The Angband Ladder: Taha20110422, Hobbit Mage by Taha

  [Angband 3.2.0 Character Dump]

 Name   Taha20110422                             Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
 Sex    Male         Age             28   STR! 18/100  -2  -5 +12718/***
 Race   Hobbit       Height          34   INT! 18/100  +2  +3 +13118/***
 Class  Mage         Weight          59   WIS:  18/95  +1  +0 +12918/***
 Title  ***WINNER*** Social      Feared   DEX! 18/100  +3  +1 +12818/***
 HP     775/837      Maximize         Y   CON! 18/100  +2  -2 +13318/***
 SP     241/369                           CHR! 18/100  +1  +1 +13318/***

 Level               50   Armor   [21,+206]     Saving Throw        100%
 Cur Exp        8560763   Fight   (+44,+30)     Stealth           Superb
 Max Exp        8560763   Melee   (+67,+64)     Fighting       Excellent
 Adv Exp       ********   Shoot   (+51,+13)     Shooting          Superb
 MaxDepth  5000' (L100)   Blows    7.0/turn     Disarming           100%
 Game Turns      613920   Shots      1/turn     Magic Device         132
 Standard Turns   96989   Infra     1360 ft     Perception        1 in 1
 Resting Turns    42166   Speed          22     Searching            48%
 Gold            748350   Burden  315.0 lbs

 You are one of several children of a Hobbit Warrior.  You are a credit
 to the family.  You have dark brown eyes, straight blond hair, and an
 average complexion.

rAcid:++....++.+... Nexus:++.......+...
rElec:+.....++.+... Nethr:+.......++...
rFire:+...+....+... Chaos:+...+........
rCold:*+....++++... Disen:++...........
rPois:+........+... S.Dig:+............
rLite:++.......+... Feath:++...........
rDark:+.....+.++... pFear:+........+...
Sound:+............ pBlnd:.+...........
Shard:............. pConf:+.....+..+...

Light:+......+.+... Tunn.:.............
Regen:+............ Speed:..+...+....+.
  ESP:.......+.+... Blows:+............
Invis:+...+...++... Shots:.............
FrAct:++..+...+.+.. Might:.+...........
HLife:............+ ImpHP:.............
Stea.:.+........... ImpSP:.............
Sear.:.......+.....  Fear:.............
Infra:+....+...+..+ Aggrv:+............

