The Angband Ladder: Ran Xana, Elf Ranger by Gorbad
[Angband 3.3.2 Character Dump] Name Ran Xana Self RB CB EB Best Sex Male Age 141 STR: 18/56 -1 +2 +2 18/86 Race Elf Height 52 INT: 13 +2 +2 +0 17 Class Ranger Weight 103 WIS: 13 -1 +0 +2 14 Title Guide Social Respected DEX! 18/100 +1 +1 +6 18/180 HP 252/252 Maximize Y CON: 15 -2 +1 +2 16 SP 20/34 CHR: 14 +1 +1 +0 16 Level 30 Armor [62,+56] Saving Throw 65% Cur Exp 132165 Fight (+14,+13) Stealth Excellent Max Exp 132165 Melee (+27,+26) Fighting Superb Adv Exp 150000 Shoot (+23,+15) Shooting Legendary MaxDepth 2050' (L41) Blows 4.7/turn Disarming 65% Game Turns 338753 Shots 2/turn Magic Device 70 Standard Turns 37532 Infra 90 ft Perception 1 in 22 Resting Turns 4337 Speed 9 Searching 32% Gold 85869 Burden 144.1 lbs You are the only child of a Nandorin Archer. You have light grey eyes, straight brown hair, and a fair complexion. rAcid:......+...... Nexus:............. rElec:......+...... Nethr:............. rFire:......+...... Chaos:............. rCold:......+...... Disen:............. rPois:............. Feath:............. rLite:............+ pFear:............. rDark:............. pBlnd:............. Sound:............. pConf:............. Shard:............. pStun:............. Light:............. Tunn.:............. Regen:............. Speed:...........+. ESP:............. Blows:............. Invis:+............ Shots:............. FrAct:+............ Might:............. HLife:............. S.Dig:............. Stea.:............. ImpHP:............. Sear.:............. Fear:............. Infra:....+....+..+ Aggrv:............. [Character Equipment] a) a Beaked Axe of Westernesse (2d6) (+13,+13) <+2> Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2000 feet (level 40). +2 strength, dexterity, constitution. Slays orcs, trolls, giants. Prevents paralysis. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Combat info: 4.7 blows/round. With +4 STR and +0 DEX you would get 5.0 blows With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 5.0 blows Average damage/round: 238.9 vs. orcs, 238.9 vs. trolls, 238.9 vs. giants, and 166.1 vs. others. b) a Short Bow of Power (x2) (+9,+15) Dropped by a Hill orc at 750 feet (level 15). c) a Pearl Ring of Damage (+0,+8) Found lying on the floor at 1900 feet (level 38). d) an Obsidian Ring of Dexterity <+4> Found lying on the floor at 1950 feet (level 39). +4 dexterity. Sustains dexterity. e) an Obsidian Amulet of Infravision <+1> Found lying on the floor at 1700 feet (level 34). +1 infravision. f) the Phial 'Ossilmog' <+2> Dropped by Angamait� of Umbar at 1800 feet (level 36). +2 wisdom. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. When activated, it lights up the surrounding area, hurting light-sensitive creatures. Takes 20 to 38 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 95.2% Radius 3 light. g) Metal Scale Mail of Resistance (-2) [38,+17] Found lying on the floor at 2050 feet (level 41). Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. h) a Cloak [1,+6] Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2000 feet (level 40). i) a Large Metal Shield [12,+5] Dropped by a Forest wight at 2000 feet (level 40). j) an Iron Helm of Infravision [7,+6] <+5> Found lying on the floor in a vault at 950 feet (level 19). +5 infravision. k) (nothing) l) a Pair of Iron Shod Boots of Speed [4,+9] <+9> Dropped by a Mature black dragon at 1850 feet (level 37). +9 speed. Cannot be harmed by fire. [Character Quiver] n) 99 Arrows (1d4) (+0,+0) Bought from a store. Combat info: Hits targets up to 100 feet away. Average damage/round: 71.4. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. o) an Arrow (1d4) (+4,+3) {@f1} Found lying on the floor of a cavern at 1800 feet (level 36). Combat info: Hits targets up to 100 feet away. Average damage/round: 83.6. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. p) 12 Arrows of Slay Animal (1d4) (+8,+13) Dropped by a Chaos drake at 2050 feet (level 41). Slays animals. Combat info: Hits targets up to 100 feet away. Average damage/round: 251.2 vs. animals, and 125.6 vs. others. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. q) 17 Arrows (1d4) (+6,+2) Bought from a store. Combat info: Hits targets up to 100 feet away. Average damage/round: 79.4. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. r) (nothing) s) 24 Arrows of Venom (1d4) (+10,+4) {@f5} Dropped by a Ninja at 1950 feet (level 39). Branded with venom. Combat info: Hits targets up to 100 feet away. Average damage/round: 221.4 vs. creatures not resistant to poison, and 88.6 vs. others. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. t) (nothing) u) (nothing) v) (nothing) w) (nothing) [Character Inventory] a) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks] {@m2 @b2 @G2} b) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Incantations and Illusions] {@m3 @b3 @G3} c) 3 Dark Green Mushrooms of Debility {!