
Competition No.121

Starts:April 29th, 2012 15:00
Ends:May 21st, 2012 15:00 (ended)
Variant:DaJAngband 1.3.5
Save file:Download starting save file
Latest version of DaJAngband, with lots of exciting monster (and other) changes.

MrCookingham is a Hobglib Alchemist whom others don't play well with.

The winner is the game winner in least turns, or if no winner then max experience/turns.

DaJAngband 1.3.5 is available from the home page.

Savefile submitted by will_asher.

Current standings (personal best) [toggle]

 namebyrace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depth updated
1MrCookinghamcheekycatchymonkey@hotmail.comHobglib Alchemist464,373,7861,502,0347610 comments19.5.2012 17:11
2MrCookinghamranger jeffHobglib Alchemist422,331,9211,924,3996126 comments16.5.2012 04:50
3McRookinghambuzzkillHobglib Alchemist2525,709211,808279 comments21.5.2012 03:55
4MrCookingham2letslaughHobglib Alchemist29108,5061,826,255285 comments11.5.2012 17:53
7MrCookinghamwill_asherHobglib Alchemist131,502246,83184 comments6.5.2012 23:09

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