[Announce] English Translation for Hengband Touhou Katteban v1.1.95

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  • Cryomaniac
    • Jan 2022
    • 285

    Not sure what's going on with the dungeon guardians; maybe you have to accept the Serpent quest as well.

    Sending score to server works the same way as it does it base Hengband; if you open your save in JP version and re-save it, it should effectively be a JP version savefile. Keep in mind, though, that some content is still in English - at very least, that's name/backstory/message logs/randart names.


    • ster
      • Jun 2019
      • 44

      Yeah it worked after I >ed chaoszone when killing oberon. (And the fruit of my research was "no, you can't use komainu pedestal and instantly win the final boss that way").

      Michael has mixed up messages; he throws hand grenades instead of resolving his thing.

      Where's all the code for item card generation and (especially) trading? I'm looking for ways to try and force a couple cards (smelly fan, the dimension door cards, high tengu geta) to spawn and figure knowing how to trade properly is the best bet.

      Finally, how does Fantasy Seal work? I play with a super low delay factor and never have seen what it properly does (i turn it down and then she doesn't use it...), but after getting hit for 500 by ~DL60 reimu I need to know what it's actually doing. Does it work like Call the Void and shoot balls in all 8 directions or like Trump Meteor/Wrath of God and target random positions?
      gwarl 09/19/2019
      I can't ban ster from my roguelikes site though like all other roguelike admins have because it lets him win


      • Cryomaniac
        • Jan 2022
        • 285

        Item cards can be generated in 2 ways: Random items on dungeon level (uses the same logic as dungeon-specific 'souvenir' items like gemstones), or drops from unique monsters. The actual item card type gets picked in apply_magic_itemcard function (in new_class_power.c).

        Item card trading logic should be somewhere in bldg/bldg2 files.

        Reimu's Fantasy Seal: It fires multiple non-elemental balls at random targets in Reimu's line of sight; it's guaranteed to hit you at least once, but it might target some other monsters hostile to her as well. If you're the only target in sight, you get hit with all of them. More details in cast_musou_hu_in function in spells3.c. Also, she can't use it if she's orthogonally adjacent to a wall.


        • Newbie
          • May 2022
          • 3

          When I try to extract mana from items as Marisa I get a software bug that crashes the game.


          • Cryomaniac
            • Jan 2022
            • 285

            Should be fixed now; added a new release to Github project


            • Newbie
              • May 2022
              • 3

              Cool thank you. Can I just extract it into the one with my Marisa save or would I put the Marisa save in the updated one,or do I just start over entirely? Thank you for the translation work you have done on this, this is my favorite variant so far!


              • Cryomaniac
                • Jan 2022
                • 285

                Yes, it should work fine if you just replace your current version with the newer one.


                • Newbie
                  • May 2022
                  • 3

                  Thank you.


                  • ster
                    • Jun 2019
                    • 44

                    So it turns out you have to be playing in JP to submit a run with the J kill cam.
                    On the other hand I could have beaten J trivially in a language I didn't understand with this run, my luck was ludicrous and even my mistakes benefitted me.
                    Speed boots, stone of lore, dagger of fiona by 20, 2 rods of healing, Soulsword, Sting, Hammerhand and a randart crossbow with *Fi and speed i offhanded for basically the whole game by 30, Jack of Shadows from a chest summon fatfinger on 37 dropped his cloak while being utterly harmless against full dark immunity, axe of Dwarves at some point (giving me +24 search for item cards), staff of genocide from a stone giant in the dl40s, an Okina event 0 brought my short blade skill up to 50 before clones.

                    Clones had fairly nasty random spawns and the whole 50-60 set of floors was full of horrible ones, including Kanako, Kaguya, Mokou, Chimata and a vault with Witch-King, but the luck never stopped. An unresisted chaos attack cause I dropped my =chaos since I was about to enter old castle gave me telepathy mut, I got my old castle reward from the 1st thing i killed in there and an extra attacks to art create, terror mask around 60 which took 20 floors to get an uncurse for so i could actually equip it, and then after saying "I shouldn't fight junko" and changing my mind on seeing the exceptional drops she gave me FSoD. Before Eric's I managed to get a good trade of the million magic vials from earlier Marisa scumming into sutra scrolls, making me statistically strong enough for all the end bosses, but then Sauron dropped the one anyway and I got the smelly fans on 125 with one floor to get spellbooks left. And at some point I got a randart with recharging activation so I never ran out of _destructions either.

