What would you like to see in your Angband?
To make things more interesting I would also like to have people vote on their (un)favourite feature. The standard format would be like the following:
F039 +1 "Rework stealth for rogues." Discuss.
I think rogue stealth should provide bonuses when hiding in cover w/no
light source (= adjacent to walls, behind other monsters, behind (partially)
open doors)
V1 from originator
F039 = Feature request 39
+1 = Total of 1 vote for this feature.
V1 = First Vote (may also make V2, V3 for second and third votes). I will assume people vote for their own feature suggestion if they don't state otherwise. All users have three positive and one negative votes. Only one of the votes can count towards your own suggestions. <- On reflection I've decided to drop this restriction as there's enough confusion already.
Discuss = Link to thread originating feature suggestion (or thread created to discuss suggestion).
You can make one vote for your own feature, the other two (if used) must be for somebody else's feature. If you hate a suggestion vote V- for it (one V- vote allowed).
F039 V-
Rogues are too powerful already.
Features suggested so far (from this and other threads).
F001 -3 "Remove charisma." Discuss.
One of various suggestions on what to do about charisma in Vanilla Angband.
V- from PaulBlay; V- from Nolendil; V- from Big Al; V- from Rizwan; V- from Jungle_Boy; V1 from PowerDiver; V2 from Donald Jonker
F002 +4 "Add player history to character dumps" Discuss.
See original thread. Also suggested earlier. See notes patch with NPP, etc.
V2 from Magnate; V1 from will_asher; V1 from Big Al; V3 from Dubtrain
F003 N/A "Combine points-based with standard roller" Discuss.
If the autoroller is removed (as mooted elsewhere) this would leave just one stat generation system. Rolled characters could not exceed points-based stats. See original thread.
I'm withdrawing this suggestion due to lack of interest.
F004 N/A "Context sensitive help for inventory / equipment"
Suggested implementation and help screen given in original thread. Basically a '?' while your inventory list (from 'i') or your equipment list (from 'e') is showing will display the help page shown in that thread. It gives a summary of all commands that use items in the inventory / equipment as well as a brief description of what the various keys used during such actions do.
I am withdrawing this suggestion as there is a current ticket that should address it. Interested parties should see this forum thread for details (participation welcome).
F005 +1 "Update help for (f)ire and item" Discuss.
This appears to be out of date. Details here
V2 from Nolendil
F006 -2 "Store pre-order system" Discuss.
Described in detail here. Could also be relevant to supporting use of Charisma. In fact I'm going to use my 'vote against' getting rid of Charisma.
V- from Donald Jonker; V- from bebo
F007 +3 "Newbie command menu in Roguelike keyset" Discuss.
Pop-up menu to show roguelike keys when roguelike keyset option is selected.
This, and following two feature requests from this thread
V1 from juggle5(Originator); V1 from Nolendil; V2 from Big Al
F008 +3 "User friendly display of existing macro trigger keys and actions" Discuss.
This would make it easier to spot and correct mistakes made in creating or assigning macros.
V3 from Big Al; V1 from PaulBlay; V2 from Dubtrain
F009 +2 "Advanced macro handling with actions, not keypresses, shown" Discuss.
Also implement some form of scripting language and auto-complete.
V1 from jrodman(Originator); V2 from PaulBlay
(Donald Jonker)
F010 +5 "merge prayers dTraps & dStairs" Discuss.
Same as for mages. A patch in this thread implements it for priests. (Prospects for inclusion in Vanilla?)
V1 from Donald Jonker(Originator); V3 from Nolendil; V2 from bebo; V3 from Rizwan; V2 from Jungle_Boy
F011 0 "Add stealth as a stat" Discuss.
In place of Charisma, as detailed in original thread
V1 from Antoine(Originator); V- from Buzzkill
F012 +1 "Macro command 'pause and accept direction/target'" Discuss.
Suggested in this thread.
V3 from PaulBlay
F013 +4 "improve mage sleep/confusion/slow/polymorph/wonder spells" Discuss.
Also referred to as 'charm spells (spells affected by Charisma)'.
