
Competition No.90

Starts:June 24th, 2010 12:00
Ends:July 22nd, 2010 12:00 (ended)
Variant:Angband 3.1.2v2
Save file:Download starting save file
The latest Vanilla Angband gets another workout or two. This time with standard artifacts, but preserve off. Ha!

Another double competition, comparing the relative merits of the neat, right-side-of-the-tracks dwarf Darin (found here) and the ugly half-troll Grunt as priests.

Winner is the game winner in the least Active Turns, or if no winners the maximum XP/Active Turns.

The latest Angband can be downloaded built for Windows or Mac, or as source using Subversion: svn checkout svn://

Savefiles submitted by Timo Pietilä.

Current standings (all entries) [toggle]

 namebyrace classlevelexperienceactive turnsmax depth updated
1GruntRochHalf-Troll Priest474,410,08484,28910012 comments9.7.2010 00:32
2GruntjoshhimselfHalf-Troll Priest496,082,854104,0211004 comments7.7.2010 20:58 updated
3GruntShinedogHalf-Troll Priest35531,66744,8976810 comments1.7.2010 21:38
4GruntdummyHalf-Troll Priest34411,06747,508773 comments5.7.2010 07:15
5GruntmiyazakiHalf-Troll Priest31185,83424,708561 comment15.7.2010 06:01 updated
6Grunt8ShadowTechnologyHalf-Troll Priest32270,44353,952485 comments13.7.2010 07:18
7Grunt XXnozHalf-Troll Priest2988,05441,158431 comment16.7.2010 21:00 updated
8Grunt4ShadowTechnologyHalf-Troll Priest95135,335122 comments28.6.2010 05:28
9Grunt3ShadowTechnologyHalf-Troll Priest61521,7395 27.6.2010 08:28 updated
10GruntShadowTechnologyHalf-Troll Priest72302,98651 comment27.6.2010 07:20 updated

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