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Pike of Hundann (6d5) (+23,+34) [+44] <+3>
     Dropped by an Elder vampire at 4350 feet (level 87).
     +3 dexterity, constitution, charisma, stealth, infravision, attack
     Slays animals, evil creatures, undead, orcs, trolls, giants.
     *Slays* dragons, demons.
     Branded with weak acid, lightning, flames, frost, venom.
     Provides immunity to cold.
     Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, poison, light, dark,
     sound, nexus, nether, chaos, disenchantment.
     Provides protection from fear, confusion.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Sustains strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution,
     Blessed by the gods.  Slows your metabolism.  Feather Falling. 
     Speeds regeneration.  Prevents paralysis.  Grants the ability to
     see invisible things.  Aggravates creatures nearby.  
     When aimed, it creates a large lightning ball with damage 250.
     Takes 444 to 546 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 98.1%
     Combat info:
     7.0 blows/round.
     Average damage/round: 765.1 vs. animals, 765.1 vs. evil creatures,
     765.1 vs. creatures not resistant to acid, 907.9 vs. undead, 907.9
     vs. orcs, 907.9 vs. trolls, 907.9 vs. giants, 907.9 vs. creatures
     not resistant to electricity, 907.9 vs. creatures not resistant to
     fire, 907.9 vs. creatures not resistant to cold, 907.9 vs.
     creatures not resistant to poison, 1192.1 vs. dragons, 1192.1 vs.
     demons, and 623 vs. others.
     Radius 1 light.
b) The Heavy Crossbow of Helegori (x7) (+7,+13) <+3>
     Dropped by a Great Ice Wyrm at 3200 feet (level 64).
     +3 wisdom, stealth, shooting power.
     Provides resistance to acid, cold, light, nexus, disenchantment.
     Provides protection from blindness.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Sustains strength.
     Feather Falling.  Prevents paralysis.  
     When aimed, it creates a fire bolt with damage 16d8.
     Takes 284 to 315 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 97.4%
c) a Ring of Speed <+11>
     Dropped by a Great Hell Wyrm at 3700 feet (level 74).
     +11 speed.
d) a Ring of Constitution <+5> {squelch}
     Dropped by a Storm giant at 3100 feet (level 62).
     +5 constitution.
     Sustains constitution.
e) The Necklace of Denyar (+8,+8) [+7] <+2>
     Found lying on the floor at 3200 feet (level 64).
     +2 strength, charisma.
     Provides resistance to fire, chaos.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Sustains dexterity.
     Prevents paralysis.  Grants the ability to see invisible things.  
f) The Star of Athir <+4>
     Found lying on the floor at 3750 feet (level 75).
     +4 infravision.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     When activated, it maps the area around you.
     Takes 198 to 390 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 98.1%
     Radius 3 light.
g) The Soft Leather Armour 'Findorth' [8,+19] <+3>
     Found lying on the floor at 4050 feet (level 81).
     +3 intelligence, charisma, speed.
     Provides resistance to acid, lightning, cold, dark.
     Provides protection from confusion.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Sustains wisdom.
h) The Cloak of Elerin (+6,+2) [1,+12] <+4>
     Found lying on the floor at 1800 feet (level 36).
     +20% to searching.
     Provides resistance to acid, lightning, cold.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Grants telepathy.  
     When aimed, it drains up to 120 hit points of life from a target
     Takes 319 to 390 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 97.4%
     Radius 1 light.
i) The Leather Shield 'Losserion' [8,+27] <+1>
     Dropped by Beorn, the Shape-Changer at 2900 feet (level 58).
     +1 wisdom.
     Provides resistance to cold, dark, nether.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Prevents paralysis.  Grants the ability to see invisible things.  
j) The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth [0,+0] <+125> {cursed}
     Dropped by Morgoth, Lord of Darkness at 5000 feet (level 100).
     Permanently cursed.
     +125 strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution,
     charisma, infravision.
     Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, poison, light,
     dark, nexus, nether.
     Provides protection from fear, confusion.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Grants telepathy.  Grants the ability to see invisible things.  
     Radius 1 light.
k) The Set of Gauntlets of Calie [3,+13] <+3>
     Found lying on the floor at 1950 feet (level 39).
     +3 intelligence.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Prevents paralysis.  
l) The Pair of Leather Sandals of Orinion [1,+19] <+13>
     Dropped by a Lesser Balrog at 3100 feet (level 62).
     +13 speed.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Sustains constitution.

  [Character Quiver]

n) 19 Seeker Bolts of Wounding (4d5) (+17,+12)
     Dropped by Harowen the Black Hand at 3200 feet (level 64).
     Combat info:
     Hits targets up to 200 feet away.
     Average damage/round: 274.5.
     25% chance of breaking upon contact.
o) 17 Mithril Bolts of Slay Evil (3d5) (+14,+7)
     Dropped by a Great Swamp Wyrm at 3500 feet (level 70).
     Slays evil creatures.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
     Combat info:
     Hits targets up to 200 feet away.
     Average damage/round: 276.6 vs. evil creatures, and 215.2 vs.
     25% chance of breaking upon contact.
p) 19 Seeker Bolts of Slay Evil (4d5) (+12,+17)
     Found lying on the floor at 4450 feet (level 89).
     Slays evil creatures.
     Combat info:
     Hits targets up to 200 feet away.
     Average damage/round: 400.7 vs. evil creatures, and 311.6 vs.
     25% chance of breaking upon contact.
q) 22 Bolts of Acid (1d5) (+15,+17)
     Found lying on the floor at 4450 feet (level 89).
     Branded with acid.
     Cannot be harmed by acid.
     Combat info:
     Hits targets up to 200 feet away.
     Average damage/round: 349.8 vs. creatures not resistant to acid,
     and 244.8 vs. others.
     25% chance of breaking upon contact.
r) (nothing)
s) (nothing)
t) (nothing)
u) (nothing)
v) (nothing)
w) (nothing)

