Angband 3.1.1 released

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  • SerPounce
    • Aug 2009
    • 7

    Originally posted by takkaria
    The problem is that I wrote both the nightlies page and the forum post. The nightlies page applies when playing the nightlies... but not when playing new versions of 3.1.1. Basically, the raw files are straightforward dumps of the memory Angband reads the lib/edit/ files into, and the way that memory is used can change from nightly to nightly. It won't change from bugfix release to bugfix release, though.
    So if I'm getting my updates from's main page I don't have to deal with all this maddeningly crazy techno-mumbo-jumbo about "deleting files"?


    • Sergio
      • Aug 2009
      • 26

      No, since the updates from the mainpage are only for bugfixing purposes, if I recall correctly Sorry for the confusion, I'm just too used to the nightlies now I guess


      • slaverer
        • Aug 2009
        • 1

        graphics in linux?

        Can't get graphics to work in linux

        Compiled it by...

        ./configure --prefix=$HOME
        make install

        binary was in the src dir. Executed, ran ok. but with ascii graphics.

        tried ./angband -mx11 -g -- -b

        no graphics

        tried copying the angband binary into the top angband-3.1.1 directory and doing ./angband -mx11 -g -- -b

        still no graphics

        tried all that after recompiling with sdl graphics enabled



        (btw, checked out the 32x32 png. Lovely Can't wait!)



        Soloved it I think.
        Compiled with sdl enabled

        ./configure --prefix=$HOME --enable-sdl
        make install

        Ran it, specifying sdl

        ./angband -msdl

        Told it to use 32x32 graphics, bigtiles in the option menus at the top of the window.
        Dragged the window frame to max.

        Presently trying to get the graphics to look better.
        Weird how the font size determines the size of everything. What's wrong with squares?


        sdl looks kinda crappy. Trying to compile with gtk. no luck so far. libraries missing. Exactly which libraries? ...glib-2.0 >= 2.6.0 ? I don't think the version goes that high.


        I got it to compile with gtk.
        (Keep in mind that this is in Ubuntu).
        Configure kept telling me that one of glib, gtk, gthread, pango or libglade was not right.
        After much futzing installed glade-3, glade-gnome, glade-gnome-3 via synaptic. This is all gtk+ 2 stuff.

        Hmmm. The graphics are kinda messed up. Can't maximize the window.


        Playing in sdl. 32x32 graphics, bigtile, 12x24 font. Dungeons look nice. Too bad font size is tied to tile size. I think the tiles are getting deformed by the font handling and bigtile.
        Wow, torches got really expensive.
        Hmmm. X11 Graphics seemed to work just fine in that last beta version (installed via synaptic) (aside from a few missing tiles).
        Last edited by slaverer; August 15, 2009, 23:46.


        • Nightmarjoo
          • May 2007
          • 104

          "Curses on jewelry only happen with negative-pval items. (temporary)"
          I found a ring of teleportation (cursed) that gave (+3 speed) in 3.1.0, can this no longer happen?
          My first winner! Link, the Kobold Warrior!

          My second winner! Cailet, the Hobbit Mage!

          Damned be those who use High Elves, for they are the race of the weak!


          • takkaria
            • Apr 2007
            • 1895

            Originally posted by Nightmarjoo
            "Curses on jewelry only happen with negative-pval items. (temporary)"
            I found a ring of teleportation (cursed) that gave (+3 speed), can this no longer happen?
            Well, if you found what you said you did, then obviously it is possible, though something of an oversight on my part.
            takkaria whispers something about options. -more-


            • Nightmarjoo
              • May 2007
              • 104

              Sorry I had meant to say "in 3.1.0", just found a teleport ring (+2 speed) not cursed, in 3.1.1.
              My first winner! Link, the Kobold Warrior!

              My second winner! Cailet, the Hobbit Mage!

              Damned be those who use High Elves, for they are the race of the weak!


              • tummychow
                • Sep 2009
                • 93

                I've got one quick question.
                First: will actively played saves in v3.1.0 work if I migrated to 3.1.1?
                (High Elf Rogue, if you're wondering).


                • Marble Dice
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 412

                  You will lose your object memory due to the ID-by-use changes, but other than that, you can use your 3.1.0 save file in 3.1.1 just fine.


                  • PowerDiver
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 2782

                    Originally posted by Marble Dice
                    You will lose your object memory due to the ID-by-use changes, but other than that, you can use your 3.1.0 save file in 3.1.1 just fine.
                    Has the problem with home inventory been fixed? It might be smart to take everything out of the home and drop it in town before the upgrade.


                    • tummychow
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 93

                      Originally posted by Marble Dice
                      You will lose your object memory due to the ID-by-use changes, but other than that, you can use your 3.1.0 save file in 3.1.1 just fine.
                      How quickly can I get that precious memory back?

                      EDIT: Is anyone making new spoilers? The old ones for v3.0.6 are already pretty outdated. I've read that 3.1.1 makes some important interface changes from 3.1.0 and it would be nice to have some fresh spoilers to read. Unfortunately, I lack the skill to write my own.


                      • Marble Dice
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 412

                        It's pretty easy to reclaim lost object memory with the identify-by-use system. Hit things with your weapons, get hit while wearing your armor, use your devices once when they have some effect, etc.

                        You can read the change list here for some information on the newer changes, but what kind of spoiler information are you talking about? Most of the spoiler files detail game mechanics which have more or less stayed the same. You can generate monster, artifact, and object spoilers in-game at the death menu.


                        • tummychow
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 93

                          Will the objects themselves stay the same?
                          ie Currently, Staffs of Identify are elm. If I lose my memory do they stay elm?
                          And how do you generate a spoiler file upon death?


                          • Marble Dice
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 412

                            Object flavors (Elm, Nickel, Bubbling, Onyx, scroll titles etc) will not necessarily remain the same. However, if you recognize the flavor for Cure Critical Wounds, you will still recognize the new flavor for that potion. The update primarily affects equipment memory, if you have a main gauche (+2,+5) you will forget what its bonuses are. However, you will discover those bonuses the first time you hit something with it. I think 3.1.1 is great, I would upgrade ASAP.

                            Spoiler generation is a 3.1.1 feature. Get a character killed (any character will do, suicide is fine), and on the tombstone screen, press "s" for spoilers. Then press 1, 2, 3, or 4 for objects, artifacts, brief monsters, or full monsters, respectively.


                            • tummychow
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 93

                              Despite all the great things I've heard about 3.1.1 and how itchy I am to play it, I'm going to stick to 3.1.0, which I have gotten used to, for three reasons:
                              home inventory issue
                              squelch questioning (sounds annoying, I'll bet it is)
                              torch brand_fire issue


                              • Pete Mack
                                • Apr 2007
                                • 6697

                                The torch brand_fire issue is trivial. (self_knowledge is essentially obsolete in 3.1.1)
                                The home inventory issue is presumably patched by now.
                                Squelch questioning is only a problem if you tend to destroy things rather than drop them. So I just drop them if I don't want to squelch. (Admittedly it's really a pain if you are trying to buy out a store.)

                                The id-by-use is such a fun improvement, however, that I give unqualified recommendation to 3.1.1 upgrade.

