Unangband 0.6.5

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  • DGoldDragon28
    • Nov 2013
    • 24

    For some reason, this thread stopped sending me notifications. I will try to address these issues, but it is much more helpful for me if issues are posted in the GitHub tracker.

    As a side note, I am a D&D player. I see this game as very different from D&D for many reasons, but calling things 'D&D-style crap' is not exactly a way to get me to agree with you one something. '4th edition-style crap' may help though. xD
    -Duncan Lowther, the formerly pseudonymous Gold Dragon,
    Maintainer of Unangband


    • Encyclopath
      • Mar 2017
      • 1

      Unmapped visuals?

      Are there a bunch of (almost all) terrain and dungeon features that aren't mapped to graphic tiles? I've tried loading a bunch of the different graf.prf files, but none of them seem to help.

      Would appreciate it if anyone knows how to set that up, or has a .prf file I can use. Thanks!


      • DavidB1111
        • Oct 2016
        • 19

        Originally posted by DGoldDragon28
        For some reason, this thread stopped sending me notifications. I will try to address these issues, but it is much more helpful for me if issues are posted in the GitHub tracker.

        As a side note, I am a D&D player. I see this game as very different from D&D for many reasons, but calling things 'D&D-style crap' is not exactly a way to get me to agree with you one something. '4th edition-style crap' may help though. xD
        My apologies. I've been salty over this change for many many years, and well, I have a bad sense of humor, and try to make jokes about things I don't like. May seem weird, I know.

        I don't know enough about D&D editions so understand what was added in what edition, but I wasn't trying to nuke D&D, I was just trying to make a terrible joke about something that personally killed this variant for me, and I used to love playing it so much.

        For the longest time, it was my favorite variant.
        I'm sorry for still being irritable over it.


        • wobbly
          • May 2012
          • 2577

          So a newer version snuck out without me noticing it. 0.6.5a on 26th Jun


          • DGoldDragon28
            • Nov 2013
            • 24

            Yeah, sorry. I posted on the blog (https://dgolddragon28.github.io/Unangband) but not here. Next release I'll remember to post here as well.
            -Duncan Lowther, the formerly pseudonymous Gold Dragon,
            Maintainer of Unangband


            • getter77
              • Dec 2009
              • 210

              Awesome---keep at it and the road to the big 0.7.0 shall open up in due course~


              • DGoldDragon28
                • Nov 2013
                • 24

                Thank you for the vote of confidence.
                -Duncan Lowther, the formerly pseudonymous Gold Dragon,
                Maintainer of Unangband


                • Breaker_Asylum
                  • Sep 2017
                  • 8

                  Goodness gracius, WHERE WAS THIS VARIANT? I am thoroughly hooked on this variant... it is challenging fun and has potential unlockables(has the option to not have to be unlocked)

                  This game... goodness you'd think poscheng has options, this game has EVEN more. with familar classes. I am playing a ring style mage, "think ring identify modify and even have an extra ring!" I LOOOOVE THIS GAME!

                  Please give it a try. If you don't want to download play angband.live ... yes that is the address


                  • DGoldDragon28
                    • Nov 2013
                    • 24

                    I am glad you like it. Unfortunately since classes started up in September I have had little time to work on it, but I hope to have a new release out by new years. As always, if you have an idea or skills with the C language, feel free to stop by the Git repository and fork the repo or create an issue.
                    -Duncan Lowther, the formerly pseudonymous Gold Dragon,
                    Maintainer of Unangband


                    • HugoVirtuoso
                      • Jan 2012
                      • 1132

                      UnAngband is so underrated. That is not an exaggeration. It deserves more recognition than it already has.
                      My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

                      If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

                      As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


                      • Breaker_Asylum
                        • Sep 2017
                        • 8

                        Originally posted by DGoldDragon28
                        I am glad you like it. Unfortunately since classes started up in September I have had little time to work on it, but I hope to have a new release out by new years. As always, if you have an idea or skills with the C language, feel free to stop by the Git repository and fork the repo or create an issue.
                        ... You plan on making this "better" M8... lemme tell ya straight... This variant is the best I've played, Just how it is today. So if ya do make it betta, add a little more flava, With minor school starting spellbooks/ info on how to get them... aka animal, demonolgy, Those nice unique ones.


                        • droof
                          • Dec 2013
                          • 71

                          I only recently found Unangband. I love exploration and these dungeons make me want to keep on exploring. Even if I have to debug with ddd for my unarmed melee warrior, still worth it. Very well done, thank you for this great variant!


                          • DGoldDragon28
                            • Nov 2013
                            • 24

                            What exactly is the bug you are encountering with the unarmed warrior?
                            -Duncan Lowther, the formerly pseudonymous Gold Dragon,
                            Maintainer of Unangband


                            • droof
                              • Dec 2013
                              • 71

                              I sent you a pull request with a fix, description and test case for melee.


                              • DGoldDragon28
                                • Nov 2013
                                • 24

                                Excellent, thank you. I will look it over tomorrow. I am excited at getting to read my first pull request for this game!
                                -Duncan Lowther, the formerly pseudonymous Gold Dragon,
                                Maintainer of Unangband