  [Character Inventory]

a) 4 Books of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners] {@m1@b1@G1!d!k!v}
     Bought from a store.
b) 4 Books of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks] {@m2@b2@G2!d!k!v}
c) 5 Books of Magic Spells [Incantations and Illusions] {@m3@b3@G3!d!k!v}
d) a Book of Magic Spells [Sorcery and Evocations] {@m4@b4@G4!d!k!v}
e) a Book of Magic Spells [Resistances of Scarabtarices] {@m5@b5@G5!d!k!v}
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
f) a Book of Magic Spells [Raal's Tome of Destruction] {@m6@b6@G6!d!k!v}
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
g) a Book of Magic Spells [Mordenkainen's Escapes] {@m7@b7@G7!d!k!v}
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
h) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Kelek's Grimoire of Power] {@m9@b9@G9!d!k!v}
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
i) 5 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
j) a Potion of Healing
k) 5 Potions of *Healing* {!*}
     It can be thrown at creatures with damaging effect.
l) 27 Potions of Restore Mana {!*}
m) 2 Potions of Enlightenment
n) 3 Scrolls of Banishment {!*}
o) 4 Scrolls of Mass Banishment {!*}
p) 10 Scrolls of *Destruction* {!*}
q) 2 Rods of Healing (2 charging) {!!}
     Cannot be harmed by electricity.
r) 2 Staves of the Magi (0 charges) {!*}
s) The Golden Crown of Boron [0,+11] <+3>
     Found in a chest from 2900 feet (level 58).
     +3 dexterity, constitution, charisma.
     Provides resistance to cold, dark, sound, shards, disenchantment.
     Provides protection from fear.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Speeds regeneration.  Grants the ability to see invisible things. 
t) The Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (9d9) (+5,+25) [+10]
     Dropped by Morgoth, Lord of Darkness at 5000 feet (level 100).
     Slays animals, evil creatures, orcs, trolls.
     *Slays* dragons, demons, undead.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Grants telepathy.  Grants the ability to see invisible things. 
     Aggravates creatures nearby.  
     Combat info:
     4.0 blows/round.
     Average damage/round: 876 vs. animals, 876 vs. evil creatures,
     1169.6 vs. orcs, 1169.6 vs. trolls, 1756.4 vs. dragons, 1756.4 vs.
     demons, 1756.4 vs. undead, and 582.8 vs. others.
     Sometimes creates earthquakes on impact.

  [Home Inventory]

