Bugs and issues in 4.1.0

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  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    Originally posted by Sky
    Also most cesti i fond seem to be stuck on (+0,+3).
    Cesti have an innate +3 to-dam, so all this is saying is "this pair of gloves generated as cesti and did not get any additional combat modifiers".


    • Sky
      • Oct 2016
      • 2309

      True, but the standart set has a propensity for glove artifacts to have damage bunuses. This is cool, like having speed on boots and light on lights.
      The randart sets dont have a system that says "hey, this is a glove slot, you should lean towards damage bonuses". But it should.
      "i can take this dracolich"


      • Fizanko
        • Aug 2017
        • 15

        When making a character dump, i noticed several message for when i left artifacts on the ground when leaving a depth (due to them not being any good or too weak compared to what i already had) and labelled as [LOST]

        by example
        163552   2650'  Found the Metal Cap of Celebrimbor (LOST)
        despite in the birth option i have
        Lose artifacts when leaving level            : no  (birth_lose_arts)
        As said those were only artifacts i wasn't caring about, but just reporting in case there's a problem there.


        • Ingwe Ingweron
          • Jan 2009
          • 2110

          Originally posted by Fizanko
          When making a character dump, i noticed several message for when i left artifacts on the ground when leaving a depth (due to them not being any good or too weak compared to what i already had) and labelled as [LOST]....
          As said those were only artifacts i wasn't caring about, but just reporting in case there's a problem there.
          Not a bug. You are misunderstanding. If you have found and identified an artifact (i.e., you know the artifact by name), if you leave the artifact behind it is Lost forever and will not be generated again in that game. For example, if you see a "Phial", but never identify it as the "Phial of Galadriel", then it can be generated again (unless you've toggled the preserve mode where artifacts get swept off the board if you don't find them on the level).
          โ€œWe're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see.โ€
          โ€• Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead


          • Pondlife
            • Mar 2010
            • 78

            Originally posted by Ingwe Ingweron
            if you see a "Phial", but never identify it as the "Phial of Galadriel"
            That reminds me of something I experienced in my current game. I saw the phial of galadriel on the ground across a room; and when I looked at it it said "you see the phial of galadriel". I didn't need to identify it, or even pick it up, to know what it was.

            I don't know if the phial of galadriel is somehow automatically known about, or if the knowledge is inherited from a previous character or something. But it seemed a bit strange to know what it was without even picking it up.

            I think I'd identified the rune of brightness on a lantern previously, so perhaps that's the reason.
            Playing roguelikes on and off since 1984.
            rogue, hack, moria, nethack, angband & zangband.


            • Sky
              • Oct 2016
              • 2309

              I'm under the impression that i have identified a staff of remove curse twice.

              Staff on floor walk to it and (u)se, without pickup, select floor, "you have no curses". Leave staff.

              Next level, same thing.
              "i can take this dracolich"


              • Fizanko
                • Aug 2017
                • 15

                Originally posted by Ingwe Ingweron
                Not a bug. You are misunderstanding. If you have found and identified an artifact (i.e., you know the artifact by name), if you leave the artifact behind it is Lost forever and will not be generated again in that game. For example, if you see a "Phial", but never identify it as the "Phial of Galadriel", then it can be generated again (unless you've toggled the preserve mode where artifacts get swept off the board if you don't find them on the level).
                Thanks for the precision, i didn't thought it worked like that.


                • Sky
                  • Oct 2016
                  • 2309

                  i found this artifact
                  the Small Metal Shield 'Galad' [5,-5] <-4, -2> {cursed}
                  It makes your skin harder to damage, but conduct electricity.
                  It makes you vulnerable to fire attacks, but resistant to cold.
                  It makes you slow to recover hitpoints.
                  It paralyses you every now and then.
                  It makes you hallucinate sometimes.
                  It occasionally makes a loud noise.
                  It poisons you from time to time.
                  It attracts opponents and weakens the defences.
                  -4 dexterity.
                  -2 infravision.
                  Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, poison.
                  Provides protection from fear.
                  Cannot be harmed by acid.
                  Prevents teleportation. Aggravates creatures nearby. Drains experience.

