[Announce] PosChengband 1.0.0
Ares is when you have a 300-400 damage darkness storm and resist teleport.But too bad, I wanted to check if I could get a blow from it.
Found the Ring of Destruction with all it's brands, but those don't work... 9d9 brand all eye was just a dream.But the malus on that ring are bad too.
(Nice job on the new artifacts, I like the magic based lamps too). Now if only monsters who drop {good} could drop more jewelry.Comment
For the comp I managed to compile v1.0.3 for the Mac (X11 only, Intel only). But the inventory percentages look, well, a bit off, so I don't know what other interesting numbers there may be, or if it is a cosmetic problem or something worse. I was able to play through a game with no obvious problems, though.
For the comp I managed to compile v1.0.3 for the Mac (X11 only, Intel only). But the inventory percentages look, well, a bit off, so I don't know what other interesting numbers there may be, or if it is a cosmetic problem or something worse. I was able to play through a game with no obvious problems, though.
Code:sprintf(out_val, "Inventory: carrying %d.%d pounds (%ld%% of capacity). Command: ", (int)(p_ptr->total_weight / 10), (int)(p_ptr->total_weight % 10), (p_ptr->total_weight * 100) / weight_limit());
BTW, I've seen a lot of %ld and casting things to long throughout the code base. This makes me nervous as a long is 64 bits for 64-bit compiles while an int is still just 32 bits.
Also, if you get a Mac makefile working, could you email me a copy (perhaps with instructions). I've had interest in a mac compile for Chengband before but could never oblige as I don't have access to a mac. My email address is ckousky at gmail dot com.
In cmd3.c on line 55 is the following code:
Code:sprintf(out_val, "Inventory: carrying %d.%d pounds (%ld%% of capacity). Command: ", (int)(p_ptr->total_weight / 10), (int)(p_ptr->total_weight % 10), (p_ptr->total_weight * 100) / weight_limit());
BTW, I've seen a lot of %ld and casting things to long throughout the code base. This makes me nervous as a long is 64 bits for 64-bit compiles while an int is still just 32 bits.
Also, if you get a Mac makefile working, could you email me a copy (perhaps with instructions). I've had interest in a mac compile for Chengband before but could never oblige as I don't have access to a mac. My email address is ckousky at gmail dot com.
Thanks for the catch. It works OK on windows (case preserving) but not on linux (case sensitive). It will be fixed in the next release I push, but I'm generally waiting for game crash bugs to push new releases. In the meantime, you can rename the file as 'races.txt' and it should work for you. (Note: The helpfiles for Warlocks and Weaponmasters still need to be written).Comment
Code:#ifdef ON_64_BIT_PLATFORM #define FMTs32 "%d" #define FMTu32 "%u" #else #define FMTs32 "%ld" #define FMTu32 "%lu" #endif
Code:int32_t foo = 123; printf("something " FMTs32 " something something.", x);
The only other way is simply using "int" everywhere, but that may not be sufficient on all compilers/platforms.Comment
Thanks, I did use that method, but wasn't sure if it had implications since I'd been using the "easy autopicker settings" til then.
Also, just noticed, had a thief (Bullroarer) steal some money, but when I killed it, it didn't drop the money. Is that intended?Comment
Yes, you lose any stolen gold permanently. However, stolen objects can be retrieved by killing the thief.Comment
So theres been a change I want to request for every variant with "personality".
Reduce munchkin bonuses by at least half. It doesn't allow newbies to learn how to play the game since the stats are so out of alignment with a regular character's stats. The only way to make it remotely fair is to have a pathetic race/class combination like yeek tourist or such. +2/+3 every stat and more hit dice and good skills is plenty.Comment