- waiting for 3.2, where casters will be fully reworked/balanced (ie buffed), at the moment these are almost useless; i remember suggesting something for wonder in particular here http://angband.oook.cz/forum/showthread.php?t=1437
V1 from Pete Mack; V1 from Buzzkill; V2 from will_asher; V3 from Jungle_Boy
F014 N/A "monsters waking up shouldn't act right away" Discuss.
as per http://angband.oook.cz/forum/showthread.php?t=1439 - this may have already been implemented, but i checked trac and didn't see anything
Already to be implemented (so doesn't really need votes
F015 0 "Slightly reduce natural depth of scrolls of acquirement"
- by the point i get them, the ego's they give are 3 times out of 5 (rough estimate) worse than what i already possess; as a side note i think the new stat potion distribution is great
F016 0 "Get rid of magic mushroom patches. Completely."
V1 from Magnate(Originator);V- from Pav
F017 +1 "Nerf zephyr hounds"
higher rarities, smaller packs, shorter awareness range
V3 from will_asher
F018 0 "Change 'append macros to file' into four options:"
- 1: save this macro to user.prf (loaded every game)
- 2: save this macro to <current race>.prf (loaded every time a character of that race is loaded)
- 3: save this macro to <current class>.prf (as above for that class)
- 4: save this macro to <current name>.prf (loaded only for this specific character)
F019 -2 "Naturally increasing stats, no stat potions"
Make all the existing stats more like stealth; in fact, exactly like HP. For each stat, at each increase in character level, either boost it by one or don't, in such a way that they all end up at 18/100 at level 50. Preferably, randomly select the levels to allocate these at birth, like for hitpoints. No more stat gain, no more stat potions.
V1 from Nick(Originator); V- from Pete Mack; V- from will_asher; V- from PowerDiver
F020 (Oook) 0 "Add a 'Feature requests' section to the forum"
This forum would be moderated by someone who can spend time collecting all suggestions with links to related discussions in a locked sticky
F021 N/A "Strengthen mage and priest charm spells"
If CHA stays, strengthen its effects as well.
This was a mistaken vote for F013
F022 0 "Run-stop centring when monster in sight"
When running and automatically coming to a stop because a monster is in sight I think the character should be centred on the screen if the monster is off screen. This is essentially to reduce the number of times your character can see stuff but you can't.
(Pete Mack)
F023 +1 "add gold/object sales code from eddieband"
V2 from Pete Mack(originator)
F024 +1 "add ID-by-trial system from eddieband"
V3 from Pete Mack(originator)
F025 0 "add some of the ego lanterns from NPP"
F026 0 "make (ego) shot slightly more common deep in the dungeon"
So that Slings of Buckland are actually useful.
F027 +1 "Add x,y and z to inventory list"
Could x,y, and z be included in the equipment list so that we have all 26 alphabets? I think the only reason for not including them is that historically that was the only number of options that could fit in the screen.
V1 from Rizwan(Originator)
F028 +3 "Thieves should drop stolen gold when killed."
See also F023. If you make the gold and selling changes, you need to make thieves drop stolen gold or they may be too painful. That should be addressed in any discussion of F023.
This is raised in the new feature item Ticket #29 with a patch just submitted by Big Al. Vote for to encourage implementation (or vote against to discourage
V2 from PowerDiver; V2 from Rizwan; V1 from Pav
F029 +1 "Merge mage and priest books"
IMO mage and priest books should be merged, so that would be a side effect. I understand that this is radical and has never been discussed, but at least in V it is clear to me that it would improve the game.
V3 from PowerDiver(Originator)
F030 +1 "Birthday presents for all"
Birthday presents - Whenever you level up or at certain level intervals you get birthday presents. These could be items that show up in the home or get generated next to you when you level, whichever is easier on the coding. It would not be anything game breaking but just something kinda nice, perhaps speed potions or identify scrolls or enchantment scrolls, tele scrolls or tele lvl, maybe heal potions or CCW. The kind of thing that almost everyone needs or uses. It could even include stat increases though those should be kinda rare.
V1 from Jungle_Boy(Originator)
F031 +3 "NPP style quiver"
V2 from Pav(Originator); V3 from Donald Jonker; V1 from Dubtrain
F032 +1 "Rest to full HP/SP not both"
(UI improvement) 'R' prompt to be like "(0-9999), '&', 'h', 's' (h for HP, s for SP, & as needed)."
See NPP, Ey, and possibly others.
V3 from Pav(Originator)
Clarification: Detailed discussion should probably go in the linked individual threads (when present), brief comments (with votes where applicable) can go here. Also note that I will assign to the voting system above support offered in alternative format in this thread. If you disagree with any assignment given please say so.
I'm moving feature suggestion for variant *bands to a separate thread in the variants forum.