a) a Book of Magic Spells [Tenser's Transformations] {@m8@b8@G8!d!k!v}
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
b) The Ring of Siloeglos <+3>
     Dropped by an Osyluth at 4450 feet (level 89).
     +3 intelligence, charisma.
     It causes your melee attacks to *slay* demons.
     Provides resistance to cold.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     When activated, it restores 10 hit points, removes fear and grants
     you resistance to fear and +12 to-hit for 1d25+25 turns.
     Takes 222 to 245 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 96.7%
c) The Amulet of Bellor <+4>
     Dropped by a Lesser titan at 4350 feet (level 87).
     +4 strength, intelligence.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Radius 1 light.
d) The Elfstone of Amagun <+4>
     Dropped by Atlas, the Titan at 4450 feet (level 89).
     +4 constitution.
     +20% to searching.
     Provides resistance to lightning, poison, chaos, disenchantment.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Sustains strength.
     Prevents paralysis.  
     When aimed, it polymorphs a monster into another kind of creature.
     Takes 222 to 245 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 95.9%
e) The Jewel of Finaregur <+3>
     Dropped by a Great Storm Wyrm at 4050 feet (level 81).
     +3 intelligence, dexterity, constitution.
     Provides resistance to lightning, cold, light.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
f) The Arkenstone of Anyamaras <+4>
     Dropped by E�l, the Dark Elf at 4150 feet (level 83).
     +4 dexterity.
     Provides resistance to lightning, dark.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Sustains constitution.
     When activated, it detects treasure, traps, doors, stairs, and all
     creatures nearby.
     Takes 120 to 234 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 96.7%
     Radius 3 light.
g) The Law Dragon Scale Mail of Eingolin (-1,+5) [36,+27] <+3> {!k !!}
     Dropped by a Great Hell Wyrm at 3900 feet (level 78).
     +3 wisdom.
     Provides immunity to cold.
     Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, light, sound,
     shards, chaos.
     Provides protection from fear, blindness.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
h) Law Dragon Scale Mail of Permanence [36,+26] {!k !!}
     Dropped by Polyphemus, the Blind Cyclops at 3800 feet (level 76).
     Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, dark, sound,
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Sustains strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution,
     Sustains your life force.  
i) The Chain Mail of Fauregron (-2) [32,+43] <+2>
     Dropped by a Bile Demon at 4950 feet (level 99).
     +2 strength, wisdom, constitution, charisma, speed.
     Provides resistance to lightning, cold, poison, light, dark.
     Provides protection from fear.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Sustains intelligence.
     Speeds regeneration.  
j) The Hard Leather Armour of Araiar (-1) [16,+13] <+4>
     Dropped by a Barrow wight at 4450 feet (level 89).
     +4 constitution.
     Provides resistance to nether.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Grants the ability to see invisible things.  
k) The Cloak of Silgas [1,+19] <+4>
     Dropped by a Dracolich at 3200 feet (level 64).
     +4 strength, charisma, stealth.
     Provides resistance to dark, nexus.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Sustains constitution.
     Slows your metabolism.  Speeds regeneration.  
     When activated, it detects evil creatures nearby.
     Takes 191 to 210 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 98.7%
     Radius 1 light.
l) The Elven Cloak of Ollor [6,+10] <+4>
     Found lying on the floor at 5000 feet (level 100).
     +4 strength, wisdom, constitution, stealth.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
m) The Golden Crown of Lamas [0,+13] <+3>
     Dropped by a Great Bile Wyrm at 4250 feet (level 85).
     +3 intelligence, wisdom.
     Provides resistance to fire, nether.
     Provides protection from fear, blindness, confusion.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Sustains wisdom.
     Speeds regeneration.  Grants the ability to see invisible things. 
     Radius 1 light.
n) The Golden Crown of Haras [0,+17] <+2>
     Dropped by an Ancient blue dragon at 3800 feet (level 76).
