[Announce] PosChengband 7.0.0 Released

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  • Red Sky Grishka
    • Apr 2017
    • 34

    Quick question: Does the 'Virtue' system actually have an influence on the game or is it just for spellcasting fail rates?


    • Red Sky Grishka
      • Apr 2017
      • 34

      NOTE: another bug: when using the samurai, kendo magic, upon casting a learnt attack, the bars of : 'name', 'LV', 'SP' are displayed twice, which is pretty much unnecessary


      • Rudiment
        • Aug 2017
        • 36

        Nubz Questions

        Well, i play as a rogue class and i have a couple of questions:
        1) I have a backstab attack for an enemy which sleeping or fleeing. Does this kind of attack have increased damage or it only for roleplaying sake without any bonuses?
        2) I found a broad sword which have title (Armageddon). I assume this is some kind of brand, but i don't know what is suppose to do. Where do i can find a list of all brand with desc for this game?


        • Snarka
          • Jul 2007
          • 35

          Originally posted by Mocht
          I don't remember Mi-Go being summoners before
          I've not played Poscheng yet, just wanted to note that in Zangband and Z+Angband they do summon. They are rather weak and usually killed before they could show all their fine skills : ))
          snarkk [at] yandex.ru


          • Fnord
            • May 2014
            • 92

            Originally posted by Rudiment
            Well, i play as a rogue class and i have a couple of questions:
            1) I have a backstab attack for an enemy which sleeping or fleeing. Does this kind of attack have increased damage or it only for roleplaying sake without any bonuses?
            2) I found a broad sword which have title (Armageddon). I assume this is some kind of brand, but i don't know what is suppose to do. Where do i can find a list of all brand with desc for this game?
            1) Yes. Does a lot more damage (3*base or more).
            2) For any fully identified weapon, just pressing i/e and then the letter of the weapon will tell you its properties (or use x in stores). If it's not fully identified, use *identify* (Scroll, spell, town service).


            • wobbly
              • May 2012
              • 2577

              Also worth keeping in mind back-stab works with confusion & a bunch of other stuff unless that has changed in 7.0, it did in the older versions. So look for a staff of confusion for extra fun


              • HugoVirtuoso
                • Jan 2012
                • 1132

                If you're killed by a monster that outside of your LOS, then the Tombstone would say you were killed by 'it'...without identifying what it was...

                Or...Is this something new??
                My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

                If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

                As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


                • Rudiment
                  • Aug 2017
                  • 36

                  Originally posted by Fnord
                  1) Yes. Does a lot more damage (3*base or more).
                  2) For any fully identified weapon, just pressing i/e and then the letter of the weapon will tell you its properties (or use x in stores). If it's not fully identified, use *identify* (Scroll, spell, town service).
                  I know it, but this broad sword is fully identified. Even in Library (Morivant) there is no option to Research this particular sword and there is no warning left about *identify* in description of this sword. So title Armageddon left unexplained. Maybe this sword power up magic from realm of Armadeddon?


                  • Rudiment
                    • Aug 2017
                    • 36

                    Originally posted by Mocht
                    Armageddon weapons have bigger damage dice, and sometimes (always?) weigh more, and nothing else
                    You want Armageddon weapons if you are playing a mauler
                    The word Armageddon is for flavour or whatever, each spell realm is a weapon ego, like life weapons give bonus life, or death weapons giving lifesteal, there is crusade and trump and so on
                    Thank you. Where did you find this information? Ingame manual or other sources?


                    • nikheizen
                      • Jul 2015
                      • 137

                      Originally posted by Mocht
                      Armageddon weapons have bigger damage dice, and sometimes (always?) weigh more, and nothing else
                      You want Armageddon weapons if you are playing a mauler
                      The word Armageddon is for flavour or whatever, each spell realm is a weapon ego, like life weapons give bonus life, or death weapons giving lifesteal, there is crusade and trump and so on
                      Not to mention they often have large plusses.

                      Some feedback on 7.0.0 for Chris:
                      Attacking acid veils with acid immunity still triggers the "you are dissolved" message.
                      New attack flavour messages seem to trigger even with elemental immunity to the given damage type.
                      Healing type effects (staves, potions, spells) all say they cure poison, but do not - Holiness does this as well


                      • CyclopsSlayer
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 388

                        Originally posted by Fnord
                        1) Yes. Does a lot more damage (3*base or more).
                        2) For any fully identified weapon, just pressing i/e and then the letter of the weapon will tell you its properties (or use x in stores). If it's not fully identified, use *identify* (Scroll, spell, town service).
                        Even Identified it tells you little about many of the brands. Like (Craft) this affects Craft School magic in some way I assume, but damned if I know...

                        It is also annoying to have Identify tell you basically nothing you didn't already know.

                        -An Amulet (unidentified) becomes,
                        -A Barbarian Amulet (?)

                        umm, yay?


                        • wobbly
                          • May 2012
                          • 2577

                          The brand is mostly flavour text. Armageddon tends to get damage boosts visible on inspect & often an element brand. Death is vampiric & sometimes poison resist or hold life. Craft is just an element brand. You can either *id them or sell a bunch of junk brands till you know all the flavours, but there is actually nothing there that doesn't show up by inspect if fully *ided, except perhaps blessed which gets rid of the pointy penalty on a good priest.


                          • CyclopsSlayer
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 388

                            Originally posted by wobbly
                            The brand is mostly flavour text. Armageddon tends to get damage boosts visible on inspect & often an element brand. Death is vampiric & sometimes poison resist or hold life. Craft is just an element brand. You can either *id them or sell a bunch of junk brands till you know all the flavours, but there is actually nothing there that doesn't show up by inspect if fully *ided, except perhaps blessed which gets rid of the pointy penalty on a good priest.
                            It might just be the color text wording. The block of text saying that an item might still have hidden powers to be revealed by *ID or selling should probably go away once the item is *ID'd.

                            Back in Ang/Zang days one of the primary reasons to *ID was as a protection from memory-loss. Is that still the case? I could swear my now dead Ninja forgot ID'd items on several occasions.


                            • nikheizen
                              • Jul 2015
                              • 137

                              Originally posted by CyclopsSlayer
                              Even Identified it tells you little about many of the brands. Like (Craft) this affects Craft School magic in some way I assume, but damned if I know...

                              It is also annoying to have Identify tell you basically nothing you didn't already know.

                              -An Amulet (unidentified) becomes,
                              -A Barbarian Amulet (?)

                              umm, yay?
                              I'm going to give you a protip right now and just say: play with easy_id on.
                              Last edited by nikheizen; August 21, 2017, 23:19.


                              • wobbly
                                • May 2012
                                • 2577

                                Yeah unless you're a no-spoilers kind of person, Easy lore turns id into *id & makes the game a lot easier to play. Though I think it's actually easy-id & easy lore is monster id. There are 2 settings under = to play with when starting the character.

