The Angband Ladder: Potemkin, Dunadan Warrior by <>
[Angband 3.0.3 Character Dump] Name Potemkin Self RB CB EB Best Sex Male Age 57 STR! 18/100 +1 +5 +13 18/290 Race Dunadan Height 89 INT! 18/100 +2 -2 +5 18/150 Class Warrior Weight 189 WIS! 18/100 +2 -2 +5 18/150 Title Lord Status 31 DEX! 18/100 +2 +2 +8 18/220 HP 1114/1114 Maximize Y CON! 18/100 +3 +2 +7 18/220 SP 0/0 Preserve Y CHR! 18/100 +2 -1 +3 18/140 Level 50 Armor [27,+130] Saving Throw Heroic Cur Exp 9007702 Fight (+44,+35) Stealth Excellent Max Exp 9007702 Melee (+54,+50) Fighting Legendary Adv Exp ******** Shoot (+54,+14) Shooting Legendary Blows 6/turn Disarming Superb Gold 1679496 Shots 1/turn Magic Device Superb Perception Fair Burden 196.0 lbs Infra 0 ft Searching Fair You are one of several children of a Yeoman. You are a credit to the family. You have brown eyes, straight black hair, and a very fair complexion. [Character Equipment] a) The Long Sword 'Anduril' (3d5) (+10,+15) [+10] (+4) {@w0} It increases your strength and dexterity by 4. It slays orcs, trolls, undead, and all evil creatures. It is branded with fire. It provides resistance to fire, fear, and disenchantment. It sustains your strength and dexterity. It is blessed by the gods. It grants you immunity to paralysis and the ability to see invisible things. It activates for fire ball (72) every 40 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. b) The Light Crossbow 'Cubragol' (x3) (+10,+14) (+10) {Demilich, Lev 63} It increases your speed by 10. It provides resistance to fire. It activates for fire branding of bolts every 999 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. c) a Corundum Ring of Speed (+13) It increases your speed by 13. d) The Ring of Barahir (+1) {Rogrog, Lev 60} It increases all your stats by 1. It increases your stealth by 1. It provides resistance to poison and dark. It cannot be harmed by the elements. e) The Elfstone 'Elessar' (+7,+7) [+10] (+2) {Red Dragon Pit, Lev 63} It increases your strength, wisdom, and charisma by 2. It increases your speed by 2. It provides resistance to fire, poison, and fear. It activates for heal (500) every 200 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. f) The Star of Elendil It lights the dungeon around you. It grants you the ability to see invisible things. It activates for magic mapping every 50+d50 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. g) The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] (+3) It increases your dexterity by 3. It increases your speed by 3. It provides resistance to acid and shards. It cannot be harmed by the elements. h) a Cloak of the Magi [1,+8] (+2) It increases your intelligence by 2. It increases your stealth by 2. It sustains your intelligence. It grants you the power of telepathy. It cannot be harmed by acid. i) The Small Metal Shield of Thorin [3,+25] (+4) {Glaurung, Lev 70} It increases your strength and constitution by 4. It provides immunity to acid. It provides resistance to fear, sound, and chaos. It grants you immunity to paralysis. It cannot be harmed by the elements. j) The Iron Helm 'Holhenneth' [5,+10] (+2) It increases your intelligence and wisdom by 2. It increases your searching by 2. It provides resistance to blindness and confusion. It grants you the ability to see invisible things. It activates for detection every 55+d55 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. k) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+15] (+2) {Lev 63} It increases your strength and constitution by 2. It grants you immunity to paralysis. It cannot be harmed by the elements. l) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Speed [6,+12] (+9) {Cat Lord, Lev 72} It increases your speed by 9. [Character Inventory] a) 24 Misty Potions of Cure Critical Wounds b) 2 Violet Speckled Potions of Healing c) 9 Grey Speckled Potions of Restore Life Levels d) 53 Scrolls titled "evs see olech" of Phase Door e) 35 Scrolls titled "temit nesaks" of Teleportation f) a Scroll titled "nelg tueha" of *Identify* g) 13 Scrolls titled "trolder mar" of Recharging h) 48 Scrolls titled "blu urseh turs" of Satisfy Hunger i) 2 Magnesium Rods of Perception {@z1} j) a Gold Rod of Recall k) a Zirconium Rod of Healing {@z2} l) a Cast Iron Wand of Teleport Other (4 charges) m) a Balsa