.............
Feath:............. Stea.:.......+.....
PLite:............. Sear.:.............
Regen:............. Infra:....+........
Telep:.........+... Tunn.:.............
Invis:+...+.......+ Speed:.+.........+.
FrAct:+...+.....+.. Might:.+...........
HLife:............. Shots:.+...........

  [Specialty Abilities]

Trap Setting 
Piercing Shot 

  [Last Messages]

> The Ancient blue dragon misses you.
> It breathes fire.
> The Ancient multi-hued dragon resists a lot.
> The Ancient multi-hued dragon claws you.
> You are covered in acid!
> Your Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' is unaffected!
> The Ancient multi-hued dragon misses you. <2x>
> The Ancient multi-hued dragon bites you.
> You are struck by electricity!
> You see a Beryllium Wand of Lightning Balls.
> The Ancient multi-hued dragon breathes gas.
> The Ancient blue dragon writhes in agony.
> You are poisoned!
> You die.
> Dump saved.

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Long Sword 'Narsil' (3d5) (+14,+17) [+10] (+4)
b) The Short Bow of Celegorm (x3) (+12,+15) (+1 to speed)
c) The Ring of Tulkas (+4) (charging)
d) a Quartzite Ring of Nether Resistance
e) The Amulet of Ingwe (+3)
f) The Lamp of Gwindor
g) The Full Plate Armour of Nevrast [25,+25] (+2)
h) The Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+15] (+3 to stealth)
i) The Large Leather Shield of Haleth [6,+20]
j) The Hard Leather Cap of Mablung [2,+8] (+2)
k) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+12] (+2)
l) a Pair of Leather Sandals of Speed [1,+7] (+8)

0) 9 Arrows of Wounding (1d6) (+7,+8)
1) 30 Arrows of Hurt Evil (1d6) (+6,+4)
2) 53 Arrows of Flame (1d6) (+2,+6)
3) 39 Seeker Arrows of Flame (1d9) (+6,+8)
4) 35 Seeker Arrows of Acid (1d9) (+8,+6)
5) 37 Seeker Arrows of Hurt Giant (1d9) (+6,+4)
6) 12 Seeker Arrows of Electricity (1d9) (+6,+8)
7) 41 Seeker Arrows of Electricity (1d9) (+6,+7)
8) 11 Seeker Arrows of Frost (1d9) (+6,+6)

  [Character Inventory]

a) 2 Stones of Nature Lore [Call of the Wild] {!d!k!v@m1}
b) 2 Stones of Nature Lore [Communion with Nature] {!d!k!v@m2}
c) 2 Stones of Nature Lore [Gifts of Nature] {!d!k!v@m3}
d) 2 Stones of Nature Lore [Melian's Lore] {!d!k!v@m4}
e) 3 Red Mushrooms of Restoring
f) 10 Brown Speckled Potions of Healing
g) 6 Orange Speckled Potions of Restore Life Levels
h) 5 Scrolls titled "therum doe" of Teleport Level
i) a Scroll titled "tabsa klijo" of Recharging
j) a Scroll titled "wun bin rea" of Genocide
k) 3 Uridium Rods of Recall (1 charging)
l) 8 Rusty Rods of Acid Bolts (1 charging)
m) 3 Tombac Rods of Lightning Balls
n) an Antimony Rod of Glaurung's Blood (charging)
o) a Silver Staff of Teleportation (4 charges)
p) a Zircon Ring of Speed (+9)

  [Home Inventory]

a) 16 Brown Speckled Potions of Healing
b) 4 Oily Yellow Potions of *Healing*
c) a Yellow Dappled Potion of Restore Mana
d) 5 Scrolls titled "wedha stao la" of *Identify*
e) 4 Scrolls titled "nag oxyish" of *Destruction*
f) 11 Scrolls titled "wun bin rea" of Genocide
g) 4 Brass Wands of Teleport Away (14 charges)
h) a Banyan Staff of Healing (5 charges)
i) a Turquoise Ring of Poison Resistance
j) a Bloodstone Ring of Combat (+11,+8)
k) The Chain Mail (Dwarven) of the Mormegil (-2) [14,+15] (+2)
l) The Cloak of Valinor [1,+20]
m) The Shadow Cloak of Tuor [4,+15] (+4 to stealth)
n) a Beaked Axe of the Noldor (2d11) (+10,+18) (+2)
o) The Dart of Eol (2d5) (+8,+8) {=g@f9}
p) 3 Well-balanced Storm Hammers of Slay Demon (1d11) (+10,+8)
q) The Light Crossbow 'Balisarda' (x5) (+17,+17)
r) 36 Bolts of Wounding (1d7) (+8,+8)
s) 43 Seeker Bolts of Wounding (1d11) (+8,+10)
t) 40 Seeker Bolts of Hurt Giant (1d11) (+6,+8)
u) 28 Seeker Bolts of Frost (1d11) (+6,+4)

