Unangband 0.6.5

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  • DavidB1111
    • Oct 2016
    • 19

    Hello. I'm sure some of you remember me from earlier last year.

    I am glad to see Unangband be further updated, but I have a few questions, questions that may irritate people.

    Is Unangband still plagued by the completely impossible to play melee characters at all ever problem?

    Because the last time I played it, someone thought it was funny to port over some garbage blunt/piercing/slashing resistances for enemies, and make giants randomly not be hit, despite being a 9 foot 6 inch tall Maia will a 6 foot long weapon.

    I could write out a war and peace length treaste on why that makes no sense ever under any circumstances, because even a blind, drunk, hallucinating, spinning in circles, on fire, zombie, ant-sized gopher could hit a damn giant.

    Seriously, they're giants, you couldn't fail to at least hit their foot if you tried for a thousand years straight.
    Don't even try to claim that is a good thing to make giants that hard to hit, I will breathe Nexus on you. And it won't be the resistable kind.

    Seriously, Unangband used to be my favorite roguelike, but after literally every melee build became impossible even with cheating using debug commands, I gave up on Unangband.

    I have no idea why it was ever added, it makes the game unplayable and terrible and possibly worthy of a crimes against humanity charge at the Hague, , and it should have caused time hounds to show up and breathe the person responsible for it back to a toddler's age, but I am still glad it is still being worked on. It was my favorite variant.

    I again mean no harm by my words, but if it's not broke, don't make it completely broken.

    TL'DR is Unangband still full of the "pierce/slash/blunt resistance/immunity that only fits in Dungeons and Dragons, and a handful of other games."

    I'll call the Hague later to see if that's a valid enough reason.
    Last edited by DavidB1111; March 6, 2017, 23:19.


    • Pete Mack
      • Apr 2007
      • 6697

      Yes, it is. I don't understand it--why is a ghost more vulnerable to a one kind of weapon? (Why is it vulnerable to anything--other than, say, a cloak [+15] waved at it?)

      And yes, it drives me crazy, especially with summoners, when you can't simply avoid the monsters you can't kill.

      As for giants--I suspect that's not the giant, per se. It's the pole arm that it's using.


      • DavidB1111
        • Oct 2016
        • 19

        I think it doesn't matter what weapon I use, you just have a chance to miss a giant magically. You fail to reach, lol wut, aim for the foot.

        So, Unangband still has the broken mechanic in it.
        I'm literally summoning Hounds of Tintalos after someone.

        I mean, why add something that only completely makes the game unplayable? That doesn't make sense to completely gimp all melee builds, and make only mages usable. Seriously, that was not designed well at all, and it also gimps all melee artifacts into being pointless.

        That needs to be removed first and foremost, with an apology for adding it in the first place by the person who did so.

        Under penalty of being literally poked to death by Stormbringer in real life.

        I mean, are we certain time travel doesn't exist? Because I'm making it exist just to make this not be a thing.


        • Pete Mack
          • Apr 2007
          • 6697

          * Lack of squelch is brutal. Body parts everywhere, getting in the way.
          * Auto-pickup of ammo doesn't work correctly. It lets me pick up more than I am able to carry
          * Infravision shouldn't work through ice walls.
          * Should be able to pick a hand with putting on a ring when two are worn. This is just a pain.

          Scrolls of recall shouldn't prompt. Let inscriptions do that. Or if they must prompt, they should work as well as inscriptions, and not disappear when not used. I keep losing them to this silly feature, and they aren't common enough to lose to UI weirdness.
          Last edited by Pete Mack; March 7, 2017, 04:30.


          • Derakon
            • Dec 2009
            • 8820

            Originally posted by Pete Mack
            * Infravision shouldn't work through ice walls.
            Conceptually there's nothing that says that you wouldn't be able to detect that a given patch of ice isn't as cold as the patch next to it. But I agree it seems odd; I can't imagine that the amount of infrared radiation given off by your average creature would be able to meaningfully penetrate an ice wall.


            • DavidB1111
              • Oct 2016
              • 19

              Yeah, if it's not a fire elemental or a flaming demon it shoudn't produce that much infrared radiation.


              • Pete Mack
                • Apr 2007
                • 6697

                Knowledge menu should let you browse magic books of your realm. The learning curve on which books to study is already pretty painful, without having to do it for each of the three realms. Also, it's hard to keep track for all the different classes in the realm. Much better to work your book strategy out from the start. The cost of poor book choice is pretty steep.

                Last edited by Pete Mack; March 7, 2017, 05:24.


                • debo
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 2320

                  I can't tell if this thread is a bug list or us trying to discourage our new maintainer from even trying
                  Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


                  • Patashu
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 496

                    Originally posted by debo
                    I can't tell if this thread is a bug list or us trying to discourage our new maintainer from even trying
                    I think if it didn't have the potential to be an amazing variant, people wouldn't spend so much labour finding the things that need to be improved!
                    My Chiptune music, made in Famitracker: http://soundcloud.com/patashu


                    • Pete Mack
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 6697

                      It's a really immersive variant, in a completely different way from Sil (and FA, for that matter.) I love the idea, it's just not had enough serious play to help with balance. It's now on GitHub, so there's at least the potential of some coding help too.


                      • wobbly
                        • May 2012
                        • 2577

                        Yep it's fun despite being buggy as hell.

                        Having trouble working out how many slots my quiver takes up. Particularly as I can sometimes drop arrows from the quiver, pick up an item, then stick said arrows back in the quiver.


                        • DavidB1111
                          • Oct 2016
                          • 19

                          Originally posted by debo
                          I can't tell if this thread is a bug list or us trying to discourage our new maintainer from even trying
                          Haha. Sorry. I am very opinionated on things, but I would not discourage the new maintainer from working on it.

                          I just hope he removes the D&D style crap so melee is actually viable, and all melee artifacts are not literally useless with the exception of Ringil.

                          I mean, I'll shut up about it if someone promises to build me a time machine.


                          • wobbly
                            • May 2012
                            • 2577

                            Originally posted by Pete Mack
                            As for giants--I suspect that's not the giant, per se. It's the pole arm that it's using.
                            Do they wave the pole-arm around in their sleep? because it still happens against a sleeping giant. Also noticed rods of probing wake sleeping monsters. It's the kind of item that's essentially useless if you can't use it without waking something up.


                            • Pete Mack
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 6697

                              Yeah, I eventually noticed that too. That's a problem. Ridiculous not to be able to hit a sleeping giant.
                              The weapon specializations don't bother me so much, although I am not sure why an axe should bounce off a skeleton.

                              Originally posted by wobbly
                              Do they wave the pole-arm around in their sleep? because it still happens against a sleeping giant. Also noticed rods of probing wake sleeping monsters. It's the kind of item that's essentially useless if you can't use it without waking something up.


                              • DavidB1111
                                • Oct 2016
                                • 19

                                Well, if it was in D&D, Skeletons are resistant to anything not blunt because magical powers animate the bones.

                                But since this is not D&D, it's because reasons.

                                Hell if I know, are we certain I cannot summon Hounds of Tintalos?

