The Angband Ladder: Aliadus, RohanKnight Unbeliever by Flestrin

  [ToME 2.3.5 Character Sheet]

 Name  : Aliadus                Age                 21       Str:     20     26
 Sex   : Male                   Height              41       INT:     10       
 Race  : RohanKnight            Weight              85       WIS:     14       
 Class : Unbeliever             Social Class         8       DEX:     18       
 Body  : Player                                              CON:     24       
 God   : Nobody                                              CHR:     10       
 + To Melee Hit           2 Level             16    Hit Points       -6/   200 
 + To Melee Damage        3 Experience      4481    Spell Points      9/     9 
 + To Ranged Hit         22 Max Exp         4481    Sanity           85/    85 
 + To Ranged Damage       0 Exp to Adv.     5060                               
   AC                 26+22 Gold            3455    Speed            Fast (+3) 
                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)                             
 Fighting    : Superb       Perception  : Bad          Blows/Round:  2         
 Bows/Throw  : Excellent    Searching   : Bad          Shots/Round:  2         
 Saving Throw: Bad          Disarming   : Poor         Mel.dmg/Rnd:  6d3+6     
 Stealth     : Bad          Magic Device: Bad          Infra-Vision: 40 feet   
                                                       Tactic:       normal    
                                                       Explor:       normal    
                         (Character Background)                                
          You are one of several children of a Landed Knight.  You             
          have brown eyes, straight auburn hair, and an average                

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Joke monsters:        OFF
 Maximize mode:        ON
 Preserve Mode:        ON
 Autoscum:             ON
 Small Levels:         ON
 Arena Levels:         ON
 Always unusual rooms: OFF
 Persistent Dungeons:  OFF

 Recall Depth:
        Barrow-Downs: Level 10 (500')
        Orc Cave: Level 10 (500')
        The Old Forest: Level 13 (650')

 Your body was a Player.
 You have defeated 440 enemies.
 You have completed three princess quests.
 You have completed one lost sword quest.

 You started your adventure the 43rd Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age.
 You ended your adventure the 44th Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age.
 Your adventure lasted 1 day.

     Your Attributes:
You are dead, killed by a Snotling Shaman on level 10 of Orc Cave.
You can use rohir powers.
You are poisoned.
You will soon be recalled.
Your eyes are sensitive to infrared light.
Your appetite is small.
You can sense the presence of trolls.
You can sense the presence of dragons.
You are unlucky.
You are surrounded by an anti-magic field.
You are resistant to acid.
You are resistant to lightning.
You are resistant to fire.
You are completely fearless.
Your constitution is affected by your equipment.
Your searching ability is affected by your equipment.
Your infravision is affected by your equipment.
Your digging ability is affected by your equipment.

        Add Sear. : .2..............            
        Add Infra : .2..............            
        Add Tun.. : ..............1.            
        Add Speed : ...............+            
        Sust Str  : ................            
        Sust Int  : ................            
        Sust Wis  : ................            
        Sust Dex  : ................            
        Sust Con  : ................            
        Sust Chr  : ................            
        Invisible : ................            
        Mul life  : ................            
        Sens Fire : ................            
        Reflect   : ................            
        Free Act  : ................            
        Hold Life : ................            
        Res Acid  : ................            
        Res Elec  : ....+...........            
        Res Fire  : ........+.......            
        Res Cold  : ................            
        Res Pois  : ................            
        Res Fear  : ..+.............            
        Res Light : ................            
        Res Dark  : ................            
        Res Blind : ................            
        Res Conf  : ................            
        Res Sound : ................            
        Res Shard : ................            
        Res Neth  : ................            
        Res Nexus : ................            
        Res Chaos : ................            
        Res Disen : ................            
        Lite      : .....+..........            
        Digestion : ...+............            
        Xtra Shots: .+..............            
        Activate  : .+..............            

Skills (points left: 0)
 - Combat                                        23.056 [0.800]
          - Weaponmastery                        21.572 [1.050]
                   . Sword-mastery               10.400 [0.400]
                   . Axe-mastery                 00.000 [0.400]
                   . Hafted-mastery              00.000 [0.400]
                   . Polearm-mastery             00.000 [0.400]
          . Archery                              01.500 [0.600]
          . Antimagic                            20.500 [0.650]
 - Sneakiness                                    01.640 [0.900]
          . Stealth                             -08.000 [0.400]
          . Disarming                            07.400 [0.900]
 . Monster-lore                                  00.000 [0.500]

 * Extra Max Blow(1)
 * Extra Max Blow(2)

  [Character Equipment]

a) a War Hammer (3d3) (+0,+0)
d) The Sling of Farmer Maggot (x2) (+20,+0) (+2) {100% off}
    It can be activated for terrify every 10+d50 turns if it is being
    worn. It increases your searching and infravision by 2.  It fires
    missiles excessively fast.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
e) a Ring of Fear Resistance
    It makes you completely fearless.  
f) a Ring of Slow Digestion
k) an Amulet of Lightning Resistance
m) a Wooden Torch (with 777 turns of light)
n) a Chain Mail (-2 to accuracy) [14,+0]
o) a Cloak [1,+0]
p) a Large Leather Shield of Resist Fire [4,+3]
s) a Dwarven Metal Cap [3,+2] (+2 to infravision)
u) The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnen' [2,+15]
x) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots [2,+0]
z) (nothing)
{) 59 Iron Shots (1d4) (+0,+0)
|) a Shovel (+1)
    It increases your ability to tunnel by 1.  

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Book of Teleportation
b) 13 Mushrooms of Cure Serious Wounds {100% off}
c) 34 Rations of Food
d) 8 Flasks of oil
e) a Scroll of Word of Recall
f) 2 Scrolls of Identify
g) a Wand of Noxious Cloud[1|26] (0 charges)
h) a Wand of Teleport Away[1|20] (1 charge)
i) 7 Wooden Torches (with 4000 turns of light)
    It provides light (radius 1) when fueled.  
j) a Brass Lantern (with 7500 turns of light)
    It provides light (radius 2) when fueled.  It cannot be harmed by
k) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots [2,+5]
l) a Broad Sword (2d5) (+0,+0)
m) a Dark Sword (3d7) (+0,+0)
    It generates an antimagic field.  
n) 18 Arrows (exploding) (1d4) (+2,+1)
o) a Parchment - Adventurer's Guide to Middle-earth
p) a Mage Staff (1d4) (+0,+0)
q) (nothing)
r) (nothing)
s) (nothing)
t) (nothing)
u) (nothing)
v) (nothing)
w) (nothing)

  [Home Inventory - Bree ]

a) a Ring of Invisibility
b) a Hatchet (1d5) (+3,+4)
c) a Dagger (1d4) (+4,+3)
d) a Short Sword (1d7) (+1,+3)
e) an Essence of Poison

Posted on 3.4.2015 21:34

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17092. on the Ladder (of 19132)
2905. on the ToME Ladder (of 3160)
36. for this player (


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