Staff of Teleportation (3 charges) n) a Hemlock Staff of Speed (5 charges) o) a Hemlock Staff of Speed (4 charges) p) a Cypress Staff of Banishment (3 charges) q) The Jewel 'Evenstar' (charging) {Lev 66} It provides resistance to cold, dark, and life draining. It sustains your intelligence, wisdom, and constitution. It activates for restore life levels every 150 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. r) The Mattock of Nain (2d8) (+12,+18) (+6 to searching) {Feagwath, Lev 85, @w} It increases your strength by 6. It increases your searching, infravision, and tunneling by 6. It slays orcs, trolls, giants, and dragons. It provides resistance to dark and disenchantment. It activates for stone to mud every 2 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. [Home Inventory] a) The Ring of Tulkas (+4) It increases your strength, dexterity, and constitution by 4. It provides resistance to fear. It activates for haste self (75+d75 turns) every 150+d150 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. b) The Amulet of Ingwe (+3) {Great Bile Wyrm, Lev 72} It increases your intelligence, wisdom, and charisma by 3. It increases your infravision by 3. It provides resistance to acid, lightning, and cold. It grants you immunity to paralysis and the ability to see invisible things. It activates for dispel evil (x5) every 50+d50 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. c) The Phial of Galadriel It lights the dungeon around you. It activates for illumination every 10+d10 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. d) The Full Plate Armour of Isildur [25,+25] (+1) {Graveyard, Lev 60} It increases your constitution by 1. It provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, confusion, sound, and nexus. It cannot be harmed by the elements. e) The Cloak 'Colluin' [1,+15] {Glaurung, Lev 70} It provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, and poison. It activates for resistance (20+d20 turns) every 111 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. f) The Large Metal Shield of Anarion [5,+20] {Glaurung, Lev 70} It provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, and cold. It sustains all your stats. It cannot be harmed by the elements. g) The Metal Cap of Celebrimbor [3,+18] (+3 to searching) {Saruman, Lev 59} It increases your intelligence, dexterity, and charisma by 3. It increases your searching by 3. It provides resistance to acid, fire, shards, and disenchantment. It cannot be harmed by the elements. h) The Broad Sword 'Arunruth' (3d5) (+20,+12) (+4) It increases your dexterity by 4. It slays orcs and demons. It provides resistance to cold. It slows your metabolism and makes you fall like a feather. It grants you immunity to paralysis. It activates for frost bolt (12d8) every 50 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. i) The Broad Sword 'Aeglin' (2d5) (+12,+16) (+1) {Glaurung, Lev 70} It increases your searching by 1. It slays orcs, trolls, and giants. It is branded with electricity. It provides resistance to lightning and blindness. It is blessed by the gods, slows your metabolism, and lights the dungeon around you. It cannot be harmed by the elements. j) The Broad Sword 'Orcrist' (2d5) (+10,+15) (+3) {Ancient Red Dragon, Lev 63} It increases your searching by 3. It slays orcs, dragons, and all evil creatures. It is branded with frost. It provides resistance to cold and dark. It is blessed by the gods, slows your metabolism, and lights the dungeon around you. It cannot be harmed by the elements. k) The Broad Sword 'Glamdring' (2d5) (+10,+15) (+1) It increases your searching by 1. It slays orcs, demons, and all evil creatures. It is branded with fire. It provides resistance to fire and light. It is blessed by the gods, slows your metabolism, and lights the dungeon around you. It cannot be harmed by the elements. l) The Scimitar 'Haradekket' (2d5) (+9,+11) (+2) {Lev 67} It increases your dexterity by 2. It increases your attack speed by 2. It slays animals, undead, and all evil creatures. It grants you the ability to see invisible things. It cannot be harmed by the elements. m) The Bastard Sword 'Calris' (5d4) (+6,+20) (+5) {@w0} It increases your constitution by 5. It slays trolls, demons, and all evil creatures, and it is especially deadly