     +2 constitution, speed.
     Provides resistance to sound.
     Provides protection from fear, blindness.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Grants the ability to see invisible things.  
o) The Metal Cap of Gormor (+1,+2) [3,+15] <+2>
     Dropped by a Demilich at 3200 feet (level 64).
     +2 intelligence, wisdom, constitution.
     It causes your melee attacks to *slay* dragons.
     Provides protection from blindness.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Slows your metabolism.  Grants the ability to see invisible
     When aimed, it grants acid resistance for d20+20 turns and creates
     an acid ball of damage 70.
     Takes 351 to 429 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 98.7%
p) The Metal Cap 'Anfalath' [3,+12] <+4>
     Dropped by a Great Ice Wyrm at 3450 feet (level 69).
     +4 speed.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Grants telepathy.  
q) The Steel Helm of Barelkor [9,+9] <+4>
     Found lying on the floor at 3050 feet (level 61).
     +4 intelligence, wisdom.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Sustains wisdom, constitution.
     Slows your metabolism.  
     Radius 1 light.
r) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Vathorm' [1,+15] <+3>
     Found in a chest from 4000 feet (level 80).
     +3 speed.
     Provides resistance to fire.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Prevents paralysis.  
s) The Set of Gauntlets of Dalas (+2,+5) [3,+16] <+2>
     Dropped by an Osyluth at 4450 feet (level 89).
     +2 intelligence, dexterity, charisma, tunneling.
     Provides protection from fear.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Feather Falling.  Prevents paralysis.  
     When activated, it deals 60 damage to all undead creatures that
     you can see.
     Takes 284 to 315 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 96.7%
t) The Main Gauche of Anenor (1d5) (+13,+30) [+18] <+4>
     Found lying on the floor at 4000 feet (level 80).
     +4 intelligence, wisdom, constitution, charisma.
     *Slays* dragons, demons.
     Provides immunity to lightning, cold.
     Provides resistance to poison.
     Provides protection from fear.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Blessed by the gods.  Slows your metabolism.  
     Combat info:
     4.0 blows/round.
     Average damage/round: 316.8 vs. dragons, 316.8 vs. demons, and
     264.4 vs. others.
u) The Mace of Tarialen (8d4) (+5,+39) [+10] <+3>
     Conjured forth by magic at 3000 feet (level 60).
     +3 strength, charisma, infravision, speed, attack speed.
     Slays animals, evil creatures, orcs, trolls, giants, dragons.
     Branded with weak acid, frost.
     Provides resistance to lightning, fire, dark, disenchantment.
     Provides protection from blindness, confusion.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Sustains intelligence, dexterity.
     Grants the ability to see invisible things.  
     When activated, it heals cut damage, and cures stunning, poison
     and blindness.
     Takes 222 to 245 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 96.3%
     Combat info:
     7.0 blows/round.
     Average damage/round: 819.7 vs. animals, 819.7 vs. evil creatures,
     819.7 vs. creatures not resistant to acid, 973.7 vs. orcs, 973.7
     vs. trolls, 973.7 vs. giants, 973.7 vs. dragons, 973.7 vs.
     creatures not resistant to cold, and 665.7 vs. others.
v) The Long Bow of Barnoring (x3) (+5,+12) <+3>
     Dropped by a Bile Demon at 4950 feet (level 99).
     +3 intelligence, dexterity, speed.
     Provides resistance to cold, light, shards.
     Provides protection from fear.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Sustains wisdom, dexterity.
     Slows your metabolism.  Grants the ability to see invisible
     When activated, it causes your next attack upon a monster to
     confuse it.
     Takes 253 to 280 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 98.1%
w) The Light Crossbow of Rogringor (x3) (+8,+7) <+8>
     Found lying on the floor at 4050 feet (level 81).
     +8 strength, speed.
     Branded with weak acid.
     Provides resistance to light.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
     Grants the ability to see invisible things.  
     When aimed, it creates a large lightning ball with damage 250.
     Takes 444 to 546 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 98.1%

