I'm not sure what killed you (and you probably skipped past the death screen), but if you look at your highscore file it should tell you (unless it was by poison). As debo said, 4 light radius is a lot, but Gwathraukar have -3 light radius which is very serious: especially when more than one shows up. Ungoliant is also exceptionally dark, as is the Balrog of Shadow. If you see darkness approaching (and if it seems to be overwhelming your own light) then running immediately is smart. You get your evasion and melee *halved* if you can't see the opponent, which is an incredibly big penalty in the late game: possibly (-15) [-15] or more!
The only unusual thing with Balrogs and shadow is that no matter the light level on their square, you can always see them (reflecting the fact that they burn with flame).
I remember getting caught in a corner with Ungoliant and another spider and not being able to use exchange. I thought it was all over, but I used a staff of foes to reveal them and to make my escape. Getting caught by anything that causes darkness can end your game real quick.
I just spent an enormous amount of time trying to figure out how to get the silmarils out of Morgy's crown. I think that "k" was the last functional button that I tried of all of them. I suggest that you allow some combination of "o" "d" "u" and "/" to work in future releases. Or at least spoil it somehow.
You do get a help message the first time that you walk overtop the crown which tells you to push 'k' to extract the Sil. It might also be good to put it in the recall text for the crown itself, perhaps?
Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'
Throne room can be very intense. It's very easy to walk over the crown and miss the message. I know the first time I got to that point I missed seeing it and ended up dying trying to figure it out. Putting the message in the recall text of the crown would be a good idea.
You do get a help message the first time that you walk overtop the crown which tells you to push 'k' to extract the Sil. It might also be good to put it in the recall text for the crown itself, perhaps?
Does anybody think that it would make sense to allow smithing of throwing weapons in stacks?
So that one use of a forge yields, say, three throwing axes.
Right now, it seems impractical to forge throwing weapons. You are likely to just find a stack of them on the floor, and if you have to choose between a single throwing weapon, however awesome, and a stack of three of regular ones, you are bound to choose a stack (IMHO.) And if you are a throwing specialist, you have to make that choice often, too, because inventory slots are such a precious resource in Sil.
Just started up a new character and saw a christmas present. That's pretty neat.
I can't decide if it is just over-confidence that caused me to lose characters who got Glamdring and Anglachel or if the "very bad feeling" is a curse... Perhaps I should set my PC clock to Christmas day before opening it...
I can't decide if it is just over-confidence that caused me to lose characters who got Glamdring and Anglachel or if the "very bad feeling" is a curse... Perhaps I should set my PC clock to Christmas day before opening it...
Yep. I've lost a few characters so far. Getting a really nice artefact at 50' tends to make one a bit over-confident. At least it does for me. Find a nice sword and go rampaging through the dungeon saying 'I kill you all! Muahaha!!'. Then die two seconds later to a horde of orcs. Good times.
The presents are meant to be a source of future hope at the moment! You can carry them with you and open them on or after Tuesday (or start new characters then).
Of course you could also open them now and treat this as an extra challenge mode ...