Oposband 0.3 Release

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  • HugoVirtuoso
    • Jan 2012
    • 1132

    Got a question about this chaos mutation: You are susceptible to the ravages of the elements, which = "You take double damage from elemental attacks" in FCPB. I already know this means vulnerability to the basic four elements. I was wondering if you think this should include poison? Rodent doesn't think so because poison is the 'ugly stepsister' of the first four, and of course, vulnerability to the first four is bad enough. The reason I'm even asking this is because of 'element' semantics and the consistency of what the word 'element' means, etc. Thus, should Poison be in this element category? Well, I think it should be in that category.

    I know you might question my logic in making the game even more complicated or more difficult. I might have to come up with better reasoning than just IRL-realism, which is the same reason alone why I'm now mentioning Poison in the elements vulnerability mutations.
    Last edited by HugoVirtuoso; May 13, 2020, 06:41.
    My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

    If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

    As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


    • EpicMan
      • Dec 2009
      • 447

      Originally posted by HugoTheGreat2011
      Got a question about this chaos mutation: You are susceptible to the ravages of the elements, which = "You take double damage from elemental attacks" in FCPB. I already know this means vulnerability to the basic four elements. I was wondering if you think this should include poison? Rodent doesn't think so because poison is the 'ugly stepsister' of the first four, and of course, vulnerability to the first four is bad enough. The reason I'm even asking this is because of 'element' semantics and the consistency of what the word 'element' means, etc. Thus, should Poison be in this element category? Well, I think it should be in that category.

      I know you might question my logic in making the game even more complicated or more difficult. I might have to come up with better reasoning than just IRL-realism, which is the same reason alone why I'm now mentioning Poison in the elements vulnerability mutations.
      Poison is definitely the ugly stepsister of the elements. It has the high damage cap and resistance model of the base 4, but deals damage in a unique way in poslikes (over time). I can't remember if it is a possible 'high resist' in Vanilla or not.
      But thematically I feel poison is a different category than earth/air/fire/water, I mean acid/electricity/fire/cold. Especially in Pos where it deals a DOT. I don't think I want to add poison vulernability to elemental attacks, but it probably should be a curse itself where you take double damage from poison.
      I will probably change the curse text to something like "take double damage from the basic elements" or "basic 4 elements"


      • Gwarl
        • Jan 2017
        • 988

        Entering directory src
        Generating dependencies...
        make[4]: *** No rule to make target 'hissatsu.c.dep'. Stop.
        Failed to generate dependencies!
        make[3]: *** No rule to make target 'hissatsu.o', needed by 'frogcomposband'. Stop.
        ../mk/buildsys.mk:110: recipe for target 'all' failed
        make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
        mk/buildsys.mk:117: recipe for target 'subdirs' failed
        make[1]: *** [subdirs] Error 2
        mk/buildsys.mk:110: recipe for target 'all' failed
        make: *** [all] Error 2
        I think we fixed this before but I don't remember how, 0.3.2 didn't do this to me though


        • Gwarl
          • Jan 2017
          • 988

          make -f Makefile.src is also broken

          I'm guessing you copied over a whole bunch of stuff from frog like linux build files etc in this update and it broke everything


          • HugoVirtuoso
            • Jan 2012
            • 1132

            About these from FCPB:
            The 'ridiculous squeak' mutation causes a -4 CHR penalty, yet the 'featureless face' mutation causes a -1 CHR penalty. Shouldn't the ''featureless' face have a greater CHR penalty than 'ridiculous squeak'. Sideways didn't much to say about this one.
            Last edited by HugoVirtuoso; May 15, 2020, 03:10.
            My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

            If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

            As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


            • EpicMan
              • Dec 2009
              • 447

              Originally posted by Gwarl
              make -f Makefile.src is also broken

              I'm guessing you copied over a whole bunch of stuff from frog like linux build files etc in this update and it broke everything
              That is the case. I have updated the Makefiles in master.
              Last edited by EpicMan; May 16, 2020, 02:00.


              • EpicMan
                • Dec 2009
                • 447

                Originally posted by HugoTheGreat2011
                About these from FCPB:
                The 'ridiculous squeak' mutation causes a -4 CHR penalty, yet the 'featureless face' mutation causes a -1 CHR penalty. Shouldn't the ''featureless' face have a greater CHR penalty than 'ridiculous squeak'. Sideways didn't much to say about this one.
                Yeah, that is strange. I changed featureless face to nervous tic as that seems less of a deal than a squeaky voice.


                • HugoVirtuoso
                  • Jan 2012
                  • 1132

                  More requests:
                  Make monster elemental breaths turn terrain into lava/ice. Realistically, this should be true for dragons that are mature or stronger. Same for various mid-game or later higher level monsters.

                  Subwindows / base delay / hit point warnings are accessible with 'W/w', 'D/d', and 'H/h'. What's the big deal? Here, you can use those options with the respective Uppercase and lowercase. It should be accessible only via the uppercase letters for consistency reasons. In the '~' menu, you can access those other listings only with the letter of the correct case. Why not have all menus be consistent with casing
                  My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

                  If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

                  As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


                  • EpicMan
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 447

                    Originally posted by HugoTheGreat2011
                    More requests:
                    Make monster elemental breaths turn terrain into lava/ice. Realistically, this should be true for dragons that are mature or stronger. Same for various mid-game or later higher level monsters.