         1      0'    1   Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
      3313    100'    2   Reached level 2
      8189    150'    3   Reached level 3
     23351    150'    4   Reached level 4
     28515    200'    5   Reached level 5
     28981    200'    5   Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog
     35890    300'    6   Reached level 6
     35960    300'    7   Reached level 7
     39962    300'    7   Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit
     39962    300'    8   Reached level 8
     47049    350'    9   Reached level 9
     54398    350'    9   Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog
     55878    400'   10   Reached level 10
     65183    500'   11   Reached level 11
     82875    450'   12   Reached level 12
     98761    500'   13   Reached level 13
    107582      0'   14   Reached level 14
    145269    500'   15   Reached level 15
    173377    700'   16   Reached level 16
    192543    850'   17   Reached level 17
    217214   1000'   18   Reached level 18
    220421   1000'   18   Killed Brodda, the Easterling
    227648   1000'   19   Reached level 19
    243052   1200'   20   Reached level 20
    251239   1200'   21   Reached level 21
    263042   1300'   22   Reached level 22
    265939   1350'   23   Reached level 23
    269616   1350'   23   Found The Shovel of Duinn (LOST)
    273995   1350'   23   Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks
    287044   1350'   24   Reached level 24
    297076   1500'   25   Reached level 25
    317940   1550'   26   Reached level 26
    337232   1700'   26   Found The Short Sword 'Inyar' (LOST)
    343791   1700'   27   Reached level 27
    354356   1750'   27   Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman
    355633   1750'   27   Found The Glaive 'Ardorme' (LOST)
    375955   1800'   28   Reached level 28
    376046   1800'   28   Found The Cloak of Elerin
    394540   1850'   29   Reached level 29
    400257   1850'   29   Found The Phial of Menol (LOST)
    424769   1950'   29   Found The Whip 'Amrimros' (LOST)
    427274   1950'   29   Found The Set of Gauntlets of Calie
    430274   1950'   30   Reached level 30
    451559   2400'   31   Reached level 31
    479533   2650'   32   Reached level 32
    480776   2650'   32   Found The Zweihander 'Arthlor' (LOST)
    491362   2900'   32   Killed Beorn, the Shape-Changer
    491414   2900'   32   Found The Leather Shield 'Losserion'
    491594   2900'   32   Found The Golden Crown of Boron
    492768   2900'   33   Reached level 33
    496192   3000'   33   Killed Uvatha the Horseman
    498027   3000'   33   Found The Mace of Tarialen
    503003   3050'   33   Found The Steel Helm of Barelkor
    505071   3100'   33   Killed Ren the Unclean
    506437   3100'   34   Reached level 34
    506523   3100'   34   Found The Spear of Amrin (LOST)
    506539   3100'   34   Found The Robe of Aranya (LOST)
    508177   3100'   34   Found The Pair of Leather Sandals of Orinion
    508869   3200'   35   Reached level 35
    510558   3200'   36   Reached level 36
    511077   3200'   36   Killed Scatha the Worm
    511897   3200'   36   Killed Mim, Betrayer of Turin
    511916   3200'   36   Killed Harowen the Black Hand
    512112   3200'   36   Found The Necklace of Denyar
    512466   3200'   36   Killed Gorbag, the Orc Captain
    512504   3200'   36   Found The Quarterstaff of Thondiren (LOST)
    513758   3200'   37   Reached level 37
    513767   3200'   37   Found The Heavy Crossbow of Helegori
    514127   3200'   37   Found The Cloak of Silgas
    514641   3200'   38   Reached level 38
    515249   3200'   38   Found The Metal Cap of Gormor
    516528   3200'   38   Found The Ball-and-Chain of Hiarch (LOST)
    519547   3200'   38   Killed Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw
    519551   3200'   38   Found The Short Bow of Cornur (LOST)
    521137   3300'   39   Reached level 39
    522509   3300'   39   Killed Quaker, Master of Earth
    523079   3350'   39   Killed Vargo, Tyrant of Fire
    527106   3450'   39   Found The Metal Cap 'Anfalath'
    527111   3450'   39   Found The Zweihander of Bedherim (LOST)
    528773   3450'   40   Reached level 40
    532007   3600'   40   Killed Kavlax the Many-Headed
    533787   3650'   41   Reached level 41
    534944   3650'   41   Killed Khamul, the Black Easterling
    535161   3650'   41   Killed Nar, the Dwarf
    536181   3700'   41   Killed Hoarmurath of Dir
    536462   3700'   41   Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain
    537081   3750'   41   Killed Medusa, the Gorgon
    537344   3750'   41   Found The Scythe of Culion (LOST)
    537466   3750'   41   Killed Akhorahil the Blind
    537543   3750'   42   Reached level 42
    539609   3750'   42   Found The Star of Athir
    540684   3800'   42   Found The Beaked Axe of Endir (LOST)
    541383   3800'   42   Killed Sangahyando of Umbar
