Sil: What are your least liked features of Sil?

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  • debo
    • Oct 2011
    • 2320

    Originally posted by half
    I've thought of "tt" many times and then realise that it will throw the item in slot 't'. This would only work if you made it so that manual throwing takes three keypresses (which might be the best option). Another idea is to use control-t for quick throw. I'm imagining that the main thing you want is something like "ff" that selects both the item and the target automatically?

    What I do at the moment is to inscribe spears/whatever with @t5. Then I use "t5" to throw one of them (if I don't care which). Since I have one hand on the numpad this comes quite naturally. I realise I've basically never done throwing with a slot letter.

    Further ideas on this interface for throwing are welcome!
    Point taken, but I could just as easily live with tT.

    (Or, take away 'tunneling' from T, force people to use ctrl-dir to tunnel, and then have TT be the command instead. But this is getting weird now.)
    Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


    • BlueFish
      • Aug 2011
      • 414

      Very small thing but broken doors should just disappear rather than looking like slightly off-color normal doors. Unless I'm missing something and broken doors have some meaning beyond empty space. I can never distinguish broken doors from normal open ones, and I often waste a turn trying to close them, unsuccessfully.

      I guess this might be in an edit file? I'll check.


      • half
        • Jan 2009
        • 886

        Originally posted by debo
        Point taken, but I could just as easily live with tT.
        I can't even do that, as capital letters are reserved for choosing that slot with a confirmation prompt. I'm not sure if anyone actually uses that though.

        I might be able to do 'ty' though, as the inventory stops at w. Or t<space> or something.


        • debo
          • Oct 2011
          • 2320

          I like the idea of saying 'thank you' to a monster by hurling an axe at them
          Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


          • Nick
            Vanilla maintainer
            • Apr 2007
            • 9352

            Originally posted by half
            Note that we don't feel obliged to make throwing weapons all that good. We have heard of them historically and in fantasy, but not all that much in Tolkien's works.
            I guess adding apples and burning pine cones isn't on the agenda
            One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
            In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


            • evilmike
              • Aug 2013
              • 33

              Originally posted by half
              I've thought of "tt" many times and then realise that it will throw the item in slot 't'. This would only work if you made it so that manual throwing takes three keypresses (which might be the best option). Another idea is to use control-t for quick throw. I'm imagining that the main thing you want is something like "ff" that selects both the item and the target automatically?
              Yeah, basically it would be the same as ff, and that's why I suggested tt. Control-t doesn't seem ideal, because that ctrl is basically an extra keypress by itself, although it's easy enough to remap stuff. Items that are on 't' are a problem with this, so you'd need something like y or space as suggested already.

              I'm all for stuff that streamlines ranged combat controls, anyway. Macros help a lot, and I like to use one for 'ff', just so I can use archery with a single keystroke (when sensible). Crawl supports this out of the box with it's "autofight" key, which is nice. It sounds trivial, but it practically cuts in half the number of buttons you press to make ranged attacks (not quite in half, because you still want to use manual targeting sometimes).


              • taptap
                • Jan 2013
                • 677

                Originally posted by half
                What I do at the moment is to inscribe spears/whatever with @t5. Then I use "t5" to throw one of them (if I don't care which). Since I have one hand on the numpad this comes quite naturally. I realise I've basically never done throwing with a slot letter.
                I find this surprising I always got the idea that you use spears in melee as well - I wouldn't want my melee spear thrown (and not recoverable) by accident. I inscribe @t1 @t2 @t3 etc. for the different stacks I have. I throw quite often by letter when I was too lazy to setup the inscriptions. I almost never put inscriptions on melee weapons and wield / switch by inventory letters.


                • taptap
                  • Jan 2013
                  • 677

                  I don't like a few ability dependencies:

                  * Cruel blow depending on Assassination

                  Pet issue. I like light weapon / subtlety without stealth, but it is an understandable otherwise (I would love if it would additionally depend on subtlety as a second route.)

                  * Song of Freedom depending on Song of Elbereth

                  I really do not understand this. Song of Elbereth is quite powerful all in itself it doesn't need to be condition for freedom to be taken. Song of Freedom really suffers from this, I would like to take it with characters that have little use for Elbereth as a rule.

                  P.S. Bug notification: lantern of Brightness autoIDs, feanorian lamp of brightness doesn't. so you need to look for special lanterns to get the xp for your lamp.
                  Last edited by taptap; August 17, 2013, 17:27.


                  • MarvinPA
                    • Jul 2013
                    • 49

                    So I'm not entirely sure whether this qualifies as a "thing I don't like" or a bug: is it intentional that Loremaster lets you see all traps on chests immediately, without having to search for them? I thought it was a bug and was going to fix it but some of the people in IRC weren't so sure, I guess in vanilla Angband it's intentional that you can identify chests to find traps on them (or possibly it's just an accidental consequence of how chests work there too?). It feels thematically wrong to me that an ability that lets you recognise objects because of your knowledge of lore also somehow lets you know about traps on chests without having to actually search for them.


                    • Scatha
                      • Jan 2012
                      • 413

                      MarvinPA: Yes, that would be a bug!


                      • HallucinationMushroom
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 679

                        Speaking of possible bugs:

                        I've noticed that sometimes when I go to use an un-id staff, I will see the trap symbol pop up in random places on the screen in rooms where I've been. The staff doesn't auto-id, but it's gotta be entrapment. I guess the traps shouldn't show up on screen.

                        When I see monsters like wolves and spiders fleeing, they sometimes flee toward staircases and sort of hover around them. I don't know if this is a bug, but it just seems odd. Maybe they should either use the stairs or ignore the stairs. These are mainly the very early level wolves/spiders. I forget the flavors off hand.

                        Anyway, I've noticed these a long time and have just forgotten to mention them.
                        You are on something strange


                        • BlueFish
                          • Aug 2011
                          • 414

                          It would be nice if Jewelled Crowns were functionally different in some way than Crowns, within the Smithing menu. Right now the choice between Crown and Jewelled Crown seems a false one in that Jewelled Crowns just increase smithing cost for no potential benefit. But the fact that there is no potential benefit has to be painstakingly discovered by the player.


                          • taptap
                            • Jan 2013
                            • 677

                            Originally posted by BlueFish
                            It would be nice if Jewelled Crowns were functionally different in some way than Crowns, within the Smithing menu. Right now the choice between Crown and Jewelled Crown seems a false one in that Jewelled Crowns just increase smithing cost for no potential benefit. But the fact that there is no potential benefit has to be painstakingly discovered by the player.
                            The main difference is that a special unidentified jewelled crown might be the crown of Feanor, which as a smith you wouldn't want to miss


                            • BlueFish
                              • Aug 2011
                              • 414

                              Just lost a +2, 2d5 [+2] long sword (orcrist or glamdring) to an orc thief picking it up and leaving the level.

                              As I understand it, this means that artifact will never be generated again. So not only can monsters pick up artifacts (unlike vanilla), they can leave the level and remove them permanently from the game. I don't like that at all.


                              • Patashu
                                • Jan 2008
                                • 496

                                Originally posted by BlueFish
                                As I understand it, this means that artifact will never be generated again. So not only can monsters pick up artifacts (unlike vanilla), they can leave the level and remove them permanently from the game. I don't like that at all.
                                Doesn't Sil also remove an artifact permanently if it was generated and you didn't pick it up? It seems categorically the same idea.
                                My Chiptune music, made in Famitracker:

