The vampires thing is a good question. It might make Final Rest more useful, since I never keep those anymore (There aren't many undead types that are dangerous, and free action is readily available elsewhere.)
I prefer that serpents stay the way they are, because serpents would be sort of a joke if you could just roll over them with Nargothrond (they have very low HP). I like that they force you to either have a heavy weapon or some other strategy of dealing with them (other than just picking up a random slay), but are easily dispatched once you've figured that out.
Nargorthrond is an interesting slay right now because it gives you a better change at fighting monsters who you are normally better off avoiding (esp balrogs and drakes). If it was just ezmode for serpents I might not like it so much
I prefer that serpents stay the way they are, because serpents would be sort of a joke if you could just roll over them with Nargothrond (they have very low HP). I like that they force you to either have a heavy weapon or some other strategy of dealing with them (other than just picking up a random slay), but are easily dispatched once you've figured that out.
Nargorthrond is an interesting slay right now because it gives you a better change at fighting monsters who you are normally better off avoiding (esp balrogs and drakes). If it was just ezmode for serpents I might not like it so much