against dragons. It provides resistance to disenchantment. It aggravates creatures around you. It cannot be harmed by the elements. n) The Executioner's Sword 'Crisdurian' (4d5) (+18,+19) {Lev 59} It slays orcs, trolls, giants, dragons, undead, and all evil creatures. It grants you the ability to see invisible things. It cannot be harmed by the elements. o) The Spear 'Nimloth' (1d6) (+11,+13) (+3) {Saruman, Lev 59} It increases your stealth and speed by 3. It cannot be harmed by the elements. It might have hidden powers. p) The Broad Axe 'Barukkheled' (2d6) (+13,+19) (+3) {Lev 34} It increases your constitution by 3. It cannot be harmed by the elements. It might have hidden powers. q) The Glaive of Pain (9d6) (+0,+30) {Saruman, Lev 59} It provides resistance to fear. It cannot be harmed by the elements. r) The Halberd 'Osondir' (3d5) (+6,+9) (+3) {Glaurung, Lev 70} It increases your charisma by 3. It cannot be harmed by the elements. It might have hidden powers. s) The Battle Axe of Balli Stonehand (3d8) (+8,+11) [+5] (+3) It increases your strength and constitution by 3. It increases your stealth by 3. It slays orcs, trolls, and demons. It provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, and blindness. It makes you fall like a feather and speeds your regeneration. It grants you immunity to paralysis and the ability to see invisible things. It cannot be harmed by the elements. t) The Whip of Gothmog (6d3) (+13,+15) (-3) {Greater Vault, Lev 72, cursed} It decreases your intelligence, wisdom, and dexterity by 3. It slays animals, trolls, and giants, and it is especially deadly against dragons. It is branded with fire. It provides immunity to fire. It provides resistance to lightning and dark. It lights the dungeon around you. It aggravates creatures around you and is heavily cursed. It activates for large fire ball (120) every 15 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. u) The Dwarven Pick of Erebor (3d4) (+5,+20) (+5) {@w0, Lesser Vault, Lev 66} It increases your strength and constitution by 5. It increases your tunneling by 5. It slays orcs, trolls, and demons. It is branded with acid. It provides resistance to light, dark, and chaos. It sustains your strength. It lights the dungeon around you. It cannot be harmed by the elements. v) The Short Bow of Amras (x2) (+12,+15) (+1 to speed) It increases your intelligence, wisdom, and dexterity by 1. It increases your speed, shooting speed, and shooting power by 1. It provides resistance to lightning, fire, and cold. It slows your metabolism. It cannot be harmed by the elements. w) The Short Bow of Amrod (x2) (+12,+15) (+2) {Hoarmurath of Dir, Lev 72} It increases your strength and constitution by 2. It increases your shooting power by 2. It provides resistance to lightning, fire, and cold. It speeds your regeneration. It cannot be harmed by the elements. x) The Heavy Crossbow of Umbar (x4) (+18,+18) (+2) It increases your strength and constitution by 2. It increases your shooting power by 2. It provides resistance to lightning, light, dark, and blindness. It aggravates creatures around you. It activates for a magical arrow (150) every 20+d20 turns. It cannot be harmed by the elements. [Options] Adult: Allow purchase of stats using points : no (adult_point_based) Adult: Allow specification of minimal stats : yes (adult_auto_roller) Adult: Maximize effect of race/class bonuses : yes (adult_maximize) Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : yes (adult_preserve) Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall : no (adult_ironman) Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home : no (adult_no_stores) Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts : no (adult_no_artifacts) Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no (adult_rand_artifacts) Adult: Don't stack objects on the floor : no (adult_no_stacking) Score: Peek into object creation : no (score_peek) Score: Peek into monster creation : no (score_hear) Score: Peek into dungeon creation : no (score_room) Score: Peek into something else : no (score_xtra) Score: Know complete monster info : no (score_know) Score: Allow player to avoid death : no (score_live) |
Posted on 13.5.2003 01:42
4356. on the Ladder (of 19138)
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