One-Eyed Bob the High-Elf Ranger
Began the quest to kill Morgoth on Mar 27 07
|   TURN  |      LOCATION        |LEVEL| EVENT
|       10|        Gondolin Town |  5  | Gained the Trap Setting specialty.
|     1379|     Sirion Vale  28  | 10  | Reached level 10
|    15684|        Gondolin Town | 13  | Killed The Complainer
|    28729|     Sirion Vale  28  | 15  | Reached level 15
|    45278|     Sirion Vale  28  | 16  | Killed The Thief of the Mountains
|   108653|     Sirion Vale  28  | 16  | Killed Brodda, the Easterling
|   148544|     Sirion Vale  28  | 20  | Reached level 20
|   226372|     Sirion Vale  30  | 20  | Found The Augmented Chain Mail of 
|  continued...                  |     |  Yarfin 
|   298800|         Brethil  22  | 22  | Found The Lamp of Gwindor
|   300238|         Brethil  22  | 22  | Found The Magestaff of Tinar
|   302307|         Brethil  22  | 22  | Killed Ulwarth, son of Ulfang
|   307067|         Brethil  22  | 23  | Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor
|   378905|         Brethil  22  | 25  | Reached level 25
|   392143|       Amon Rudh  15  | 25  | Killed Mughash the Kobold Lord
|   423989|         Brethil  24  | 26  | Killed Balcmeg, the Cave Orc
|   441158|     Sirion Vale  28  | 26  | Killed Othrod, Lord of the Orcs
|   449729|       Amon Rudh  19  | 26  | Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks
|   473309|       Amon Rudh  30  | 27  | Killed Mim, Betrayer of Turin
|   475028|       Amon Rudh  30  | 27  | Gained the Piercing Shot specialty. 
|   490216|     Sirion Vale  30  | 27  | Found The Bastard Sword 'Nastilwe'
|   522478|     Sirion Vale  28  | 28  | Killed The Ickiness
|   527417|     Sirion Vale  30  | 28  | Killed Ulfast, son of Ulfang
|   611118|     Nargothrond  33  | 29  | Killed Orcogar, Son of Orcobal
|   633860|     Sirion Vale  30  | 29  | Destroyed Psi V, the Mummy
|   641451|     Sirion Vale  30  | 29  | Found The Large Leather Shield of 
|  continued...                  |     |  Haleth 
|   650607|     Sirion Vale  30  | 29  | Killed Khim, Son of Mim
|   651375|     Sirion Vale  30  | 29  | Found The Dart of Eol
|   708993|     Sirion Vale  30  | 30  | Reached level 30
|   741309|     Nargothrond  35  | 30  | Found The Long Sword 'Narsil'
|   753184|     Nargothrond  35  | 31  | Killed Ibun, Son of Mim
|   758291|     Nargothrond  35  | 31  | Found The Set of Leather Gloves 
|  continued...                  |     |  'Cammithrim' 
|   763684|     Nargothrond  35  | 31  | Found The Metal Cap 'Holhenneth'
|   806756|     Nargothrond  38  | 33  | Destroyed Andy Astrand, the Ghost
|   813490|     Nargothrond  38  | 33  | Killed Ulfang the Black
|   813646|     Nargothrond  38  | 33  | Found The Soft Leather Armour 
|  continued...                  |     |  'Hithlomir' 
|   815395|     Nargothrond  38  | 33  | Found The Glaive 'Mindor'
|   819338|     Nargothrond  38  | 34  | Found The Barbut of Rainelwe
|   821919|     Nargothrond  38  | 34  | Killed Uldor the Accursed
|   824932|     Nargothrond  38  | 34  | Found The Dagger 'Narthanc'
|   828672|     Nargothrond  38  | 34  | Killed The Queen Ant
|   833638|     Nargothrond  38  | 35  | Reached level 35
|   847673|     Nargothrond  38  | 35  | Found The Scimitar of Eglamoth
|   859273|     Nargothrond  39  | 35  | Found The Hard Leather Cap of 
|  continued...                  |     |  Mablung 
|   860353|     Nargothrond  39  | 35  | Killed Kavlax the Many-Headed
|   865044|     Nargothrond  39  | 36  | Destroyed Draebor, the Imp
|   870821|     Nargothrond  39  | 36  | Found The Dagger 'Nimthanc'
|   879054|     Nargothrond  40  | 36  | Destroyed Vargo, Tyrant of Fire
|   879224|     Nargothrond  40  | 36  | Killed Eol, the Dark Elven Smith
|   879393|     Nargothrond  40  | 36  | Found The Lead-Filled Mace of Rog
|   894255|     Nargothrond  42  | 36  | Found The Dagger 'Dethanc'
|   896401|     Nargothrond  42  | 36  | Found The Light Crossbow 'Elegun'
|   897875|     Nargothrond  42  | 36  | Found The Cloak 'Colannon'
|   898215|     Nargothrond  42  | 36  | Found The Chain Mail (Dwarven) of 
|  continued...                  |     |  the Mormegil 
|   901203|     Nargothrond  42  | 36  | Found The Ring of Tulkas
|   911467|  West Beleriand  17  | 37  | Destroyed Psicho, the Zombie
|   919682| Taur-Im-Duinath   2  | 37  | Killed Pongo the Devious
|   926174|     Nargothrond  45  | 37  | Destroyed Psi, the Vampire
|   927450|     Nargothrond  45  | 37  | Found The Full Plate Armour of 
|  continued...                  |     |  Nevrast 
|   928330|     Nargothrond  45  | 37  | Killed Lorgan, Chief of the 
|  continued...                  |     |  Easterlings 
|   939152|     Nargothrond  46  | 37  | Killed Shelob, Spider of Darkness
|   942791|     Nargothrond  47  | 38  | Found The Metal Brigandine Armour 
|  continued...                  |     |  of Varenwe 
|   943487|     Nargothrond  47  | 38  | Destroyed Waldern, King of Water
|   956017|     Nargothrond  47  | 38  | Found The Pair of Hard Leather 
|  continued...                  |     |  Boots of Searth 
