Unangband 0.6.5

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  • droof
    • Dec 2013
    • 71

    Awesome! I'm just having fun with the code. I expect most requests to be rejected, that's fine. Maybe you'll like one of the ideas.

    Why is the gray 'x' used for unexplored space in Unangband? Does it have strategic value or is it a style preference?

    The segfault is still present in master. My fix definitely prevents the crash, but it's not the root. The pointer magic goes over my head. Maybe you can find the root of the problem? Here's my gdb trace to the crash: https://pastebin.com/vZLdFuuH


    • DGoldDragon28
      • Nov 2013
      • 24

      As a matter of fact, most (2 of 3) of your requests, I accepted.

      The purpose of the grey 'x' is unknown to me. It was there when I first picked up the code. As I said in the PR comment, I'll look into adding an option for that.

      As for the segfault: Many thanks for the stack-trace, which makes it quite clear what the issue is, and it makes perfect sense that your fix fixed it, as it comes from that precise hack.

      The sizes of different types in C are system-dependent. An `int` is generally 4 bytes, which it is on your system. On a 32-bit system, therefore, it is almost always possible to convert a pointer (also being 4 bytes) to an `int` and back without loss of information. However, you are using a 64-bit system, so your pointers are 8 bytes. Thus, when the pointer is cast to an `int` to be passed through the hack, it is truncated, and when converted back, points to memory which the program does not have access to.

      I will issue a fix for this as soon as possible. Keep those issues and PRs coming.
      -Duncan Lowther, the formerly pseudonymous Gold Dragon,
      Maintainer of Unangband


      • Nick
        Vanilla maintainer
        • Apr 2007
        • 9353

        Originally posted by droof
        Why is the gray 'x' used for unexplored space in Unangband? Does it have strategic value or is it a style preference?
        IIRC it disappears in areas where you have detected traps.
        One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
        In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


        • droof
          • Dec 2013
          • 71

          Thank you so much! Just checking about the 'x'. If removing it puts me at a strategic disadvantage in the game, I will definitely want the 'x' back

          Also thank you for the bug explanation, that makes sense now. Also I should just give you the trace next time if I start guessing in code. This would've taken a long time for me to figure out.

          edit: if 'x's are supposed to disappear for detected traps, maybe I can reverse it for a less crowded appearance. Explored wilderness and 'x's kind of blend together to my eyes.
          Last edited by droof; December 23, 2017, 22:48.


          • AppleBrandy
            • Jan 2018
            • 3

            I'm attempting to compile the current master branch for Windows via cygwin, and I'm getting an odd problem - it compiled (with a bunch of warnings, but no showstoppers), the exe is in the main directory, but running it just very quickly opens then closes a window, with no error messages. Is this something you ran into? I'm at a loss, honestly.


            • DGoldDragon28
              • Nov 2013
              • 24

              Ah, that. I should probably give more detailed instructions. The binary has to be moved to the root of the project (it looks for lib/ in the same directory), rather than in src/. Try the following:
              make -f Makefile.cyg all
              That should fix the problem, or you can move the exe yourself.
              -Duncan Lowther, the formerly pseudonymous Gold Dragon,
              Maintainer of Unangband


              • AppleBrandy
                • Jan 2018
                • 3

                Originally posted by DGoldDragon28
                Ah, that. I should probably give more detailed instructions. The binary has to be moved to the root of the project (it looks for lib/ in the same directory), rather than in src/. Try the following:
                make -f Makefile.cyg all
                That should fix the problem, or you can move the exe yourself.
                the make command you give in compile.txt already puts the exe in the root directory (I actually tried moving it to /src to see what would happen, and got the error message that it couldn't find /lib). This new instruction appears to give the same results as the original - compiles with a bunch of warnings, then insta-closes when you try to run it.

                The one thing that seems off is this warning at the end:

                /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/6.4.0/../../../../x86_64-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _mainCRTStartup; defaulting to 0000000100401000
                Do you normally get that?


                • DGoldDragon28
                  • Nov 2013
                  • 24

                  I have never gotten that message. That looks like something in your environment configuration.
                  -Duncan Lowther, the formerly pseudonymous Gold Dragon,
                  Maintainer of Unangband


                  • Nori
                    • Jan 2018
                    • 1

                    Played unangband ages ago and decided to try it again. Running into some questions though.
                    Playing as a mage and I'm finding myself always out of inventory space. 4 spell books (soon to be more when I can find high wizardy) means I'm out 4 spots, plus I need food, a couple scrolls a potion or two, a rod or two...

                    I know of the magic bags, but they are a bit confusing, I have a helpful mushroom one, but it doesn't fit mushrooms of haste for instance. I had a Black Magic one, but I couldn't figure out what it was good for. Mixed Mushrooms seemed the worst as it would only take a random mix...

                    Can I create my own spellbook with only the spells I need/use, or is there perhaps a spell bag out there?

                    Nextly, I'm having frequent crashes in Edoras. I'm working on the tower and whenever I go back to town, if I engage the baddies in town, it'll almost always crash after a dozen turns. It seems like if I first leave the town and travel to another location and then come back, it doesn't crash.

                    Anyway, loving the game so far. If I have a nitpick, it'd be that inventory slots are too limited. With all the cool extra potions, scrolls, wands, rods etc, I'd love to use them, but am way to space limited.

                    Edit: Also, what are the sustain stats for? I figured they would stop a stat from decreasing, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I have a artifact that sustains int, con and chr but all three have been reduced and if it was a disease that caused it, removing it doesn't give the stats back.
                    Last edited by Nori; January 25, 2018, 23:36.