                    Extra's subsystems and ridiculous loot are pretty fun and so is Hina but I couldn't imagine going for a highscore with any other character (maybe Shion or Kosuzu or fairy mages?) and I can't imagine Hina being very fun to play outside extra (wow, I can summon marisa when I go to deep on the gimmick! or i could <> to do the same. oops, used up all my misfortune on old castle, time to scum for cursed needles on DL1....).

                    Ladder when? Even oposband has one.
                      [Hengband Katteban 1.1.95T character dump]
                                    Name  : Cannonballer Hina Kagiyama
                     Sex      : Female           Difficulty      Extra   STR!:     *50
                     Race     : Deity            Score      1236355664   INT!:     !40
                     Class    : Vibe Checker                             WIS :     !40
                                                                         DEX :     *50
                                                                         CON!:     *50
                                                                         CHR :     !40
                     Bare hand     (+334,+153)   HP          1778/1778   Fighting   : 515-Legendary
                                                 MP           361/ 385   Shooting   : 448-Legendary
                     Blows/Round         9+0+@                           ProtFrMagic: 141-Legendary
                     AverageDmg/Rnd   3412+0+@   Level              50   Stealth    :  -1-Very Bad
                                                 Experience   25004591
                     Shooting         (+96,+0)   Max Exp      25004591
                     Multiplier          x0.00   Exp to Adv      *****   Searching  : 147-Legendary
                     Shots/Round          0.00   Gold          1159784   Disarming  : 164-Legendary
                                                                         MagicDevice: 114-Legendary
                     AC              [51,+351]   Time      Day 5 22:49
                     Speed             (+0+99)   Play time    15:37:54   Infra-Vision: 0 feet
                                             (Character Background)
                              Write something about your background and goals
                              ...You retired from the adventure after winning.
                     Sex   Female          Stat    BaseRacClaPerMod ActualCurrent  abcdefghijkl@
                     Race  Deity           STR!:     30  0 -1  1121    *50         ....5..4..3..
                     Class Vibe Checker    INT!:     30  0  1  1106    !40         ....5.3.....1
                     Level 50              WIS :     24  0  3  1120    !40         ....54344...1
                     HP    1778/1778       DEX :     29  0 -2  1119    *50         ...15......4.
                     MP    361/385         CON!:     30  0  2  1119    *50         ...154.......
                                           CHR :     20  0-16  3113    !40         ...154..4....
                               ~=="*[(]])               ~=="*[(]])                   ~=="*[(]])
                             abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@                abcdefghijkl@
                     Acid  : ....*..+....#    Sound : ...+.........    SeeInvis  : ....++++....+
                     Elec  : ....*.......#    Nether: ............*    Warning   : .............
                     Fire  : ....*.....+.#    SpTime: .......++....    SlowDigest: .......+.....
                     Cold  : ....*..+....#    Chaos : .....+++.....    Regen     : ....+..+.....
                     Poison: ..........+.#    Disnch: ..........+..    Levitation: ........+..++
                     Light : .....+..+....    Fear  : .............    Swiftness : .......+.....
                     Dark  : .....+.++...*    FrAct : ....+..++..+.    NoTele    : .............
                     Shard : .....+....+..    Conf  : ......+......    NoMagic   : .............
                     Water : ...++..+...+.    Blind : .............    Reflection: ............+
                     Holy  : ....++....+..v   Insane: ............+    Cursed    : .........*...
                                                       ~=="*[(]])                    ~=="*[(]])
                                  ab@                abcdefghijkl@                 abcdefghijkl@
                     Slay Chaos : ...   Telepathy  : ............+   Speed       : ..+.+.+.+..+#
                     Slay Lawful: ...   ESP Uniques: .............   Blows       : ...+.........
                     Slay Human : ...   ESP Nonlvng: .............   Infravision : .............
                     Slay Animal: ...   ESP Chaos  : .............   Device Mstry: .............
                     Slay Undead: ...   ESP Lawful : ...+.........   Stealth     : .............
                     Slay Dragon: ...   ESP Human  : .............   Searching   : .............
                     Slay Demon : ...   ESP Animal : .............   Digging     : .............
                     Slay Deity : ...   ESP Undead : ...++........
                     Slay Youkai: ...   ESP Dragon : .............   Easy Spells : .............
                     Melting    : ...   ESP Demon  : ....+........   Cheap Spells: .....+.......
                     Shocking   : ...   ESP Deity  : .............   Blessed     : .............
                     Burning    : ...   ESP Youkai : ....+........   Light       : .....++.+....
                     Freezing   : ...                                Riding      : .............
                     Venomous   : ...   Sustain STR: ....+..+.....   Throwing    : .............
                     Sharpness  : ...   Sustain INT: ....+........
                     Quake      : ...   Sustain WIS: ....+........   Drain EXP   : .............
                     Vampiric   : ...   Sustain DEX: ....+......+.   Teleport    : .............
                     Chaotic    : ...   Sustain CON: ...++........   Aggravate   : ............+
                     Force Wpn  : ...   Sustain CHR: ....+........   Foul Curse  : .............
                      [*Winning* Message]
                      [Option Settings]
                     Preserve Mode:      OFF
                     Small Levels:       ALWAYS
                     No Shops:           ON
                     妖魔本が出現しない: ON
                     Diving Only:        ON
                     Bonus points:        0
                     Arena Levels:       ALWAYS
                      [Recall Depth]
                       !Angband         : level 100
                       !Realm of Chaos  : level 127
