- Ents, Druadan (Woses), and Beornings.
- Shapechanging skill
- New warrior talents
Please note that this is actually a beta. Expect some bugs, especially regarding shapechanging.
Major changes since 1.0.1
- Savefile INCOMPATIBLE! (again)
- Significant increase in talents for warriors -- press 'p'.
- Removal of bowmaking -- all functionality merged with weaponsmithing.
- Addition of Shapechanging skill - press ']'. Nature lore and blood dominion will open up additional forms.
- Now able to dual wield multiple weapon types.
- Weapon skills will increase each others skill (applies less across martial arts and weapon-based).
- Clearing out store will now cost significantly more.
- Brand damage will scale with skill.
- Blessed weapons now use player's best weapon skill.
- Sauron tougher.
- Improve pack AI when cover is blown.
- Add beorning, druadan (woses), and Ents.
- Monsters can abuse LOS against player using ball spells.
- Much easier to loot traps.
- Druids and mages can now cast in the dark also.
- Increased mana and HP at lower levels.
- Hindrance trains skills now.
- Allow skill reduction
- Utility magic devices easier to use
- Quiver will return ammunition to it on pickup
- Can no longer target ranged attacks beyond their maximum distance.
- Significant increase in pseudo-id rate and power
- Empty wands will stack with known-charges wands
- Traps with (nothing) will no longer crash the game when disarmed.
- Overmind spell works
- Characters can now be restarted without crashing
- Shops no longer leak flavors
- Character display subwindow will function properly now
- Returning property will now display in 'I'nspect and in dumps, and on detailed item screen.
- Color code hunger messages
- Gauntlets will brand martial arts.
- Talents will now be acquired at the proper level, regardless of oaths.
- Prevent crash when activating palantir.
- Improve monster trap interface
- Display temporary poison resistance on screen.
- Players can now ID items on ground with infravision.
Gameplay changes
- Athelas will now wilt, but monsters will have to be deeper to drop it.
- Additional ego items and jewelry
- Cure medium wounds at 15%
- Easy swap dual-wielded weapons command '|' (requires a turn)
- User option to raise skills beyond power cap (100 power)
- All characters recieve some innate spell resistance, skill increases saving throw less, but also costs less.
- Low level monsters generate less experience, high level monsters more. (as defined relative to your power)
- Ironman characters can commit suicide.
- Gnomes better with crossbows, elves better with melee weapons
- Storm Crows, manticores, nruling, and lighting jaws made less awesome
- Martial arts will receive its resist and free action earlier.
- Physical damage resistance (or immunity) will reduce damage instead of stopping damage, and is less potent. It also now properly applies to thrown and fired weapons.
- Quests will be more spread out to prevent problems with too-difficult quests.