|   958312|     Nargothrond  47  | 38  | Found The Staff of the Kelvar
|   979113|     Nargothrond  55  | 39  | Killed Glaurung, Father of the 
|  continued...                  |     |  Dragons 
|   981044|     Nargothrond  55  | 39  | Found The Iron Helm of Gorlim
|   984058|        Gondolin Town | 39  | Gained the Marksman specialty.
|  1008994| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  47  | 40  | Reached level 40
|  1010275| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  47  | 40  | Reached level 40
|  1010292| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  47  | 40  | Reached level 40
|  1010296| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  47  | 40  | Reached level 40
|  1010296| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  47  | 40  | Destroyed Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw
|  1021907| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  48  | 40  | Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain
|  1029216| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  50  | 40  | Killed Erotars, Lord of Gaverone
|  1034852| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  50  | 40  | Destroyed Quaker, Master of Earth
|  1036524| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  50  | 40  | Found The Set of Mail Gauntlets 
|  continued...                  |     |  'Paurnimmen' 
|  1040694| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  50  | 41  | Destroyed Ariel, Queen of Air
|  1054991| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  52  | 42  | Found The Dagger 'Rienghano'
|  1085733| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  53  | 42  | Killed Rogrog the Black Troll
|  1087501| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  53  | 42  | Found The Iron Crown of 
|  continued...                  |     |  Thuringwethil 
|  1118323| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  58  | 43  | Found The Shadow Cloak of Tuor
|  1126989| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  58  | 43  | Destroyed The Phantom of Eilenel
|  1128627| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  58  | 43  | Killed Orcobal the Mighty
|  1129094| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  58  | 43  | Found The Short Bow of Celegorm
|  1129176| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  58  | 43  | Found The Dagger of Rilia
|  1137054| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  60  | 43  | Found The Set of Steel Gauntlets 
|  continued...                  |     |  'Camlost' 
|  1137303| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  60  | 43  | Destroyed Thuringwethil
|  1139312| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  60  | 43  | Found The Steel Helm of Ecthelion
|  1147165| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  60  | 43  | Found The Stone of Lore
|  1153181| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  60  | 43  | Found The Barbut 'Gordi'
|  1158825| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  62  | 43  | Destroyed Ren the Unclean
|  1162689| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  62  | 44  | Found The Amulet of Ingwe
|  1170612| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  61  | 44  | Killed Carcharoth, the Jaws of 
|  continued...                  |     |  Thirst 
|  1184891| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  61  | 44  | Found The Cloak of Valinor
|  1185001| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  61  | 44  | Found The Amulet of Carlammas
|  1188238| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  61  | 44  | Destroyed Uvatha the Horseman
|  1188562| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  61  | 44  | Killed The Defiler
|  1194665| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  60  | 44  | Destroyed Adunaphel the Quiet
|  1203077| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  60  | 45  | Reached level 45
|  1217360| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  60  | 45  | Found The Magestaff 'Eriril'
|  1226238| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  61  | 45  | Killed Draugluin, Sire of All 
|  continued...                  |     |  Werewolves 
|  1239071| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  65  | 46  | Found The Light Crossbow 
|  continued...                  |     |  'Balisarda' 
|  1249246| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  65  | 46  | Found The Metal Scale Mail of 
|  continued...                  |     |  Aminya 
|  1254345| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  65  | 46  | Found The Thrusting Spear of 
|  continued...                  |     |  Bladorthin 
|  1257749| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  65  | 46  | Found The Set of Leather Gloves 
|  continued...                  |     |  'Cambeleg' 
|  1264315| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  65  | 46  | Killed by an Ancient multi-hued 
|  continued...                  |     |  dragon. 
|  1264315| Tol-In-Gaurhoth  65  | 46  | Killed on Apr 11 07.