    541546   3800'   42   Killed Polyphemus, the Blind Cyclops
    543360   3800'   42   Found The Golden Crown of Haras
    545347   3900'   43   Reached level 43
    545355   3900'   43   Found The Law Dragon Scale Mail of Eingolin
    545627   3900'   43   Killed Itangast the Fire Drake
    546592   3950'   43   Killed Ariel, Queen of Air
    548902   4000'   43   Found The Set of Leather Gloves 'Vathorm'
    549067   4000'   43   Found The Main Gauche of Anenor
    549452   4000'   43   Found The Mace of Hielvan (LOST)
    550677   4050'   43   Found The Jewel of Finaregur
    550830   4050'   44   Reached level 44
    551657   4050'   44   Found The Light Crossbow of Rogringor
    551799   4050'   44   Found The Soft Leather Armour 'Findorth'
    557184   4100'   45   Reached level 45
    557446   4100'   45   Killed Uriel, Angel of Fire
    558616   4150'   45   Killed Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves
    558673   4150'   45   Killed Eol, the Dark Elf
    558678   4150'   45   Found The Arkenstone of Anyamaras
    558753   4150'   45   Killed Baphomet the Minotaur Lord
    560175   4200'   46   Reached level 46
    561323   4200'   46   Killed Omarax, the Eye Tyrant
    562087   4250'   46   Found The Golden Crown of Lamas
    564033   4350'   46   Found The Pike of Hundann
    564167   4350'   46   Killed Smaug the Golden
    564888   4350'   46   Found The Amulet of Bellor
    565224   4350'   47   Reached level 47
    566629   4400'   47   Killed Ji Indur Dawndeath
    566984   4400'   47   Found The Scimitar 'Taras' (LOST)
    567971   4400'   47   Killed Azriel, Angel of Death
    568811   4450'   47   Killed Ungoliant, the Unlight
    569461   4450'   47   Killed Ibun, Son of Mim
    569763   4450'   47   Killed Atlas, the Titan
    569767   4450'   47   Found The Elfstone of Amagun
    570299   4450'   48   Reached level 48
    571473   4450'   48   Killed Feagwath, the Undead Sorcerer
    571545   4450'   48   Found The Executioner's Sword 'Radur' (LOST)
    572002   4450'   48   Found The Set of Gauntlets of Dalas
    572016   4450'   48   Found The Ring of Siloeglos
    572587   4450'   49   Reached level 49
    572772   4450'   49   Found The Great Axe 'Elorethmo' (LOST)
    573686   4450'   49   Killed Bolg, Son of Azog
    575157   4450'   49   Found The Hard Leather Armour of Araiar
    575664   4450'   49   Killed Adunaphel the Quiet
    577551   4450'   49   Killed Qlzqqlzuup, the Emperor Quylthulg
    578107   4450'   49   Found The Battle Axe of Elrog (LOST)
    578969   4450'   49   Killed The Witch-King of Angmar
    579475   4450'   49   Found The Pair of Iron Shod Boots of Magnoros (LOST)
    579661   4450'   49   Killed Pazuzu, Lord of Air
    579684   4450'   49   Killed The Lernaean Hydra
    579989   4450'   49   Killed Ar-Pharazon the Golden
    580538   4450'   50   Reached level 50
    580842   4450'   50   Found The Great Axe of Urinahith (LOST)
    584617   4650'   50   Killed Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst
    584677   4650'   50   Found The Flail of Glurthaur (LOST)
    585490   4650'   50   Killed The Phoenix
    585645   4650'   50   Found The Mace of Elerion (LOST)
    585982   4650'   50   Killed Fundin Bluecloak
    586092   4650'   50   Found The Quarterstaff 'Calim' (LOST)
    586299   4650'   50   Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol
    586321   4650'   50   Killed Lugdush, the Uruk
    586751   4950'   50   Killed Tselakus, the Dreadlord
    588883   4950'   50   Found The Long Bow of Barnoring
    589040   4950'   50   Found The Maul of Menos (LOST)
    589467   4950'   50   Found The Chain Mail of Fauregron
    590431   4950'   50   Killed Maeglin, the Traitor of Gondolin
    590518   4950'   50   Killed The Mouth of Sauron
    590692   4950'   50   Killed Sauron, the Sorcerer
    590695   4950'   50   Found The Blade of Chaos 'Maerel' (LOST)
    591535   5000'   50   Found The Lochaber Axe 'Arath' (LOST)
    593631   5000'   50   Killed Uldor the Accursed
    594022   5000'   50   Killed Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord
    594836   5000'   50   Found The Elven Cloak of Ollor
    595997   5000'   50   Killed Ancalagon the Black
    596586   5000'   50   Found The Morning Star of Ellob (LOST)
    598514   5000'   50   Killed Kronos, Lord of the Titans
    599695      0'   50   Killed Farmer Maggot
    612761   5000'   50   Killed Saruman of Many Colours
    613540   5000'   50   Killed Shelob, Spider of Darkness
    613806   5000'   50   Killed Morgoth, Lord of Darkness
    613813   5000'   50   Found The Mighty Hammer 'Grond'
    613818   5000'   50   Found The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth
    613839   5000'   50   Killed The Queen Ant
    613846   5000'   50   Killed Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai
    613905   5000'   50   Killed Draebor, the Imp