                      [Quest Information]
                    < Completed Quest >
                      Extra Quest                              (Danger  level:  10) - level 17 (00:26:15)
                      Extra Quest                              (Danger  level:  20) - level 24 (01:16:19)
                      Extra Quest                              (Danger  level:  30) - level 30 (02:18:53)
                      Extra Quest                              (Danger  level:  40) - level 34 (03:23:19)
                      Extra Quest                              (Danger  level:  50) - level 40 (05:00:02)
                      Extra Quest                              (Danger  level:  60) - level 45 (07:05:06)
                      Extra Quest                              (Danger  level:  70) - level 47 (08:42:51)
                      Extra Quest                              (Danger  level:  80) - level 50 (10:15:07)
                      Extra Quest                              (Danger  level:  90) - level 50 (11:37:21)
                      Oberon                                   (Danger  level: 100) - level 50 (13:12:23)
                      Serpent of Chaos                         (Danger  level: 127) - level 50 (15:27:19)
                    < Failed Quest >
                      [Defeated Monsters]
                    You have defeated 9601 enemies including 277 unique monsters in total.
                    < Unique monsters top 10 >
                      The Serpent of Chaos                     (level 127)
                      Azathoth, Seething Nuclear Chaos         (level 120)
                      Morgoth, Lord of Darkness                (level 110)
                      Oberon, King of Amber                    (level 100)
                      Sauron, the Sorcerer                     (level  98)
                      Great Cthulhu                            (level  96)
                      Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs     (level  95)
                      The Destroyer                            (level  94)
                      Cerberus, Guardian of Hades              (level  94)
                      Qlzqqlzuup, the Lord of Flesh            (level  92)
                     You can switch locations with another being.
                     You are hardheaded (INT -1, WIS +1, AC +5).
                     You have a third eye on your forehead.
                     You are telepathic.
                      [Skills List]
                    Skill          Aptitude  Skill Level
                    Martial Arts   ( C )     30 (at limit)
                    Shields        ( E )     10 (at limit)
                    Riding         ( E )     0 
                    Dual Wielding  ( E )     1 
                    Throwing       ( E )     0 
                    Short Blades   ( C )     50 (beyond limit)
                    Long Blades    ( D )     20 (at limit)
                    Katanas        ( D )     0 
                    Blunt Weapons  ( C )     6 
                    Staves         ( D )     1 
                    Axes           ( D )     12 
                    Spears         ( D )     2 
                    Polearms       ( B )     10 
                    Bows           ( E )     0 
                    Crossbows      ( E )     0 
                    Guns           ( E )     0 
                      [Character Equipment]
                    a) (nothing)
                    b) (nothing)
                    c) a Black Scarf [1,+8] (+11 to speed) {+Sp}
                    d) X Ring of Extra Attacks 'Dream Big' (+10,+9) (+1 attack) {+AtDxCnCh;rWaSo~Law~Un(Cn}
                    e) * Ring of Power (The One Ring) (+15,+15) (+5) {+SpStInWiDxCnCh;*AcElFiCo;rWaHo;FaSiRg~YkDmUn(StInWiDxCnCh}
                    f) * Torque of Harmonia [+5] (+4) {+WiCnCh;rLiDkShHoCa;DmSiLu}
                    g) * Jewel of Judgement (+3 to speed)(charging) {+SpInWi;rCa;SiCo}
                    h) X Space-Time Dragon Scale Mail 'This is progress.' (+1,+4) [40,+28] (+4) {+StWi;rAcCoDkWaTiCa;FaSiSdRgSw(St}
                    i) * Hagoromo of the Moon [0,+30] (+4 to speed) {+SpWiCh;rLiDkTi;FaLvLu}
                    j) * Massive Iron Crown of Chaos [0,+0] (+99) {cursed}
                    k) an Oni Set of Dragon Gloves (+5,+10) [6,+26] (+3) {+St;rFiPoShHoDi, FCB}
                    l) * Pair of Leather Boots of Shiva's Avatar (+5,+5) [4,+16] (+4 to speed) {+SpDx;rWa;FaLv(Dx, PCB}
                      [Character Inventory]
                    a) 20 Baked Sweet Potato
                    b) 12 Potions of Healing {!k}
                    c) 7 Potions of *Healing* {!k}
                    d) 23 Scrolls of Teleportation
                    e) 9 Scrolls of *Destruction*
                    f) a Rod of Perception (charging)
                    g) 4 Rods of Detection
                    h) 3 Rods of Healing (1 charging)
                    i) 2 Rods of Speed (1 charging)
                    j) 8 Rods of Teleport Other
                    k) 4 Rods of Stone to Mud
                    l) a Staff of Teleportation (0 charges)
                    m) 2 Staffs of Massacre (2x 0 charges)
                    n) 4 Staffs of *Destruction* (4x 0 charges)
                    o) X Hat of the Devine Jewel (+4,+5) [1,+16] (+3 to speed) {+SpWiSr;rAcDi;FaSd}
                    p) * Mask 'Terror Mask' (+18,+18) [3,+12] (+1) {+InWiSr;rAcCoPoDi;FaSiFeTe, .}
                    q) * Golden Crown of Amber [0,+15] (+3) {+SpStWiCn;rElFiCoLiHoSoCa;FaSiCoBlRgLu}
                    r) * Black Clothes of Sarutobi Sasuke (+10,+0) [4,+20] (+4 to speed) {+SpDxSl;rAcElFiCoPo;CoSdSw}
                    s) * Small Metal Shield of Thorin [5,+21] (+4) {+StCn;*Ac;rShSoCa;Fa}
                    t) * Spellbook 'Grimoire of Marisa' (+4) {+InChCd, Grimoire of Marisa}
                    u) * Falcon Sword of Destruction (3d6) (+25,+25) (+3 attacks) {+AtStDx|AcElFiCoPoCh, I miss you kruz.}
                      [Item card slots]
                    a) 'Black Cat Plushie' (2)
                    b) (empty)
                    c) 'Petals of Saigyou Ayakashi' (6)
                    d) 'Sorcerer's Sutra Scroll ' (3)
                    e) 'Mask of Hope (New)' (12)
                    f) 'Ship Ghost Cap' (2)
                    g) 'Huge Meteor Shard' (20)
                    h) 'Smelly Fan' (2)
                      [Home Inventory]
                     ( page 1 )
                    a) Meteoric Iron
                    b) * Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (9d9) (+5,+25) [+10]
                    gwarl 09/19/2019
                    I can't ban ster from my roguelikes site though like all other roguelike admins have because it lets him win