*} Found lying on the floor at 950 feet (level 19). d) 9 Cloudy Potions of Cure Critical Wounds e) a Metallic Blue Potion of Healing Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2000 feet (level 40). f) 5 Light Green Potions of Speed g) 3 Scrolls titled "hudemir neus" of Phase Door h) 4 Scrolls titled "sae quensto" of Word of Recall {!*} i) 4 Scrolls titled "thron nens" of Deep Descent {!*} j) 2 Steel-Plated Rods of Fire Bolts {@z1} k) a Lead-Plated Rod of Teleport Other {@z4} Bought from a store. l) a Zirconium Wand of Teleport Other (3 charges) {@a4} Found lying on the floor at 1450 feet (level 29). m) 3 Maple Staves of Teleportation (22 charges) {!*} [Home Inventory] a) a Book of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners] {@m1 @b1 @G1} b) 3 Books of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks] {@m2 @b2 @G2} c) a Purple Speckled Potion of Restore Mana {!*} Found lying on the floor at 1550 feet (level 31). d) 2 Scrolls titled "mor culum lor" of Teleport Level {!*} e) 3 Scrolls titled "cial appron el" of Enchant Weapon To-Hit f) a Maple Staff of Teleportation (7 charges) {!*} g) a Silver Staff of the Magi (4 charges) {!*} Found lying on the floor at 1850 feet (level 37). h) a Quartz Ring of Strength <+4> Dropped by a Black knight at 1800 feet (level 36). +4 strength. Sustains strength. i) a Jade Ring of Free Action Found lying on the floor at 1100 feet (level 22). Prevents paralysis. j) a Turquoise Ring of See Invisible Grants the ability to see invisible things. k) White Dragon Scale Mail (Dwarven) (-2) [14,+26] <+2, +1, +3> Dropped by Gorbag, the Orc Captain at 1100 feet (level 22). +2 strength. +1 constitution. +3 infravision. Provides resistance to cold. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Prevents paralysis. ============================================================ CHAR. | TURN | DEPTH |LEVEL| EVENT ============================================================ 1 0' 1 Began the quest to destroy Morgoth. 470 150' 2 Reached level 2 2873 150' 3 Reached level 3 5692 150' 4 Reached level 4 6350 200' 5 Reached level 5 12010 200' 6 Reached level 6 17557 250' 7 Reached level 7 18248 250' 7 Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog 26199 350' 8 Reached level 8 37226 350' 9 Reached level 9 67239 350' 9 Killed Smeagol 68981 350' 10 Reached level 10 69567 400' 11 Reached level 11 77874 500' 12 Reached level 12 83307 600' 13 Reached level 13 90499 650' 14 Reached level 14 99310 750' 14 Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog 100875 750' 15 Reached level 15 108322 750' 16 Reached level 16 116455 750' 16 Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol 116455 750' 17 Reached level 17 118327 750' 17 Killed Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief 136865 900' 18 Reached level 18 148722 950' 15 Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain 148722 950' 16 Reached level 16 152041 950' 17 Reached level 17 156234 950' 18 Reached level 18 158572 1000' 19 Reached level 19 167306 1000' 20 Reached level 20 172312 1050' 21 Reached level 21 177144 1100' 21 Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman 181429 1100' 22 Reached level 22 184870 1100' 22 Killed Ulfast, Son of Ulfang 187542 1100' 22 Killed Gorbag, the Orc Captain 193059 1150' 22 Killed Grishnakh, the Hill Orc 194119 1150' 23 Reached level 23 200888 1200' 23 Killed Lagduf, the Snaga 213976 1250' 24 Reached level 24 231171 1300' 25 Reached level 25 256535 1550' 26 Reached level 26 268900 1750' 26 Killed Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai 270509 1750' 27 Reached level 27 277098 1800' 27 Killed Angamaite of Umbar 277170 1800' 27 Found the Phial 'Ossilmog' 287596 1900' 28 Reached level 28 291184 1900' 28 Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain 309481 1850' 29 Reached level 29 310459 1850' 29 Killed Ugluk, the Uruk 312113 1900' 29 Reached level 29 313715 1900' 29 Killed Bert the Stone Troll 331367 2050' 30 Reached level 30 [Options] Maximise effect of race/class bonuses : yes (birth_maximize) Randomise the artifacts (except a very few) : yes (birth_randarts) Restrict the use of stairs/recall : no (birth_ironman) Restrict the use of stores/home : no (birth_no_stores) Restrict creation of artifacts : no (birth_no_artifacts) Don't stack objects on the floor : no (birth_no_stacking) Lose artifacts when leaving level : no (birth_no_preserve) Don't generate connected stairs : yes (birth_no_stairs) Don't show level feelings : no (birth_no_feelings) Items always sell for 0 gold : no (birth_no_selling) Use previous set of randarts : no (birth_keep_randarts) Monsters chase recent locations : yes (birth_ai_smell) Monsters act smarter in groups : yes (birth_ai_packs) Monsters learn from their mistakes : no (birth_ai_learn) Monsters exploit player's weaknesses : no (birth_ai_cheat) Monsters behave more intelligently (broken) : no (birth_ai_smart) |
Posted on 8.11.2011 18:23
9. on the Competition No.113 Ladder (of 12)
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