To make things more interesting I would also like to have people vote on their (un)favourite feature. The standard format would be like the following:
F039 +1 "Rework stealth for rogues." Discuss.
I think rogue stealth should provide bonuses when hiding in cover w/no
light source (= adjacent to walls, behind other monsters, behind (partially)
open doors)
V1 from originator
F039 = Feature request 39
+1 = Total of 1 vote for this feature.
V1 = First Vote (may also make V2, V3 for second and third votes). I will assume people vote for their own feature suggestion if they don't state otherwise. All users have three positive and one negative votes. Only one of the votes can count towards your own suggestions. <- On reflection I've decided to drop this restriction as there's enough confusion already.
Discuss = Link to thread originating feature suggestion (or thread created to discuss suggestion).
You can make one vote for your own feature, the other two (if used) must be for somebody else's feature. If you hate a suggestion vote V- for it (one V- vote allowed).
F039 V-
Rogues are too powerful already.
Features suggested so far (from this and other threads).
F001 -3 "Remove charisma." Discuss.
One of various suggestions on what to do about charisma in Vanilla Angband.
V- from PaulBlay; V- from Nolendil; V- from Big Al; V- from Rizwan; V- from Jungle_Boy; V1 from PowerDiver; V2 from Donald Jonker
F002 +4 "Add player history to character dumps" Discuss.
See original thread. Also suggested earlier. See notes patch with NPP, etc.
V2 from Magnate; V1 from will_asher; V1 from Big Al; V3 from Dubtrain
F003 N/A "Combine points-based with standard roller" Discuss.
If the autoroller is removed (as mooted elsewhere) this would leave just one stat generation system. Rolled characters could not exceed points-based stats. See original thread.
I'm withdrawing this suggestion due to lack of interest.
F004 N/A "Context sensitive help for inventory / equipment"
Suggested implementation and help screen given in original thread. Basically a '?' while your inventory list (from 'i') or your equipment list (from 'e') is showing will display the help page shown in that thread. It gives a summary of all commands that use items in the inventory / equipment as well as a brief description of what the various keys used during such actions do.
I am withdrawing this suggestion as there is a current ticket that should address it. Interested parties should see this forum thread for details (participation welcome).
F005 +1 "Update help for (f)ire and item" Discuss.
This appears to be out of date. Details here
V2 from Nolendil
F006 -2 "Store pre-order system" Discuss.
Described in detail here. Could also be relevant to supporting use of Charisma. In fact I'm going to use my 'vote against' getting rid of Charisma.
V- from Donald Jonker; V- from bebo
F007 +3 "Newbie command menu in Roguelike keyset" Discuss.
Pop-up menu to show roguelike keys when roguelike keyset option is selected.
This, and following two feature requests from this thread
V1 from juggle5(Originator); V1 from Nolendil; V2 from Big Al
F008 +3 "User friendly display of existing macro trigger keys and actions" Discuss.
This would make it easier to spot and correct mistakes made in creating or assigning macros.
V3 from Big Al; V1 from PaulBlay; V2 from Dubtrain
F009 +2 "Advanced macro handling with actions, not keypresses, shown" Discuss.
Also implement some form of scripting language and auto-complete.
V1 from jrodman(Originator); V2 from PaulBlay
(Donald Jonker)
F010 +5 "merge prayers dTraps & dStairs" Discuss.
Same as for mages. A patch in this thread implements it for priests. (Prospects for inclusion in Vanilla?)
V1 from Donald Jonker(Originator); V3 from Nolendil; V2 from bebo; V3 from Rizwan; V2 from Jungle_Boy
F011 0 "Add stealth as a stat" Discuss.
In place of Charisma, as detailed in original thread
V1 from Antoine(Originator); V- from Buzzkill
F012 +1 "Macro command 'pause and accept direction/target'" Discuss.
Suggested in this thread.
V3 from PaulBlay
F013 +4 "improve mage sleep/confusion/slow/polymorph/wonder spells" Discuss.
Also referred to as 'charm spells (spells affected by Charisma)'.