                    • Cryomaniac
                      • Jan 2022
                      • 285

                      I'm not quite familiar with ladder functionality; is it something I should somehow submit to the site, or is it up to site maintainers?


                      • ster
                        • Jun 2019
                        • 44

                        Yeah, getting a ladder would require complaining to whoever runs it. I don't know who.

                        Incidentally i've been reluctant to push the idea of angband.live integration with gwarl, the one guy i do know (I believe janky *bands are fine to play offline) but if you think that should be a big deal I'll push it more.
                        gwarl 09/19/2019
                        I can't ban ster from my roguelikes site though like all other roguelike admins have because it lets him win


                        • Cryomaniac
                          • Jan 2022
                          • 285

                          I'm comparatively new here, but I think pav is the ladder maintainer. As for .live integration, I personally don't play online, so I don't really care that much; though considering amount of new content, you easily could make a case to add it there.


                          • Cryomaniac
                            • Jan 2022
                            • 285

                            There's a separate ladder for this variant available now, so you can submit your character dumps.


                            • Cryomaniac
                              • Jan 2022
                              • 285

                              Added another minor release to github; there was a stray 'You were killed' for character dumps if you get defeated in a quest


                              • Cryomaniac
                                • Jan 2022
                                • 285

                                Would it be possible to make the ladder track score as well? It's correlated to game difficulty in this variant, so it's fairly important this time.