  [Birth and Cheat Options]

Adult: Use point based character generation      : no  (adult_point_based)
Adult: Use Autoroller if rolling for stats       : yes (adult_auto_roller)
Adult: Have notes written to a file              : yes (adult_take_notes)
Adult: Artifacts preserved & no special feelings : yes (adult_preserve)
Adult: Write notes file in savefile directory    : no  (adult_notes_save)
Score: Peek into object creation                 : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation                : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation                : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else                  : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info                : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death               : no  (score_live)

Posted on 29.3.2007 21:47
Last updated on 14.4.2007 20:34

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6886. on the Ladder (of 19045)
143. on the FAangband Ladder (of 498)
33. for this player (


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On 29.3.2007 21:47 wrote:
Lucky find was an early wilderness vault in SV30 guarded only by a bandit, an illusionist and a grey icky thing. That yielded the gloves of power and the randart armour with rBase + rBlind. The bow, lamp and (maybe) weapon were also from wilderness vaults.

On 29.3.2007 21:52 wrote:
How strange, my eq wasn't shown in the first dump! Here we go again...

On 30.3.2007 10:02 wrote:
One-Eyed Bob was minding his own business on Brethil 26, picking up the loot from a wilderness vault, when he was jumped by a Gaveronian Beserker. He did the decent thing and put the poor chap out of his misery and what did he drop you ask... BoS(+8)!!! I have never had a drop like that at this level before.

So Bob then WoR'd and dived straight from AR19 to AR30 in about 3 minutes (also discovered that if you go up and down the same staircase you can dive to the bottom of anywhere by taking advantage of when the stairs continue - decided not to exploit it further after the first couple of levels though). This was the first time I have been faster than Mim which made it an easy enough fight though it took a lot longer than I expected as he kept pulling off his healing trick and my arrows kept missing at inopportune moments (man did I get through some arrows!). I think I now want piercing shot and then marksmanship though I need a quick source dive to see how effective they are...

On 31.3.2007 08:50 wrote:
They're supposed to have good drops, so I guess that qualifies...

Have you thought about Rapid Fire?