                    Subwindows / base delay / hit point warnings are accessible with 'W/w', 'D/d', and 'H/h'. What's the big deal? Here, you can use those options with the respective Uppercase and lowercase. It should be accessible only via the uppercase letters for consistency reasons. In the '~' menu, you can access those other listings only with the letter of the correct case. Why not have all menus be consistent with casing
                    ToME2 had elemental attacks that created lava / ice on the floor. Player spells also did so. It could lead to some item loss though. I like the idea though.

                    For the menus I agree consistency is good. I think the solution is to change the letter selection to lowercase in all three situations, there is no need to make them uppercase as there is in the knowledge menus.


                    • HugoVirtuoso
                      • Jan 2012
                      • 1132

                      Another one:
                      The '<' command apparently has a (undocumented) dual function of entering and exiting the global wilderness map. Helpfiles make it sound like: the '<' command should only enter the global world wilderness map mode and the '>' command can exit the global world wilderness map.
                      My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

                      If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

                      As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


                      • EpicMan
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 447

                        Originally posted by HugoTheGreat2011
                        Another one:
                        The '<' command apparently has a (undocumented) dual function of entering and exiting the global wilderness map. Helpfiles make it sound like: the '<' command should only enter the global world wilderness map mode and the '>' command can exit the global world wilderness map.
                        Odd. Can you think of any situation where it actually matters whether the user types '<' or '>'? I feel like having separate commands to take upstairs vs downstairs is just command bloat. The only place I can think of where it might matter is if you are in the wilderness standing on a dungeon entrance and want to go to the overworld map. That's a pretty specific circumstance.

                        I am inclined to make both '<' and '>' let the player take any staircase they are standing on, or if not on a staircase and on the surface go to the wilderness map. Removing one command might be too hard for existing players whose muscle memory will be to hit the matching key to take the stairs. Help documentation will focus on '>', with '<' listed as an alternate key.


                        • EpicMan
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 447

                          Added some of Hugo's requests in GitHub, I need to review my todo list and do some more testing before releasing another update. Imitators might actually work this time around.

                          -Destruction works in a much weaker fashion (monsters have 50% chance to survive, creates water per Nick's link instead of walls much of the time, rubble instead of granite is created.

                          -Messages about items you walk over and such will say "you feel a foo" instead of "you see a foo".

                          -Not Hugo's actual request, but the game will take either '>' or '<' interchangeably for all interactions. The only gameplay change is that if you are standing on a dungeon entrance you have to take a step before going to the overworld map. Both keys are left in (as opposed to consolidating on one key, although the help documents focus on '>' and refer to '<' as an alternate key for it) because we've all had too much training using '<' to go up, but new players won't have to deal with it.

                          Corpse weights are going to stay the way they are, it is enough of a pain to lug one back to the town as it is.

                          Should have a 0.3.4 release soon. It will be the last of the 0.3 series, next I plan to make some drastic changes to items/egos/artifacts.
                          Last edited by EpicMan; May 20, 2020, 05:19. Reason: Mentioned another notable change


                          • EpicMan
                            • Dec 2009
                            • 447

                            Oposband 0.3.4 release

                            Oposband 0.3.4 is released.

                            This includes mostly bugfixes from 0.3.3.

                            -Destruction now works on the surface, but is much weaker as there is no ceiling to collapse.
                            -Imitators now use HP to cast double revenge. They might actually be working now.
                            -The '<' and '>' commands work interchangeably for taking staircases or switching between normal and world maps. Help points new players to just use '>' and lists '<' as an alternate key for that command.
                            -Help now documents that showing quest info is 'Q' and quitting is Control+Q, and viewing old messages is 'P' in regular command set.
                            -Some messages refer to feeling things instead of seeing them if the player is blind.
                            -All files should refer to Oposband and not FrogComposband or Composband, unless it makes sense to.

                            Windows binary: https://github.com/EpicMan/Oposband/...band.0.3.4.zip
                            Github: https://github.com/EpicMan/Oposband/releases/tag/0.3.4


                            • Gwarl
                              • Jan 2017
                              • 988

                              okay this time we have

                              Entering directory src
                              Generating dependencies...
                              make[4]: *** No rule to make target 'mspells3.c.dep'. Stop.
                              Failed to generate dependencies!
                              just changing the references to frogcomposband in the makefiles can't fix this we need the correct lists of source files in Makefile.src and such


                              • EpicMan
                                • Dec 2009
                                • 447

                                Originally posted by Gwarl
                                okay this time we have

                                just changing the references to frogcomposband in the makefiles can't fix this we need the correct lists of source files in Makefile.src and such
                                OK, I fixed the other missing file references but missed that one. Fixed in master. You can also just remove "mspells3.o blue_mage.o" from line 40 of Makefile.src

