PWMAngband 1.1.11 released

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  • PowerWyrm
    • Apr 2008
    • 2941

    Originally posted by TheHairyOne
    ...or sooner.

    Did you do away with IM_[Resist]? I noticed it is missing from The One Ring and the Elven Rings.
    The new code is based on vanilla 4.0, IM_XXX and RES_XXX flags have been combined into RES_XXX. An immunity is declared as RES_XXX[3], while a simple resistance is set as RES_XXX[1]. Same goes with slays and brands, which have the multiplier defined in the text files.
    PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!


    • PowerWyrm
      • Apr 2008
      • 2941

      Originally posted by TheHairyOne

      I get 0 gold for selling unID'd items. Appropriate shops will not offer to buy ID'd items.

      Just currious, how stable is the code at this point? Is there a previous version that is more stable that I should be looking into?

      Are there write-ups on the new classes that have been added since Mangband?
      The "birth_no_selling" option is the default like in vanilla Angband, so you get more gold but cannot sell back items (except for ID purposes). If you want to be able to sell items, unset this option during character birth.

      The code is very stable at this point (1.1.11 build 7). All changes from master (vanilla Angband) have been ported except a couple things which have been committed the past days (and that's only cosmetic code changes). My todo list is currently empty, except for two bugs that I've not been able to reproduce.

      If you want more info, check the help files. They have been updated with all changes in PWMAngband. If you want detail about the new races/classes, try birth.txt.
      PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!


      • TheHairyOne
        • Mar 2016
        • 50

        I am guessing there is an option somewhere that turns off XP on levels higher than the deepest level you have been to? Just spent 30min hunting 50ft after a death to see that my XP meter hasnt moved. 8(


        • Derakon
          • Dec 2009
          • 8820

          Originally posted by TheHairyOne
          I am guessing there is an option somewhere that turns off XP on levels higher than the deepest level you have been to? Just spent 30min hunting 50ft after a death to see that my XP meter hasnt moved. 8(
          What level is your character? It doesn't take long for characters to get tiny fractions of an experience point from monsters found at 50'. Like, a kobold might give you .03 experience points per kill.


          • TheHairyOne
            • Mar 2016
            • 50

            L3 so that definately isnt the problem. I am familiar with how Angband handles XP and there is definately something funny going on here....but is it by design?

            On the plus side, I noticed when I got close to death that time dialates and you actually have a chance to try to save yourself. This is a HUGE improvement in my book.


            • TheHairyOne
              • Mar 2016
              • 50

              Ok, i am guessing that the game data is baed more off Angband than Mangband.

              Hopefully its easy to change things like shop keeper inventories. And I will probably have to rebalance spawns and monsters for multiplayer,

              How much testing and balancing has been done already? Not Angband....I am talking PWMangband only. And really I am talking about the multiplayer stuff.


              • TheHairyOne
                • Mar 2016
                • 50

                Originally posted by TheHairyOne
                Hopefully its easy to change things like shop keeper inventories. And I will probably have to rebalance spawns and monsters for multiplayer,
                Or maybe not. I was comparing monster data of low level monsters and things are not much difference. But I have definately noticed a difference in the spawns on 50ft in Mangband vs PWMangband. I get more spawns and groups of spawns. I am not sure it breaks anything, but surviving L1-10 seems harder in PWMangband than 1.1.2. If you have any ideas why this is, I am interested in knowing.


                • TheHairyOne
                  • Mar 2016
                  • 50

                  Maybe my biggest question...what happened to Charisma? Is this another of those birth option things?


                  • TheHairyOne
                    • Mar 2016
                    • 50

                    Originally posted by TheHairyOne
                    Maybe my biggest question...what happened to Charisma? Is this another of those birth option things?
                    Done away with in Angband V4? hard would it be to re-add this? Is there a flag that can be flipped or code that can be uncommented/recommented?


                    • AnonymousHero
                      • Jun 2007
                      • 1322

                      Originally posted by TheHairyOne
                      Done away with in Angband V4? hard would it be to re-add this? Is there a flag that can be flipped or code that can be uncommented/recommented?
                      Why do you want it back?

                      In vanilla at least it basically did nothing, and I'm guessing it's the same for PWMAngband.


                      • Nick
                        Vanilla maintainer
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 9353

                        Originally posted by TheHairyOne
                        Done away with in Angband V4?
                        Charisma was actually removed in V3.5.
                        One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                        In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                        • TheHairyOne
                          • Mar 2016
                          • 50

                          Ah. I am playing 3.4 on my phone and it has CHA. Figured it was a V4 thing.

                          There are a few reasons I want Cha back. First it balances some for certain give up long term profit with the lower Cha. On a multiplayer server with a potential economy, this can have an impact. Its a downside of the half-troll and an upside to the high elf.

                          But the biggest reason was some of the new classes...which just scream to be Cha based. I was very disappointed to learn it was removed.

                          I guess it cant be that hard to add it back in. I have the mangband code with Cha, just got to merge its code back in to the main code base. *sigh*


                          • TheHairyOne
                            • Mar 2016
                            • 50

                            Where did the new races and classes in PWMangband come from? I am not finding it in the Vanilla. I know basicly nothing about them, thou I tried a dragon and it seemed cool. 8)

                            I have been working my way through the Dev notes for Angband. Trying to get a feel for what Angband 4 is, what PWMangband is, and how each differs from the Mangbands (0.7.2 and 1.1.2) that I am familiar with.

                            Any threads, guides, or recommended reading that will help me with me task is appreciated. I don't mind doing my homework, but I feel a little lost trying to tackle 15-20 years of changes.


                            • TheHairyOne
                              • Mar 2016
                              • 50

                              Originally posted by PowerWyrm
                              If you want detail about the new races/classes, try birth.txt.
                              Where is this file located?


                              • TheHairyOne
                                • Mar 2016
                                • 50

                                Originally posted by TheHairyOne
                                Where is this file located?
                                nm. I did a file search and found it!