On 31.3.2007 21:37 wrote:
Took piercing shot after Mim. I haven't seen the low down on rapid fire to know how many extra shots I get compared to how inaccurate they become!

Spent very little time in the dungeons so far - only the brief dive for Mim and a little exploration when setting up the Nargothrond recall point. I've just beem kitting up from wilderness vaults up until now...

On 1.4.2007 10:47 wrote:
Found an acid brand which despite having one less blow should do more damage against more monsters... I hope.

On 2.4.2007 09:37 wrote:
I cannot believe this guy's luck at the moment! Shortly after the dump I got a Moria level and one of my first kills dropped Narsil! From being a ranger played as a rogue, he has suddenly become a warrior who can shoot a bit!

The worst thing that befell him was a nexus hound scrambling dex and int - my best and worst stats, but then the RNG kindly provided 2!oDex on the same level which means Bob recovered 3 of the 4 points of Dex he lost.

With this luck, I'm tempted to read my ?oAcquirement now - I had been saving it until I'd dived a little deeper!

On 2.4.2007 09:51 wrote:
It's only the RNG trying to lure you into doing something stupid ... but maybe you should really read the scroll now: If you get a shovel +1/+1, you know everything is ok. If you get something 20 level out of depth, you know you're in DEEP TROUBLE ;-)
Btw., why do you use the "Longbow of Extra Shots", not the "of Might" .. with a loss rate of 25% for arrows, I would rather make sure every one counts ?!

On 2.4.2007 10:24 wrote:
Is it only 25%... sure feels like a lot more than that!

This is my first ranger so I'm learning it as I go along. It was a bit of a toss up between the two bows but the extra shots does more damage per round, is more likely to hit and if I miss with an arrow I don't lose so much as I would with might. However you are certainly right about arrow usage - I came across the 'h' keep vault and clearing all the 'h's coming up the central causeway almost used my entire quiver! I may well switch back to the other bow (which is why I didn't sell it when I found this one).

I'll pick up my ?oAcq on my next recall and see what happens then...

On 2.4.2007 17:11 wrote:
Read the scroll... Lance of the Noldor. I can live with that. I should be safe from the RNG's wrath for a little while longer.

On 2.4.2007 21:07 wrote:
Found another ?oAcq in a DCV - this time I got Hithlomir... which makes me a bit nervous again. I also have Cammithrim at home to complete the set but not sure if that will be better than my gloves of power.

One side of the DCV is already full of fireflies, so I doubt I will be able to clear much more which is a shame.

On 2.4.2007 22:01 wrote:
Stuck out the vault as long as I could and just as well I did. Grabbed a randart glaive (no idea what it does yet but I doubt it beats Narsil...), a couple of rods of recall, some stat potions and a nice new bow!

On 2.4.2007 22:26 wrote:
I guess you've tried Cammithrim and decided the bonuses aren't worth it. Might be handy later if you change your hat.

How's Piercing Shot working out?

On 2.4.2007 23:13 wrote:
I haven't got as far as trying the set yet - that's next on my list before I recall. If it costs me a blow though I certainly won't do it. Also unless a helm of telepathy comes along, then I think my upgrade path will always have rBlind already.

Piercing shot was useful in Plainsman camps when they all rushed you at once, however since I've hit the dungeon with Narsil I've only used my bow on things I don't want to melee - the only exception was the keep I mentioned earlier. Trap setting is still very useful though - I took out all the hounds in a Dogs of War vault using a zig-zag corridor and a couple of traps.

On 3.4.2007 09:27 wrote:
Just read a ?oRecharging and it blew up all 5 of my -oStM! Is that just very unlucky (as well as annoying)? Had to use Narsil to tunnel the walls in the vault I was in at the time (you can't blunt weapons that way can you?!).

On 3.4.2007 09:43 wrote:
Meant to say that when wielding the Shadow Ward set I lost too much melee ability to make it viable at this time.

On 3.4.2007 11:45 wrote:
Just fell through a trap door mid-fight (I think the master-thief had created it) and found myself on a superb level with yet another DCV... just started clearing it and have already found Mablung!

On 3.4.2007 18:47 wrote:
The bad guys really do not like Narsil. I have never known uniques die so fast.