                  When activated, it magically renders you well-fed, curing any gastrointestinal
                  Takes 57 to 63 turns to recharge.
                  Your chance of success is 90.9%

                  Min Level 15, Max Level 30, Generation chance 106, Power -26, 5.4 lbs
                  Random shield of power 26.
                  in a game with preserve off. the level feeling was 4-5. should it not be a minimum of -6 if there is an artifact on the level?
                  "i can take this dracolich"


                  • Derakon
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 8820

                    That shield has a power rating of 26. I bet that a Dagger of Slay Orc would rate more highly.


                    • Estie
                      • Apr 2008
                      • 2281

                      I believe the artifact minimum rating is 5.


                      • Estie
                        • Apr 2008
                        • 2281

                        Now some time has passed since release and I would like to know if this is going to be final ?

                        I dont know how many standarts have been cursed, but like half the randarts are. Why ?
                        Curses belong to Angband, but not as a layer of tedious procedure before any item can be used. We got rid of trap detection and selling, just to introduce this ? Like a trap, a cursed item can be interesting and challenging to deal with under the right circumstances, but please use _sparingly_, not flood the dungeon with them.

                        The modifiers on artifacts are also less than interesting. Weapons typically have all slays, off-weapon slays are all over the place and pointless because the weapon has the slay already and the greatest challenge when assembling a kit is to filter the relevant mods out of a wall of text that is the artifact description.

                        Heres is, for example, a typical randart:

                        the Iron Crown of Valaith [0,+20] <+3, +1, +5, +4, +2> {cursed}
                        It makes you hallucinate sometimes.
                        It makes you frail.
                        It makes you mentally slow.
                        +3 intelligence.
                        +1 wisdom.
                        +5 dexterity.
                        +4 constitution.
                        +2 speed.
                        +1 light.
                        It causes your melee attacks to slay dragons.
                        Provides immunity to cold.
                        Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, poison, light, shards, nexus,
                        Provides protection from fear, blindness, confusion.
                        Cannot be harmed by acid.
                        Sustains strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity.
                        Feather Falling. Prevents paralysis.
                        Radius 1 light.

                        Thats 15 lines of modifiers, and its not an exception, its typical. Surely you can see that there is no way even a majority of these can be relevant to the decision wether to use the item or not ? Most of them must be ignored to get a picture of what that item does. Why this inflation in the amount of modifiers ?

                        I dont know what has been achieved technically with the new randart code, but for gameplay, I find it terrible as it is. Would it be possible to just go back to the old version ?

                        I have always played the newest daily from rephial, curious about the changes and eager to test things out. But now that the final version is out, I feel no desire to play it. I am sorry.


                        • Sky
                          • Oct 2016
                          • 2309

                          dude. you have an artifact with four sustains, fear/blind/conf, 9 points of physical stats, bonus speed, one immunity, rPoison/Nexus/Shard/Chaos and an offbrand slay. i'm sure you can put up with having to find 3 remove curse scrolls.

                          seriously, i like this better. because as you get rid of the stronger curses, and can wear the artifact, then you begin to take off the minor ones, and the power slowly increases. better play experience than just a huge bump in power.
                          Last edited by Sky; August 14, 2017, 09:30.
                          "i can take this dracolich"


                          • Nick
                            Vanilla maintainer
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 9353

                            Originally posted by Estie
                            Now some time has passed since release and I would like to know if this is going to be final ?
                            Short answer - no. I have been deliberately (mostly) leaving 4.1.0 out unchanged for a while so as to give people a decent chance to play it. Some time soon I will start fixing bugs, and new nightly builds will be coming out.

                            As to the randart problem, I see what you mean. I have ideas as to how to fix too many individual properties, and too many curses; I'll address that in the nightlies too.

                            Thanks for giving the current system a good test and for the feedback.
                            One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                            In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                            • Qyx
                              • Dec 2012
                              • 62

                              (cursed) tag disappears when item sold to shop

                              Maybe a bug? The (cursed) tag disappeared on an item sold to the shop. I bought it back and it reacquired the tag. The item didn't lose the curse, just the tag in the shop display.


                              • petvan
                                • Jun 2015
                                • 22

                                Think maybe it was called out before, but potions of dexterity seem to drop in pairs. I don't hate this but maybe not by intent?