Maximise effect of race/class bonuses        : yes (birth_maximize)
Randomise the artifacts (except a very few)  : yes (birth_randarts)
Restrict the use of stairs/recall            : no  (birth_ironman)
Restrict the use of stores/home              : no  (birth_no_stores)
Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (birth_no_artifacts)
Don't stack objects on the floor             : no  (birth_no_stacking)
Lose artifacts when leaving level            : no  (birth_no_preserve)
Don't generate connected stairs              : yes (birth_no_stairs)
Don't show level feelings                    : no  (birth_no_feelings)
Items always sell for 0 gold                 : yes (birth_no_selling)
Monsters chase current location              : yes (birth_ai_sound)
Monsters chase recent locations              : yes (birth_ai_smell)
Monsters act smarter in groups               : yes (birth_ai_packs)
Monsters learn from their mistakes           : no  (birth_ai_learn)
Monsters exploit player's weaknesses         : no  (birth_ai_cheat)
Monsters behave more intelligently (broken)  : no  (birth_ai_smart)

Posted on 23.4.2011 00:11
Last updated on 24.4.2011 06:03

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4500. on the Ladder (of 19127)
1539. on the Angband Ladder (of 6576)
Second best for this player (


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On 23.4.2011 00:11 Taha wrote:
Great weapon from a scroll of *Acquirement at level 60. +3blows, pblind and pconf just for starters.

On 23.4.2011 16:10 Taha wrote:
The first weapon was amazing. The second weapon... A little worse vs evil, but ALL the brands, most of the slays, and *Slay for dragon and demon, plud better resists, and +3con to get me to max HP.

On 24.4.2011 06:03 Taha wrote:
And now the winner. Had two weapons that did spectacular damage with +3 attacks. One turned out to be bug related to have as many slays as it did, but it didn't make much difference. Beat Morgoth to death standing on runes as much as possible, banishing or tele-other summons, and occasionally tele Morgoth to give time to heal up and clean up some of the pile.

On 24.4.2011 06:06 Taha wrote:
Interestingly, never saw a ring of power, or in fact anything better than the ring of con +5 - would have had to rearrange all of my gear to get that off of other equipment, and it just wasn't worthwhile. CON is pretty valuable...

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