This is my first proper attempt at a melee-ish character and I can really see what I have been missing - even if I do miss my spells too. Still not sure what I'll do about Hounds of Tindalos if I get that far - what sort of strategy do others you on those abominations?

On 3.4.2007 18:49 wrote:
Obviously I meant 'use' rather than 'you' (oops) and I should have said non-strong spellcasters too.

On 3.4.2007 20:18 HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg wrote:
I use the *destruction* genocide run-away strategy against the Hounds of Tindalos. :) I killed one once and it was then I realized that one was enough. I'm sure you'll think of something clever to bring 'em down however. I liked Narsil too when Armsman found it. Good wig-tearing potential plus nice benefits. Happy hunting!

On 3.4.2007 21:30 wrote:
Psi used WoD and Psiren tended to genocide them - though looking back in my monster history, I've apparently killed 36 of them which was a surprise! Looks like I ought to set up some more town recall points and get the merchants stocking up on scrolls...

On 4.4.2007 10:19 wrote:
Got a superb feeling a few levels down and despite there not being a single vault (just a few interesting rooms) it was a real treasure trove for Bob. Lying on the floor he found the last 'thanc, a randart crossbow (I so thought it was Cubragol when it wouldn't destroy!) and Tulkas and then in a series of themed rooms, a couple of Basilisks dropped Mormegil and Colannon!

I then decided to establish a shopping recall point. I met Pongo on the way, who kindly dropped a scroll of phase door...

Then on recalling back to the dungeon I got a Mirrormere vault which furnished me with Nevrast - rConf finally! I now only have holes in rNether, rShards and rDisenchant - the first one being the biggy.

On 4.4.2007 15:32 wrote:
Pongo's a giver all right - I typically get rations from him.

On 4.4.2007 17:09 wrote:
Just had a very strange level. It was split in two pieces with no corridors connecting the two halves! (I have sense surroundings so I can say that for sure). In the middle was the keep vault which was only connected to one half - which I'm guessing is the culprit here.

On 4.4.2007 18:45 wrote:
Decided to just dive for Glaurung and he went down without so much as a whimper. It seemed like fast attacking might have been the way to go, but I am more interested in trying high-level archery so took marksmanship instead.

On 4.4.2007 23:13 wrote:
That split in half thing really shouldn't happen - although I suspect you're right, and it's the keep vault that's the problem. And I guess a character that's finding greater vaults can deal with it, so it is probably not urgent to fix.

And to answer another question elsewhere, there is a troll wilderness vault but it only occurs in mountains.

On 8.4.2007 22:45 wrote:
Making steady progress in T-I-G just stopping to clear interesting looking areas.

Lack of rNether still bothers me - particularly here of all places. Had one close call with Dwar who cast some sort of Nether storm on me which took me <100HP, but nothing else to report. So far the midgame has possibly been easier with Bob than with Psiren, though I am probably playing a lot more carefully with this char as he can't just wipe out entire armies with just a few fell spells!

I've finally found some seeker arrows which makes archery a lot more dangerous, however Narsil still remains my primary source of attack.

On 11.4.2007 10:25 wrote:
Finally found a ring of rNether (only to get touched by a Nether Wraith...). Also found a beaked axe of the Noldor, something like 2d11 (+11, +18) (+2) - which I was close to swapping in for Narsil, but Narsil's brand and slays combo still makes it more effective against most monsters.

Was pleased to dispatch Carcharoth at my level, but ran out of healing on the subsequent battle with Errata so have had to skip that one for later (she kept on forcing me into the wall for a lot of HP!).

Branded seeker arrows are verrrrry nice (I get four per round with Celegorm).

Will try and update the dump again soon. Now at CL44 and in yet another DCV! The other kit change has been Ingwe for my "oWIS.

On 12.4.2007 09:44 wrote:
Unfortunately my next update will be the death dump.

This was not so much a YASD as an Oh-Yeah-I-Forgot-About-That-Death. I'd swapped out my rPois ring for rNether thinking that I could use my spell of rPois instead where necessary, however on the Elementals themed level, I completely forgot whilst meleeing dragons and an AMHD breathed poison which killed me instantly.

It was a sad end to a promising char who on the previous level had just cleared the loot from a bubble vault - providing a nice couple of kit upgrades.

On 14.4.2007 20:34 wrote:

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