- waiting for 3.2, where casters will be fully reworked/balanced (ie buffed), at the moment these are almost useless; i remember suggesting something for wonder in particular here http://angband.oook.cz/forum/showthread.php?t=1437
V1 from Pete Mack; V1 from Buzzkill; V2 from will_asher; V3 from Jungle_Boy
F014 N/A "monsters waking up shouldn't act right away" Discuss.
as per http://angband.oook.cz/forum/showthread.php?t=1439 - this may have already been implemented, but i checked trac and didn't see anything
Already to be implemented (so doesn't really need votes

F015 0 "Slightly reduce natural depth of scrolls of acquirement"
- by the point i get them, the ego's they give are 3 times out of 5 (rough estimate) worse than what i already possess; as a side note i think the new stat potion distribution is great
F016 0 "Get rid of magic mushroom patches. Completely."
V1 from Magnate(Originator);V- from Pav
F017 +1 "Nerf zephyr hounds"
higher rarities, smaller packs, shorter awareness range
V3 from will_asher
F018 0 "Change 'append macros to file' into four options:"
- 1: save this macro to user.prf (loaded every game)
- 2: save this macro to <current race>.prf (loaded every time a character of that race is loaded)
- 3: save this macro to <current class>.prf (as above for that class)
- 4: save this macro to <current name>.prf (loaded only for this specific character)
F019 -2 "Naturally increasing stats, no stat potions"
Make all the existing stats more like stealth; in fact, exactly like HP. For each stat, at each increase in character level, either boost it by one or don't, in such a way that they all end up at 18/100 at level 50. Preferably, randomly select the levels to allocate these at birth, like for hitpoints. No more stat gain, no more stat potions.
V1 from Nick(Originator); V- from Pete Mack; V- from will_asher; V- from PowerDiver
F020 (Oook) 0 "Add a 'Feature requests' section to the forum"
This forum would be moderated by someone who can spend time collecting all suggestions with links to related discussions in a locked sticky
F021 N/A "Strengthen mage and priest charm spells"
If CHA stays, strengthen its effects as well.
This was a mistaken vote for F013
F022 0 "Run-stop centring when monster in sight"
When running and automatically coming to a stop because a monster is in sight I think the character should be centred on the screen if the monster is off screen. This is essentially to reduce the number of times your character can see stuff but you can't.
(Pete Mack)
F023 +1 "add gold/object sales code from eddieband"
V2 from Pete Mack(originator)
F024 +1 "add ID-by-trial system from eddieband"
V3 from Pete Mack(originator)
F025 0 "add some of the ego lanterns from NPP"
F026 0 "make (ego) shot slightly more common deep in the dungeon"
So that Slings of Buckland are actually useful.
F027 +1 "Add x,y and z to inventory list"
Could x,y, and z be included in the equipment list so that we have all 26 alphabets? I think the only reason for not including them is that historically that was the only number of options that could fit in the screen.
V1 from Rizwan(Originator)
F028 +3 "Thieves should drop stolen gold when killed."
See also F023. If you make the gold and selling changes, you need to make thieves drop stolen gold or they may be too painful. That should be addressed in any discussion of F023.
This is raised in the new feature item Ticket #29 with a patch just submitted by Big Al. Vote for to encourage implementation (or vote against to discourage

V2 from PowerDiver; V2 from Rizwan; V1 from Pav
F029 +1 "Merge mage and priest books"
IMO mage and priest books should be merged, so that would be a side effect. I understand that this is radical and has never been discussed, but at least in V it is clear to me that it would improve the game.
V3 from PowerDiver(Originator)
F030 +1 "Birthday presents for all"
Birthday presents - Whenever you level up or at certain level intervals you get birthday presents. These could be items that show up in the home or get generated next to you when you level, whichever is easier on the coding. It would not be anything game breaking but just something kinda nice, perhaps speed potions or identify scrolls or enchantment scrolls, tele scrolls or tele lvl, maybe heal potions or CCW. The kind of thing that almost everyone needs or uses. It could even include stat increases though those should be kinda rare.
V1 from Jungle_Boy(Originator)
F031 +3 "NPP style quiver"
V2 from Pav(Originator); V3 from Donald Jonker; V1 from Dubtrain
F032 +1 "Rest to full HP/SP not both"
(UI improvement) 'R' prompt to be like "(0-9999), '&', 'h', 's' (h for HP, s for SP, & as needed)."
See NPP, Ey, and possibly others.
V3 from Pav(Originator)
Clarification: Detailed discussion should probably go in the linked individual threads (when present), brief comments (with votes where applicable) can go here. Also note that I will assign to the voting system above support offered in alternative format in this thread. If you disagree with any assignment given please say so.
I'm moving feature suggestion for variant *bands to a separate thread in the variants forum.